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Everything posted by itimpi

  1. It looks rather as if the 5th drive is not being taken into account. I am sure there is a BTRFS command that can ask for more information on how the drives are being used.
  2. If the reiserfsck with —rebuild-tree completed successfully the disk in question should now mount when the array starts and its contents be visible. The results would have been visible in the window that was running the reiserfsck - as far as I. Know they are not saved elsewhere.
  3. Syslog snippets are of limited use. You should post your system diagnostics (obtained via Tools->Diagnostics) to get informed feedback.
  4. It is not possible to change that. However you are ‘loading’ the OS from the USB drive, not ‘running’ from it.
  5. If you set the Downloads share to have a Use Cache setting of ‘only’ or ‘prefer’ then mover will never try to move it to the array. You might want to read the Help built into the GUI to see the effect of the various options for this setting.
  6. These is definitely something wrong at that speed. USB2 is slow - but not that slow! If you want informed feedback you should post your system diagnostics zip file (obtained via Tools >> Diagnostics or by using 'diagnostics' at the Unraid command line).
  7. Be careful with your file/folder names - in Linux they are case significant! Because Samba shares are not case significant having folders with the same name but different capitalisation at the Linux level can result in the contents of only one of them being visible on the network at the Samba level. you also need to be careful about shares relating to physical devices and user shares. /mnt/cache refers to a physical device and normally shows up as the ‘cache’ share. All top level folders on physical devices show up as User Shares so /mnt/cache/Downloads is part of the ‘Downloads’ share. User Shares are also shown at the Linux level under /mnt/user. This means that can be multiple paths at the Linux level that refer to the same file/folder - one at its physical location and one at its logical location as a User Share. Whether files in the ‘Downloads’ share get moved to the array depends on the Use Cache setting for that particular share. There is also the fact that files that are currently open are never moved by the mover process.
  8. I do not think that ‘chflags’ is available under Linux? It is only ever mentioned in the context of BSD and systems derived from that.
  9. Ideally your cooling should be set up so that the disks never overheat. I know on my system the disks never overheat unless a fan is mis-behaving.
  10. Do you have Unraid notifications enabled? That would at least alert you if the disks started overheating.
  11. I have just done a test with trying to add in a parity1 disk with a larger existing parity2 disk and did not get any error. It is possible that there really was a write error right near the end of the 4TB parity1 disk. We would need the system diagnostics to be sure one way or the other.
  12. Yes - it is up to the Linux notify system to tell the plugin that a file has changed so that it knows it needs checking.
  13. I think that the error message means that the stored checksum does not agree with the current file. That can happen if for any reason a file gets updated without the plugin getting notified so that it calculates a new checksum. This means that you can occasionally get false 'corrupted' indications, but if the checksum agrees the file is almost certainly good.
  14. I see no reason why the array is not protected against a single disk failure as long as you have a valid parity2. There is nothing in Unraid that states you have to have parity1 (although it is normal to have it).
  15. Yes. Simply stop the array, unassign the parity disk (presumably parity2); start the array.
  16. You cannot do what I think you want unless you are going to move to only having 1 parity drive. It is a requirement that ALL parity drives be at least as large as the largest data drive. With dual parity you will not be able to add a 10TB data drive until both of your parity drives have been upgraded to at least this size.
  17. If you want any roon related dockers to show up under the Apps tab then you have to have enabled the option to search dockerhub under the settings. Once you have done that plenty show up but what the difference is I have no idea
  18. As long as there was only one drive showing as unformattted that will be the parity drive. Make a note of Its serial number. You now use Tools->New Config to put the array back into the state where you can assign drives. This time when you go to the Main tab assign the drives as you want them (including the parity drive now that you know which one it is). When you start the array it will start to rebuild the parity drive based on the current data drives.
  19. You can always check if /boot is mounted as long as you can get to the Unraid command line by using the 'df' command and seeing if there is a /boot amongst the listed devices. If the boot device is showing it might be worth renaming the file 'config/network.cfg' on the flash drive and then rebooting to use a default configuration to see if that solves the problem. If you want informed feedback you should post your system diagnostics zip file (obtained via Tools >> Diagnostics or by using 'diagnostics' at the Unraid command line).
  20. You need to use the —rebuild-tree option to try and fix the file-system corruption It is not possible to recover from file system corruption by rebuilding a disk - you will just end up with a disk with the same file system corruption as that is currently reflected in parity.
  21. It is quite likely that the disk just has file system corruption and can be recovered using the reiserfsck tool.
  22. It is unlikely to be the User scripts plugin (although it could be a script you run via User Scripts). With User Scripts plugin you can use its settings to control if/when any particular script is run.
  23. Not containers - the whole idea is that they are isolated from the host OS (which is why they are the preferred way of running applications). Plugins are those that are shown on the Plugins tab on the GUI. Plugins run at the main OS level and can install or replace system components and thus interfere with normal Unraid operation. There is therefore always a chance that a plugin can break normal Unraid OS, particularly if it has not been verified as being compatible with the version of Unraid that you are running.
  24. Safe mode means that no plugins are started so it indicates that one of the plugins you have running is causing the problem. You need to go through a process of elimination by disabling them all and then enabling them one at a time until the culprit is found.
  25. I guess the obvious question is what is your Plex configuration?
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