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Everything posted by itimpi

  1. Deleting the hash files should have no effect, so what is the unexpected behaviour?
  2. BTRFS (or BTRFS encrypted) are the only file system types supported if you have more than 1 drive in the pool.
  3. That is not atypical when writing to the parity protected array. You may find this section of the online documentation useful in explains why and the options that are available for maximising performance.
  4. Just for reference, installing the CA Config Editor plugin gives a convenient way of editing any of the configuration files on the flash drive.
  5. There have been those who want files on the cache for performance and have written their own scripts to perform periodic backups to the array. Unraid will not as standard allow a file to be in two different locations, but if you set this up manually then it shows the cache copy in preference to the one on the array.
  6. No - the standard ‘Unraid behavior is to only ever have one copy of any file so 0nce a file is flushed to the main array it is removed from a cache pool.
  7. It is not that easy as there are some Use Cases that have been brought up in the past where files are deliberately placed in the ‘wrong’ position. The change you mention would break any system with that Use Case.
  8. I do not think you can do what you describe. Unraid only loads off the USB (it runs from RAM) and uses the USB to store all its settings and to hold the licence. It is not ‘installed’ in the traditional OS sense.
  9. You can use the Parity Tuning Plugin to offload the parity check to idle hours. It means elapsed time goes up but the impact on daily usage goes down. Since a parity check tends to be a relatively rare event as it is basically a confidence check this normally does not matter.
  10. Not sure what your problem is, but I have one of those cards installed in one of my servers and it is working fine with the current Nvidia builds. I specifically went for that card because of the fact that it is fanless and therefore silent.
  11. Is that a new file or are you overwriting an existing file? Only new files will go via the cache, existing files are over-written in-situ.
  12. You only get a folder structure on the cache drive if there are files for the relevant share. When mover runs then after moving any files for a share it removes any empty folders.
  13. The name 'cache' is historical from its original purpose - now-a-days it can simply be an application drive/pool. Whether anything is cached is controlled at the individual share level. The Unraid 6.9.0 release brings with it the option to call a pool anything you like.
  14. Is the network you are connecting FROM on a different subnet to 192.168.0.x ? If not that might explain why you are having problems as you could be picking up the wrong DNS server. I have deliberately set my home subnet to not be on the 192.168.0.x or 192.168.1.x subnets as these are frequently encountered on the client end. You might be better off specifying something like as a DNS server.
  15. Have you made sure that you have specified a DNS server that is visible via the tunnel?
  16. Which option did you choose when setting up WireGuard?
  17. I notice that you have that share set to Split Level = 1. That means that as soon as a folder is created under that share then all contained folders/files will be constrained to the disk where that folder is created. If I understand your paths correctly then this means that the contained Movies folder can not be split across disks. Since Split Level is over-rides other settings such as Allocation Method and Minimum Free Space in the event of contention then Maybe you need a more relaxed Split Level setting?
  18. You should post your system’s diagnostics zip file (obtained via Tools->Diagnostics) so we can see how you have things set up. What exactly were the source and target you specified in Krusader?
  19. It has always been specified that way. There have been bugs fixed around the resume code not working as intended so maybe at some point you were working more by accident than by design.
  20. The UAB reset is used when you cannot get into the GUI to change it that way. Note that the USB method only allows you to remove any existing password - not set it to a new value.
  21. I have been trying to see how those messages are being generated. I expect them to look like those reported by @CS01-HS so I think I am going to add a log message that gives the plugin settings before listing each drive to see what they are to confirm each drive is being categorised correctly. FYI: Any drive that does not currently report a temperature is automatically treated as falling into the ‘cool’ category.
  22. Are you sure you have got the right cables for connecting the disks? They come in ‘forward’ and ‘reverse’ variants that look identical but are wired differently.
  23. That log snippet shows that you still have drives that are too hot to resume. A Resume needs all the drives to be registered as 'cool'.
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