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Everything posted by itimpi

  1. You could try using the Manual Install method instead of using the USB Creator tool.
  2. Being able to manually start a Mover session from the GUI while a parity check is actively running is outside the remit of this feature as I have no control over the manual Mover button being disabled This feature is intended to work the other way around and pause a parity check if it detects mover running. The prime use case for this feature is for when a scheduled overnight mover starts while a parity check is running as this is a not atypical setup. The secondary use is when you have initiated a manual mover session and then a parity check is started. You could amend the times for a scheduled check to simulate the mover button being pressed, but that seems a bit obscure. It should also be possible to issue the ‘mover’ command from the command line although this is not something I have ever tried.
  3. Not if you the ‘md’ device. When you use that it will keep parity in sync. it would have been easier to do it from the GUI then you do not need to worry about getting device names right.
  4. Checked the earlier diagnostics and you are correct. I missed that when I looked at them and it was not that clear in the screenshots. Until parity is rebuilt there will be no protection.
  5. The Use Cache setting determines where NEW files are placed. You should read the help built into the GUI to understand the effect of this setting, and how the settings affect mover behavior. If Unraid was starting from scratch then different words might have been used for the values. However this not the case and originally only the Yes/No options existed. Much later the Prefer and Only options were added and by this time it was too late to change the Yes/No options without confusing existing users.
  6. You could use the Parity Check Tuning plugin instead. That is more flexible and does everything the cumulative check does and much more. It also (although not relevant here) runs on earlier Unraid releases.
  7. The Docker Safe New Permissions option is only available if you have installed the Fix Common Problems plugin. The screenshot you post is for the New Permissions tool that comes as standard with Unraid. Despite the preamble you can run it any time you think you have a permissions issue. Just select what you want it to be applied to and click Start.
  8. There is a lot of out-of-date information in the wiki (although it is largely correct). You should if possible always use the the official online documentation accessible via the ‘Manual’ link at the bottom of the GUI. The relevant part is this
  9. You need to make sure it gets formatted as FAT32. Windows will not do this on drives larger than 32GB so you may need to use a 3rd party tool to achieve this.
  10. The version provided with Unraid will not work with UEFI boot. If you want a version that will download it from memtest86.com
  11. Look like it Not sure how that could happen though ss I did nothing out of the ordinary to make it happen.
  12. Did you click on the link I provided as that should have provided the instructions needed. If you did click on the link then please mention what could be added to make it clearer.
  13. I strongly suspect that is s false value. It is technically not possible for parity to run that fast on HdDs.
  14. It means array operations such as parity check, read check, parity sync, rebuild Just start mover and after a short delay the plugin will detect that mover (assuming you have enabled the option) is running and will pause the array operation and then resume it when mover finishes.
  15. As mentioned elsewhere why not use some of these additional drives in pools rather than the main array?
  16. It is 30 drives in the main array, but you can also have multiple pools of up to 30 drives. I think this makes the max number of drives supported of the order of 1000. There is a roadmap item to add multiple main arrays - no idea on the ETA or the number of such arrays that will be supported when/if this feature arrives.
  17. You should make sure you set a value for the Minimum Free Space for the cache to stop Unraid trying to fill it up (you currently have it set to 0).
  18. It looks as if it temporarily dropped offline and then came back online. The device Id changed and Unraid does not handle this.
  19. You are likely to get better informed feedback if you post your system’s diagnostics zip file.
  20. They are at the end of the Main tab.
  21. Parity does cannot fix file system corruption, however it is only that drive that is affected if it happens - the other drives are unaffected, That is because Unraid utilise the built in btrfs specific version of RAID in such a case. XFS has no equivalent functionality.
  22. Did you make sure you had the newer Nvidia Driver plugin that is needed for 6.10.3? There was an earlier one with a similar name that many people have installed.
  23. You always have the option of using the Parity Check Tuning plugin instead to achieve this. As well as working on all Unraid releases it provides significantly more functionality.
  24. Check under Settings->Unassigned Devices that you actually have it set to make SMB shares from UD visible on the network.
  25. Are you using locking SATA cables? I believe that with WD drives you are normally better off using non-locking cables.
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