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Everything posted by itimpi

  1. That is only relevant if you are trying to reorder existing disks! Simply adding a disk does not affect parity.
  2. I guess the first question that springs to my mind is what the firewall is intended to protect? If your Unraid server is on the local LAN and not exposed to the internet do you need to even bother as your router should be protecting the server from the internet. Adding an additional firewall may be added complexity for little gain.
  3. I am not sure why you think parity is affected when you add a new data disk unless something is going on that you have not mentioned. If you have pre-cleared the drive then it does not affect either parity disk. If you have not pre-cleared it then Unraid will Clear it as part of the process of adding it and again parity is not affected.
  4. If you want to be able to use SMB1 then you need to enable settings->SMB Settings->Use Netbios
  5. The logs show mover trying to move appdata files from cache to array (which is consistent with the settings for that share) and then finding there are files that it cannot move (presumably because they are in use by the Plex docker). Do you really want the appdata share to end up on the array? Most people want it on the cache for performance reasons. If you do want the appdata share to end up on the array you probably want to disable the docker service while mover is running so that files are not held open. BTW: I notice that you are on a very old release of unraid (6.4.1) - is there any reason for this? There may be issues with that release that we do not remember.
  6. Those diagnostics do not show any mover action. I assume you attempted to run mover after activating its logging? it might be necessary to stop and then restart the array (or even reboot) to get something logged if things need resetting.
  7. The information gets written to the syslog so you could just post new diagnostics (as they include the syslog).
  8. not clear what you mean by ‘mover is not working’! Assuming you mean you want files moved from cache to array, do you have the ‘Use Cache’ setting for such shares set to ‘Yes’? That is the setting required for mover to move files from cache to array. If that is not the problem perhaps you can try turning on mover logging to get more information recorded in the syslog about what mover is doing and giving the names of some shares that are not giving expected behavior.
  9. itimpi


    I wonder if the OP war thinking of the time since the Unraid release being run was actually installed?
  10. You should probably prob9de a screenshot of the settings you have for your Plex docker container if that is the one you suspect might be causing your issue.
  11. You can always do a manual install of any release by downloading the zip file from the Limetech site and extracting all the bz* type files to the root of the flash drive (overwriting those already there).
  12. If you have a licensed copy of Unraid on your new flash drive, then you can simply copy the ‘config’ folder from the old one to bring all your configuration information across.
  13. If over the network then it might depend on the access set up for the ‘flash’ share. In fact thinking about with the 6.8-0-rc1 release the new permissions probably prohibit doing it via the network. the easiest way to remove the file is probably to plug it into a PC/mac and do it from there.
  14. You can only have one licence valid. When you upgraded the previous license would have been blacklisted. You can just delete the unused .key file off the flash drive.
  15. Unraid is using Linux compatible file systems and encryption so you can always attach an array drive to a Linux system to read its contents.
  16. Does Hyper-V support hardware pass-through of USB flash drives? Unraid would require this as it both boots from a flash drive and uses the flash drive GUID to validate the Unraid licence. If this is supported then it might be a good way to get an Unraid VM running to try out its capabilities before committing too many resources to it.
  17. DiskSpeed (the one that seemed to have crashed for you)
  18. Missed the fact that the diagnostic had no SMART info for disk5 suggesting it had dropped offline.
  19. Not sure what can cause that☹️ just checked and that container is working fine on my 6.8.0-rc1 system. I wonder if it is related to your current issue in any way - the fact it mentions a timeout does feel it could be? Might be worth making a post in the support thread for that container to see if the maintainer has any ideas. BTW: I looked at the diagnostics and did not spot any obvious problem.
  20. Does that mean it is likely to remain an outstanding issue? Just like to know for future reference i am not too worried as I can easily work around it by using a different browser or puTTY to get to the Unraid command line. If it remains an issue you might want to add it to any future release notes.
  21. You should post your system diagnostics zip file (obtained via Tools->Diagnostics) to see if we can spot any reason for the slowdown. If the diagnostics show no obvious reason you can also consider using the DiskSpeed docker container to check if any of your drives have ‘slow’ spots that might cause such symptoms.
  22. When I try and open a terminal session from the Unraid GUI using Microsoft Edge as the browser on my Windows 10 system then I get a new window open up as expected but its content is blank rather than the command line appearing. Is this a known issue with using Edge or do I need to look for something specific to my system? This works fine if running a 6.7.x release.
  23. What subnet is your phone on when this happens, and what are the subnets for for the Unraid server and the dockers? I think I saw a report of similar symptoms when the remote subnet and the subnet used by Unraid were the same as this resulted in a routing issue. If this is the case then it is going to need looking into for the most robust solution as the user rarely has any control over the remote subnet. If course it could be my memory is faulty and your issue is something completely different
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