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Everything posted by itimpi

  1. Caching only applies to new files (assuming the caching is enabled for the share in question). If you have Use CACHE=yes set then the mover function later moves the files to the array.
  2. The question does not make sense as asked What you CAN do as long as you have the Unassigned Devices (UD) plugin installed is share it as a network share under a name of your own choosing.
  3. Have you tried running without XMP enabled to see if that improves stability? XMP often seems to cause unpredictable issues despite the memtest passing.
  4. Encryption does not affect whether disks can be rebuilt as that works at the raw sector level so the rebuild process is not even aware of the encryption. Where encryption can get in the way is you get some other sort of failure such as file system level corruption that is invisible to parity. In this case the utilities for repairing damaged file systems can sometimes struggle if the disks are encrypted.
  5. how did you transfer the files? If it was done using Krusader then it is possible the permissions got messed up. If so running Tools->New Permissions on the relevant share should fix that.
  6. Not in place! To encrypt a disk it needs to be formatted as encrypted which wipes any existing content. You are therefore going to do a lot of copying to get your array to an encrypted state. it is worth checking that you really want encryption and it is worth the hassle? If you later have problems with the array then encryption can make it more difficult to recover without data loss.
  7. If you are going to do a New Config then I would think the easiest thing to do is: do the New Config and select the option to keep current assignments Unassigned the current disk2 Assign the replacement disk in as disk2, if you want it encrypted set the file system for disk2 to say this start the array to commit the new assignments format the replacement disk2. You can then mount the old disk2 via Unassigned Devices so you can copy the data back to the new disk2. This avoids the need to ever have a disk11 in the array which will later need removing.
  8. You need at least one spare drive as all drives in the UnRaid array need to be partitioned/formatted by Unraid. unassigned Devices might help with the copying of data onto the array but it does not avoid the need for the getting a drive into the UnRaid array before copying any data over.
  9. You said that you were updating so I assume that was to 6.9.2 ? The reason for the approach I suggested is that I have seen that in the past occasionally that when updating via the GUI the new files for the new release seem to not have been written successfully to the flash resulting in the symptoms you got and rewriting them outside the update process gives you a good copy.
  10. OK with that information the behaviour you are seeing is expected. With the “High Water” setting on the share that disk will get used until 3TB has been written (the next switch point since your largest data drive is 6TB). More detail on how high-water works can be found here in the online documentation accessible via the ‘Manual’ link at the bottom of the Unraid GUI.
  11. OK. Perhaps I need to do more investigation into why I was having problems with XFS disks from UnRaid. I guess I should also test with BTRFS formatted disks from UnRaid to get a more complete view. I like the Paragon software so will be happy if I can get it working well with UnRaid formatted drives.
  12. It is possible, but without more information it is impossible to be certain what is going on. It will depend on the names of the files you are putting on the array, the shares they belong to and the settings for those shares.
  13. Just for interest which file system were you using? I have that software installed on my Windows system and it is recognising my XFS format drives from Unraid, but can only show the top level folder on the drive! I have a bug report outstanding with Paragon but they do not seem very hopeful they can resolve what is going wrong as they have offered to give me a refund (which I have not taken as the software is handling ext4 format drives fine for me).
  14. I would suggest you try downloading the zip file for the release and then extract all the bz* type files over-writing those on the flash.
  15. Has anyone asked in the Nerd Pack plugin support thread whether this is a package that can be added? I have no idea if it can be installed easily as a free-standing package (and thus suitable for Nerd Pack) or whether there are other requirements that would make this difficult.
  16. You should definitely try turning off XMP until you have your server in a stable state. The problem with any over-clocking is that it is impossible to predict with any certainty when it might cause a failure regardless of tests you do in advance. it seems that servers are more prone to this sort of issue than desktops, but I suspect it is just more noticeable as they tend to be left running 24x7.
  17. Reiserfsck checks can take a long time (many hours) particularity with large disks, with the only sign of activity being fact that the disk is still being read.
  18. Not a direct answer to your question, but would it not be easier to by-pass this issue by running the Plex docker container on your Unraid server as you could then map the media through directly without using any shares?
  19. The memtest supplied with Unraid will not work when booting in UEFI mode. You can get one that will from memtest86.com
  20. OK, was just wondering as that might have affected any suggestions for recovery. Never like it when the superblock cannot be found.
  21. Not so good. Is the disk also disabled (with a red ‘x’) or not?
  22. That looks good. Running without -n and (if requested) with -L should fix things.
  23. This would not achieve anything and might even be counter-productive if a drive is reading unreliable. Handling of unmountable disks is described here in the online documentation accessible via the ‘Manual’ link at the bottom of the Unraid GUI.
  24. I suspect that the files are actually on an another drive. Note that the /mnt/cache/appdata location is part of the ‘appdata’ share which can be referenced by /mnt/user/appdata, but this latter version also includes any ‘appdata’ folders on the main array drives.
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