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Everything posted by itimpi

  1. Isn’t the key file simply a text file containing the key you would otherwise enter via the GUI? If so it should be trivial to create it manually.
  2. As well as mounting the original drive via the UD plugin to check it’s file contents (and file system type),: check that the file system type for disk7 agrees with what the UD plugin says it was for the 5TB drive. start the array in Maintenance mode click on drive 7 to bring up the dialog that allows you to check the file system run the check and see what it says. If the drive was XFS this should be relatively quick (minutes) but reiserfs takes much longer (hours). if the check above said run without -n try that to start a repair. If prompted to add -L try again with that option stop array and then restart in normal mode ideally after the file system check & repair the disk will be mountable and you can see it’s contents. You can compare this with what was on the 5TB drive to make sure everything is there.
  3. I cannot think how this is possible (unless you meant you deleted its contents which could have unexpected side-effects)! It might be worth posting a screenshot of what is shown when you click on the boot device on the Main tab as that is what the 'flash' share is mapped to.
  4. You could try installing the File Activity plugin to see if it shows what files might be open on that drive. if you have dockers or VMs running and any of the files they use are on disk2 they will keep it spun up.
  5. As far is Unraid the drive was disabled due to a write failure so it does not know that the data on it is good which is why it is trying to do a rebuild. if you are SURE that no writes were made to the array then you can do the following: use Tools >> New Config to reset the array. Use the option to retain current assignments. go back to the Main tab and select the ‘Parity is Good’ option and start the array. Everything should come back up OK. It might be a good idea at this point to start a correcting parity check to make sure that parity really is good. You may get a few corrections almost immediately if a ‘housekeeping’ type write was missed because the drive was disabled. However if after a few minutes no further corrections appear you can probably safely stop the parity check.
  6. You can not rely on the sdX numbers as although they tend to remain constant they are actually assigned dynamically at the Linux level as devices are seen so could change if for any reason a device is slower to respond than normal. The only numbers that seem to remain constant are the ata?? type identifiers . unraid identifies disks by serial number regardless of how they are attached so it is debatable whether you should be using that or something dependent on where they are connected? You definitely want to try and put a label on the actual drives that shows the serial number (or at least the last few digits) as this is what is shown in the Unraid gui. Ideally that serial should be easily visible and if so it is probably more important than trying to label the cable.
  7. Mapping to /mnt/user might well be a problem -you should also have a directory at the end of that path (perhaps something like ‘/mnt/user/appdata/nextcloud/localdata’).
  8. Where do you have those located? Mine are on the cache so automatically ignored anyway.
  9. You are making use of a facility that is not part of the core Unraid product, but a 3rd party add-on.
  10. The tightening of permissions on the boot drive for security reasons means it is no longer possible to have files stored on that drive with execute permissions set. The files need to be copied off the drive to somewhere else before you can set execute permissions.
  11. Unassigned Devices does not participate in standard Unraid shares. However if the device is mounted then there is a ‘share’ toggle against the drive that can be used to share out the whole drive as a single share.
  12. Not sure why this recommendation assuming the system has sufficient RAM to run dockers. Dockers are much lighter weight than running VMs and from a resource viewpoint are closer to plugins. Maybe it was specific dockers? I can see the Sempron not being much good at a CPU intensive task like transcoding for instance.
  13. Moving files/folders when they stay on the same drive is very fast. Note however that disk shares never contain a space in their name! If you are seeing a share that starts with "disk 3" then that is NOT a disk share but is a User Share and there will be a folder with that name on one or more of your drives.
  14. Since a User Share is made up by amalgamating all folders of a given name across all drives, you can always go in at the command line level and rename the folder in question on the drives which contain it. An alternative to the command line for doing something like this would be the Dolphin or Krusader dockers. If you have enabled disk shares under Settings >> Global Share settings so you can see individual drives across the network you can do it that way as well. Just a word of warning - if you enable disk shares never copy to/from a disk share and a User Share in the same command as this can lead to data loss. Using just disk shares or just user shares in a command is safe. if you use either of the above techniques then when you go back to the Shares tab the renamed user share should be there with default settings.
  15. Are you on rc4 when you try this? I have a feeling that is a new option in rc4.
  16. You also need to get the cache drive online as the system will be trying to access it to check if there are any files for that share on the cache (regardless of the Use Cache setting)..
  17. You should check the release notes for a release to determine the kernel used. Most new releases of Unraid will have an updated kernel so that is a moving target as releases progress.
  18. The diagnostics show that you have file system corruption on disk5. you should stop the array, restart it in Maintenance mode, and then click on disk5 to get to the dialog from which you can run a file system check on disk5. The output of that should give an idea of how to proceed.
  19. It looks as if your cache disk has dropped offline. Whether it has failed or not is not clear. your best bet is to power-cycle the system to see if the cache drive comes back online. After bringing the system back up post new diagnostics so we can see if the cache drive is now showing up, and if so what state it is in.
  20. You should provide your system diagnostics zip file (obtained via Tools >> Diagnostics) to get any sort of informed feedback.
  21. That would make sense. The '/' character is normally a reserved character in folder/filenames. Not sure how you created those names in the first place?
  22. It depends on the behaviour you want! That is correct if you want the files to initially preferentially go to the cache and eventually end up on the array. Note that the Min Free Space setting is still significant if you want files to overflow to the array if the cache is full.
  23. I am not quite sure what you mean by this? With the ''Prefer" setting Unraid is always going to try and move files for the share to the cache. My response below is assuming that you have ended up with an incomplete folder on disk1 - not that is where the files are meant to end up. If this is wring I suggest you post a screen shot of the settings for that share It is not quite that simple with the prefer setting! When selecting a disk for download Unraid makes a check for free space when the file is first created (i.e. it is zero size). This means that If the file is larger than the free space on the drive selected then as the file grows while downloading you get the 'out of space' error. The way to avoid this happening is to use the Min. Free Space setting for the cache drive under Settings >> Global Share Settings. This will stop the cache drive being selected (and an array drive being selected instead) for a new file if the free space on the cache is below this value. You need this to be at least as large as the largest file you expect to download, and if multiple downloads are running in parallel possibly even larger. Even if the file is written to the array initially when mover runs with the 'Prefer' setting it will try and move files for the share from array to cache.
  24. Are you booting UEFI or Legacy mode? The Unraid memtest only works in legacy mode. If you want a version that can be used from UEFI mode then you need to download an appropriate version from the memtest86 web site and create a bootable USB.
  25. I’ll check this out. Showing the type of the parity check in the history is a recent addition to the plugin and it is possible it could be getting it wrong. Note that the plugin specifically does NOT use the configured setting but attempts to derive it from other sources during the parity check. This is because there are scenarios under which the check cannot do exactly what is scheduled and it silently runs a reduced variant of the check. EDIT: Found the cause - silly mistake on my part. Will check out the fix and then release an updated plugin
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