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Everything posted by itimpi

  1. Since the cache pools are nothing to do with ubBalance as it works on the array drives, what makes you think it needs an update for Unraid 6.9.0?
  2. Have you tried the steps documented here in the online documentation for trying a file system check/repair on the ‘unmountable’ dtive?
  3. The section on Replacing Disks in the online manual covers this scenario.
  4. Any suggestions for making the wording clearer would be welcomed. It is always difficult when up you know what is the correct procedure to make sure that you have clearly specified what is needed in a manner that is meaningful to a user who is new to the system.
  5. You can do this yourself by editing the first post in the thread and adding (SOLVED) to the title.
  6. No point as that Just wastes time. Just format it from Unraid now that it has been added to the array. You might want to first click on the drive (with the array stopped) to set an explicit format type if you do not want the default file system type set under Settings -> Disk Settings. FYI: I have added a paragraph about this into the official Unraid documentation on the process of adding disks.
  7. You are saying that you formatted the drive after pre-clearing it but BEFORE you added it to the array? That is the incorrect order as the format would have removed the preclear status so Unraid would have promptly carried out a Clear on the drive when you added it to the array. The format needs to be done AFTER adding it to the array. Unraid is probably offering to format it again? If so you just need to check the disk is set to the file system type you want and then proceed to format it again.
  8. Not sure, but if that is a recent model you may need to use the 6.9.0 beta release to have drivers for your NICs? That release has a much newer Linux kernel that the 6.8.3 release and includes drivers for newer chipsets.
  9. Normally you add a pre-cleared drive to the array at which point it will show as unmountable as it has no file system and Unraid will be offering to format the drive. If you do not want the default format then at this point you can click on the drive to set an explicit format. You then format it to the desired format. Your description sounds like you did something different - if so what were the actual steps you followed?
  10. Have you enabled the “Host Access to Custom Networks” option under Settings->Network? I think that may be required for this to work.
  11. No, there is no WiFi support included in Unraid.
  12. USB2 drives are not a requirement but they are still recommended as they tend work more reliably. They also seem to be longer-lived which is thought to probably be because they run much cooler - something you want in a drive left plugged in 24x7. Since Unraid runs from RAM there is no performance advantage over using USB3 except for a few seconds faster boot time as it is loaded into RAM.
  13. I have used a variety of Sandisk and Kingston flash drives - they all had unique GUIDs.
  14. If you want them to be on the cache, then change Use Cache setting to Prefer Disable docker and vm services (if they are currently enabled) (as open files cannot be moved). Start mover from the Main tab and wait for it complete re-enable docker and/or vm services you can now (optionally) change the Use Cache setting to ‘Only’ if you want to ensure new files are only written to the cache.
  15. The System share is currently only on disk1 and the docker.img file (that contains the binaries for docker apps) is stored in this share. For performance reasons you normally want this file to be on your cache drive. It would also explain why disk1 does not spin down.
  16. No. Unraid never automatically moves files between array drives. This always has to be done manually if you want it to happen.
  17. Not sure which build gets installed if you do that. You only chord EITHER a Nvidia build OR a stock build.
  18. At this point I would let the rebuild finish and then attempt the fs repair. the point I was making is that (if this happens again) you can first try the repair on the emulated disk before starting the rebuild. If this fails then the result of the rebuild will fail as well so no point in even attempting it, but if it succeeds you can switch back to normal mode and then rebuild knowing that what is now showing on the emulated drive is what will end up on the physical disk after the rebuild.
  19. There is something a bit off from your described steps. You should not need to create a new user on Unraid - the plugin wants you to use the same user as used for the Unraid GUI (user=root, password=whatever-you-set).
  20. That would work. Whatever is showing before you start a rebuild is what will show after the rebuild. if you would prefer then it is perfectly acceptable to run the file system check/repair on the emulated drive before doing a rebuild. If that does not fix the ‘unmountable’ file system then the rebuild will not help as the rebuild simply transfers what is on the emulated drive to the physical drive.
  21. If you ever tried to copy between a disk share and a User share you can end up with all your files truncated to 0 size. This is because a User Share is just another view of the files on the Disk Shares, and when you do such a copy you end up trying to write the file over-itself which ends up truncated to 0 size. The reason is an architectural one in that because the paths are different the Linux level does not realise they are actually the same file so does not block the copy attempt. This is one of the reasons that Disk Shares are not normally enabled by default.
  22. Is your cache drive large enough to hold the contents of the shares set to Prefer?
  23. Any time you set install a container via the Apps tab then the settings you used are saved in a template on the flash dtive. If you restore the containers using the Previous Apps section of the Apps tab then these will be used so that they will be put back with their previous settings intact.
  24. I am not sure this would work well. You might be better off suggesting to plugin authors that they add entries in the other section if appropriate.
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