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Everything posted by itimpi

  1. The settings you have for the ‘system’ share tell Unraid to put NEW files onto the ‘cache’ pool but leave EXISTING files where they are. You would need to follow the procedure documented here in the online documentation accessible via the ‘Manual’ link at the bottom of the GUI or the DOCS link at the top of each forum page to get them moved off the array.
  2. Adding extra RAM sticks puts extra load on the RAM controller so you can end up with a situation where every RAM stick tests out fine individually, but you get RAM errors when the system is under load with all sticks plugged in.
  3. I would think files being damaged on a regular basis would point to RAM issues. Have you run a memtest recently?
  4. This is under Settings->Network. As far as I know it is only eth0 that matters (which is the one Unraid uses for its management interface). This requirement was originally mentioned in the Unraid 6.12.4 Release Notes
  5. Looking at the description in more detail of what it takes to carry out such an attack I suspect that if you have someone with the capability to carry out this sort of attack having physical access to your server then you probably have much larger problems anyway!
  6. The syslog in the diagnostics is the RAM version that starts afresh every time the system is booted. You should enable the syslog server (probably with the option to Mirror to Flash set) to get a syslog that survives a reboot so we can see what leads up to a crash. The mirror to flash option is the easiest to set up (and if used the file is then automatically included in any diagnostics), but if you are worried about excessive wear on the flash drive you can put your server's address into the remote server field.
  7. The syslog in the diagnostics is the RAM version that starts afresh every time the system is booted. You should enable the syslog server (probably with the option to Mirror to Flash set) to get a syslog that survives a reboot so we can see what leads up to a crash. The mirror to flash option is the easiest to set up (and if used the file is then automatically included in any diagnostics), but if you are worried about excessive wear on the flash drive you can put your server's address into the remote server field.
  8. When you were using macvlan did you have bridging disabled on eth0? This is required for stability reasons.
  9. The syslog in the diagnostics is the RAM version that starts afresh every time the system is booted. You should enable the syslog server (probably with the option to Mirror to Flash set) to get a syslog that survives a reboot so we can see what leads up to a crash. The mirror to flash option is the easiest to set up (and if used the file is then automatically included in any diagnostics), but if you are worried about excessive wear on the flash drive you can put your server's address into the remote server field.
  10. You are not loosing parity - Unraid is checking it because your system rebooted itself unexpectedly so Unraid no longer knows for certain that it is completely in sync with your data. You will find that your disks are reading (not writing) during this process. If you actually got a reboot (rather than a system freeze) this is almost certainly hardware related with the most likely culprits being power and cooling (which can cause a thermal shutdown). One thing you can do is enable the syslog server so that you can get a syslog that survives a reboot to see if anything leading up to the reboot looks to be significant. However if the reboot is caused by hardware there will probably be nothing to show in it.
  11. Not as I understand such attacks as the key would be lost when the reboot happens. It has to be reloaded/entered every time the system boots as it is not persisted by Unraid across a reboot.
  12. Why do you think your apps will stop working? The most that is likely to happen is that you will no longer be able to get updates to the app if new versions of the app require a newer Unraid version.
  13. No - when you format a drive to xfs then Unraid treats this as just another write operation and updates parity in realtime to reflect the new format.
  14. If you want to use macvlan then you should have bridging disabled on eth0 or you are likely to have system instability.
  15. Did you follow the steps outlined here in the online documentation? You are likely to get better informed feedback if you attach your system’s diagnostics zip file to your next post in this thread. It is always a good idea when asking questions to supply your diagnostics so we can see details of your system, how you have things configured, and the current syslog.
  16. Unraid does not support a file system that spans more than one drive in the main array.
  17. Nor possible. Each drive in the main array is a free-standing file system.
  18. You should post your system's diagnostics zip file in your next post in this thread to get more informed feedback. It is always a good idea to post this if your question might involve us seeing how you have things set up or to look at recent logs.
  19. You seem to have a lot of plugins that are out of date, deprecated or unknown to FCP. I would suggest updating all of these to the latest version and then rebooting to see if that helps.
  20. The \r indicates a carriage return that you have somehow appended to the name. You need to get rid of that folder to tidy things up. Not sure if Dynamix File Manager will be able to delete that folder or not.
  21. I suspect the reason that has not been done is that would leave the existing Basic and Plus licences in a category of their own so probably easier to handle any 'legacy' licences at all levels automatically being entitled to new releases.
  22. 1. The parity frive has no file system. 2. Unraid is quite happy to have a mix of file system types in the main array. 3. If you plan to move to larger drives it would be a good idea to combine it with the move away from reiserfs. The move requires copying the data anyway so you might as well be copying it onto new larger drives in the desired target format.
  23. Limetech have stated that all users who have one of the current Basic/Plus/Pro licences will be entitled to all future upgrades at no additional cost. Covered in some detail in their blog on the subject.
  24. All licences purchased before the change get all future updates.
  25. in the config/plugins folder on the flash drive.
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