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Everything posted by itimpi

  1. It would continue to function as normal, although performance might be degraded if there is much other disk activity at the same time due to drive contention. If there is only light disk activity then it may be more convenient to leave everything available running as normal.
  2. All of your options look viable so it will be a time/risk tradeoff. If you can afford the array downtime it would probably be quickest to assign both 18TB drives to parity1 and parity2 and build them in parallel while in Maintenance mode. I mentioned maintenance mode to ensure no array updates happen while building the new parity which means the old 14TB parity remains valid. While this is going on keep the old parity1 intact just in case an array drive has problems as this gives a fall-back path. On completing the move to 2 x 18TB parity drives the old 14TB parity drive can now be assigned as a data drive. If you cannot afford the time in maintenance mode then your third option looks safest as you would have a valid parity drive throughout. An option you have not mentioned which is the quickest is to use the Tools->New Config to allow you to assign both 18TB drives as parity and the 14TB drive as a new data drive and then build the new parity based on the new drive configuration. The downside of this is that a failure of a data drive before the new parity is built could lead to data loss. Note that Unraid will not allow you to combine making changes to parity drives and adding data drives at the same time if you have not gone the New Config route.
  3. You should post your system's diagnostics zip file in your next post in this thread to get more informed feedback. It is always a good idea to post this if your question might involve us seeing how you have things set up or to look at recent logs. I wonder if as a result of your recent hardware change the IDs of passed through hardware have changed and you are now passing through the new NIC to a VM?
  4. Unraid will not let you add a new parity drive and new data drives in a single step. You have to split it into 2 operations - one for parity and the other for the data drives (and you can do them in either order).
  5. The Main tab shows the sd? part against each drive. You need to select the letter appropriate to the drive.
  6. It will forget where it was and want to restart from the beginning.
  7. No. Unraid uses the whole drive when in the array, so only the 4TB drive could be the parity drive and no data drive can be larger than the smallest parity drive.
  8. Have you got the array set as secondary storage? You need that to be allowed to use Mover.
  9. This is a known issue if you are using a HBA with a built in SATA port multiplier to get extra SATA ports as drives connected to the multiplier part are not seen. It is apparently a Linux kernel bug that should be fixed in the next Unraid release and in the meantime you need to stay on 6.12.8.
  10. Unraid does not rebuild parity when you add new disks to a parity protected array - instead it Clears them (sets them to be all zeroes) so that parity is unaffected and only allows you to format and start using the drives once they have been Cleared. If they have been pre-cleared then this Clear stage is skipped and they are immediately available to be formatted and used when added. The Unraid Clear is functionally equivalent to the write phase of a pre-clear and takes about the same time as that would take, but is not as thorough a test of the drive. Normally with pre-clear one tends to run some read phases as well to check the disk better which is why pre-clear typically takes longer. Preclear is normally slower if you run the read phases as well as the write phase so no idea where you heard this? Perhaps that running multiple pre-clears in parallel can put more stress on the server?
  11. With macvlan you need to DISABLE bridging on eth0 to have stability. Was it a typo when you said enable?
  12. Have you followed the procedure for this as documented here in the the online documentation accessible via the Manual link at the bottom of the Unraid GUI.
  13. This is not an option in Unraid. If there is a Samba combination of settings that provides this it would be nice to know as it could then be implemented. Not sure it is even possible on a Windows server although I could be wrong about that.
  14. It is new in the 6.12 series of Unraid releases as described here in the Release Notes.
  15. That USED to always be true, but it is no longer true with User Shares in Exclusive mode which get the same performance as using the disk shares.
  16. Had you actually gotten around to formatting the disk from within Unraid? When you first add a new drive it will shows as unmountable until you format it to create an empty file system ready to receive files.
  17. All the screen shots you posted refer to the main Unraid array - not to a pool and the main array only uses the Unraid proprietary variant of RAID. In the main Unraid array the available space is the sum of the data drives.
  18. I think you misunderstand the data rebuild. What happens after a disk dies depends on the state of the emulated disk. All rebuild does is make a physical disk match the ‘emulated’ one. If the emulated disk shows as mountable before the rebuild it will be mountable afterwards, but if it shows as unmountable it will also shows as unmountable after the rebuild.. That is why we tend to recommend trying to repair an emulated disk before rebuilding as if the physical disk has not actually failed it may still be possible to get most/all the data off it.
  19. Your times are still long enough that you might want to consider setting the checks to only run in off-peak times by using the Parity Check Tuning plugin.
  20. Sounds like an issue with the S3 sleep plugin so you should probably bring this up in its support thread.
  21. Each drive in the main array is an independent file system so they are not RAID1. You could only have them as RAID1 if they were in a pool. The warnings about backup1 and backup2 can NOT be deactivated (at least in current Unraid releases) as without parity drives in the main array are not protected.
  22. Yes as you can use any standard Linux file system with Unassigned Devices. You can also use other file systems such as NTFS (for Windows) and HPFS (for Mac). When the drives are part of the main array then the options become XFS, ZFS and BTRFS which are easily mountable in any Linux system but not so easily mounted on Windows/Mac systems.
  23. The syslog in the diagnostics is the RAM version that starts afresh every time the system is booted. You should enable the syslog server (probably with the option to Mirror to Flash set) to get a syslog that survives a reboot so we can see what leads up to a crash. The mirror to flash option is the easiest to set up, but if you are worried about excessive wear on the flash drive you can put your server's address into the remote server field.
  24. The Short test is not very thorough. The Extended test is a better indication of a disk's health.
  25. If the 2 x 8TB drives are primarily for backup will you want to be able to remove either or both of them easily at any time? If so then it might make sense to use the Unassigned Devices plugin to handle them. That would give you more choices on the file system format for these drives which might be relevant if you want them to be easily read on non-Linux systems. In terms of backing up from the 2x3TB to the 8TB drives you could do this via a script handled by the User Scripts plugin scheduled to run at whatever frequency you think is sensible.
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