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Everything posted by itimpi

  1. Not that I know of. It is in FAT32 format so does not support encryption or anything like that.
  2. Sounds like you want the flash drive mounted internally on the server, and a case for it you can lock?
  3. The drives can be used, but they DO have to be partitioned and formatted by Unraid so the existing content is lost when this happens. you will need at least one drive that can be emptied when added to the Unraid array. You could then copy the contents of the other drives one at a time to the Unraid array, and having done so add that drive to the array to add it as extra space,
  4. It should only take a minute or two - definitely something going wrong.
  5. That does not make sense - something has to be set wrong for that to happen. I would suggest you post your system’s diagnostics zip file and mention which share is showing this behaviour.
  6. The only way I can think of this happening is if you are overwriting a file that already exists there as in this case it is done in situ. It should NEVER happen for new file if the Use Cache=Only setting is set.
  7. Makes one wonder if the flash drives are 'fake'. If not suggests something at the hardware level is corrupting the flash drive.
  8. This will be because the latest releases of Unraid start the partition for SSDs on a different start sector (to improve efficiency) so there is slightly less space available. I think the only way forward would be to use the New Config tool to get the new SSD into the array and then copy across the data from the old SSD. You might want to wait to see if anyone else has a different idea. Just checking but you do realise that SSDs in the main array cannot be trimmed? This can lead to their performance degrading over time.
  9. Have you checked that there really are files there - if so which ones might give a clue. Asking because the used space will never go to zero as you get something like 1-2% of the space used the moment you format a drive to create an empty files system.
  10. This suggests a hardware issue. I would carefully check your cooling (especially the CPU fan) in case it is thermally related. Another possibility since you say you recently added new drives would be that the PSU is overloading trying to handle the additional hardware. As was mentioned the syslog server should allow a software trigger to be eliminated. Regarding unclean shutdowns you may find this section of the online documentation to be helpful.
  11. It might be worth reading this section of the online documentation accessible via the ‘Manual’ link at the bottom of the GUI.
  12. Just a thought - have you checked that there is not an (incomplete) copy of the file already on the cache from a previous failed attempt? If Unraid finds a file already exists it will try and update in situ and thus use the drive it exists on regardless of the other settings.
  13. There is nothing to install if you are on 6.10.3 as it Wireguard is now built in so deleting the old plugin was the correct thing to do. Are you saying that you do not have Settings->VPN Manager where you now configure Wireguard?
  14. Mover never moves files between pools, only to/from a designated pool and the array. you either need to do such a move manually or do it in 2 stages - 1 to get files off old cache onto array and then a second one to get files off the array and onto the new cache drive
  15. That command is incorrect for doing it from the command line as it such a case it needs the partition. However doing so will invalidate parity. The suggestion at this point was to see if it mounts under UD - not necessarily repair it.
  16. So was I As long as you only set something like the 10% value on a pool if it is currently 0 I see little downside. The worst case is that a User Share unexpectedly overflows to the Main array because 10% is too much, but this is not a serious issue, and the user could then modify the setting to any none-zero value they prefer.
  17. Just a thought - have you checked if those buttons are disabled if the array is stopped? Not near my server at the moment to check this out
  18. I’ve been suggesting this for some time if it is spotted that the value is 0, and leave it alone if it is any other value (I.e. explicitly set by the user).
  19. How are you writing to the cache? If it is from a docker container are you sure that you have the mapping set to a User Share rather than to go directly to the pool (thus by-passing the User Share settings)? BTW: You are likely to get better informed feedback if you attach your system’s diagnostics zip file to your next post in this thread.
  20. Have you tried the Mover Tuning plugin to see if that satisfies your needs? BTW: You should always set a sensible Minimum Free Space setting for any pool as file systems tend to misbehave if they get too full.
  21. WireGuard is fully built into the latest Unraid releases - no need any more to install a plugin.
  22. That will be because you are encountering the behaviour described here in the online documentations accessible via the ‘Manual’ link at the bottom of the GUI. if you are on 6.10.x or later Unraid release then I would recommend using the Dynamix File Manager plugin to copy/move files/folders as it would protect you from this behaviour.
  23. This is wrong You need to add a folder name to that path (e.g. /mnt/plex_cache/plex) which will end up with a share named after the folder name). You can pick any folder name you want that makes sense to you. After making that change you can manually move the existing contents into that folder and plex will not notice any difference.
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