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Everything posted by itimpi

  1. That is standard if User Shares are in use. It is a view that will show the content for a User Share that is on the array (i.e. excluding any that is on a pool/cache).
  2. Yes if you want anything related to docker to be moved.
  3. That output only shows 2 folders - I thought there were 6? Since there appears to be a folder under the share Tutorials also called Tutorials maybe it will be worth repeating the 'ls' command for that sub-folder?
  4. You are likely to get better feedback if you attach your system's diagnostics zip file to your next post in this thread. Did you disable the Docker and VM Services before running mover? Those services will keep files open which stops them being moved.
  5. You are likely to get better feedback if you attach your system's diagnostics zip file to your next post in this thread.
  6. All the "Official" documentation is on links that start with https://wiki.unraid.net/Manual/ (and this is what the 'Manual' link at the bottom of the GUI takes you to). Anything else is community contributed content.
  7. It does say "The last few Stable releases will have the download link on the Download page on the Unraid web site" which should be easy enough to work out It also tells you what to do if you want a beta/rc release.
  8. It could also be worth checking the drives to make sure you have not ever accidentally created a folder on any drive with the same spelling but different capitalisation as that can can cause this type of symptom.
  9. Sorry about the name confusion - I was not near the server at the time to check the wording (but at lest you found the setting). It is not at all clear why some people have the issue with dot files disappearing while others (like myself) do not It might be worth toggling this setting, hitting Apply, toggling it back and hitting Apply again just to make sure it is taking effect. Unfortunately as far as I can tell the SMB settings are not included in the Diagnostics so the setting can easily be checked.
  10. @Bob Corless Have you checked that you have the option to show "dot" files under Settings->SMB set to Yes?
  11. You can get logs that survive a reboot by enabling the syslog server.
  12. Yes. That would create a new share named after the top level folder but that probably makes sense anyway so it is clear which are the backup copies.
  13. I notice that you have the 'appdata' and 'system' shares set to Use Cache=Yes which tells mover to attempt to move them to the array and as a result have files for these shares on the array. Normally for performance reasons you want these shares on the cache. To achieve that you should change them to Use Cache=Prefer; disable the docker and VM services (which keep files open on these shares thus stopping them being moved) and then manually run mover from the Main tab.
  14. I notice that you have a share anonymized as D-----x that has files on the cache but is set to Use Cache=No. Mover ignores any share set to No if it has files on the cache. Not sure if this is the culprit but worth checking out. BTW: It is rarely worth running mover as frequently as hourly - it is really designed for idle time. Mover can never move files from cache to array as fast as you can write to the cache so if you are downloading a lot you should consider whether the cache should be used at all the downloads.
  15. You should attach your diagnostics zip file to your next post to see if we can spot anything.
  16. Have you tried disabling the docker and VM services and seeing if you still have the problem? You might want to also boot in Safe mode to disable any plugins running. That would allow you to at least identify if it is a problem with the base Unraid system, and if they then do not spin up it would give you a starting point for gradually enabling these options to see which one causes the spin ups.
  17. Are you running any docker containers - they can keep drives spun up. Also I notice the the appdata share used by Docker containers has files on disk1 - not all on the cache.
  18. In which case you are likely to get better informed feedback if you attach your system’s diagnostics zip file to your next post in this thread so we can see more about your setup.
  19. Read access to files in a User Share will find the files on all drives if they exist with the right path regardless of the User Share settings. If a file exists on more than one drive then the first found is shown (the search order is pools in alphabetical order followed by array drives in ascending disk# order). It is write access for new files that are controlled by the various settings for a User Share that can control placement.
  20. That should not have filled your RAM - it would have resulted in the transcode file(s) being written internally to the container rather than the mapped /tmp location that IS in RAM.
  21. It is very strange as the error message when you try to add it says it is already in the array Cannot think what might be causing this, but I expect it will be something easily fixed if we could only track it down.
  22. Do you have Settings->SMB->Hide "dot" files set to Yes?
  23. can you give the output of fdisk -l again so we can check that the partition has been deleted
  24. The thing I could see causing that is a plugin that installs something into a folder along that path and has been built slightly incorrectly so is over-riding the Unraid default ones You could check this by booting in Safe Mode (which suppresses loading plugins) to see if it occurs then. If so it is going to be a case of identifying the culprit.
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