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Everything posted by itimpi

  1. The monitor task has been a standard part of Unraid for many years and is needed for things to work correctly.
  2. If you are replacing a data drive then you can use the Parity Swap process to update a parity drive to 14TB and use the old 10TB parity drive to replace the data drive.
  3. Are you talking about adding the old parity drive as an additional drive or are you replacing an existing data drive.
  4. Are you sure that you have sufficient power? It seems strange that you would only get crashes when preclearing the disks otherwise.
  5. The most likely thing I can think of is there being power related issues when you added the extra drive!
  6. As far as I know you cannot trim an SSD if it is part of the main array regardless of the file system used.
  7. The old motherboard probably booted in legacy mode rather than UEFI mode.
  8. Yes. The symptoms you describe are typical of a system trying to boot in UEFI mode without the UEFI option being enabled on the flash drove.
  9. You normally get a response within hours from support so it definitely cannot help to try again.
  10. Have you received an initial automated response when you tried to contact support? If not then it did not get through.
  11. Unraid has always worked this way - overwriting existing files in place. It is only NEW files that can be cached.
  12. you may not have created it directly but if you ever got a top level folder called flash on any drive then a User Share of that name would have automatically been created.
  13. That is the standard default. It is enough for most (but not all) people.
  14. You would need to add Limetech. I assume there is a good reason as otherwise I do not see why they would have specified that. limitation.
  15. Maybe, but I think that is accidental. Since the conditions apply when starting the array I am not surprised they do not survive a reboot.
  16. The help text for Exclusive shares says the conditions are: The Primary storage for a share is set to a pool. The Secondary storage for a share is set to none. The share exists on a single volume. The share is not exported over NFS.
  17. Perhaps you should post your system's diagnostics zip file so we can see more about your setup in case that sparks an idea in someone's mind.
  18. No, as far as Unraid is concerned a file should only ever exist at one location.
  19. The usb key will still be valid on the new system. does the existing system use a RAID controller? If not then drives should transfer transparently to the new hardware.
  20. It would make the NEW drive match the emulated drive. That means if the emulated drive has a corrupt file system then the rebuilt drive will also have a corrupt file system. That is why I said you should be trying to repair the file system on the emulated drive(s), and it is recommended that you do this before attempting a rebuild. The disabled drives may actually be fine - have you tried unassigning them and then seeing if it mounts in Unassigned Devices?
  21. NO. The drives are not 'needing' a format' They are needing their corrupt file system to be repaired. If you attempt to format the drives with them disabled it will simply format the 'emulated' drives to contain an empty file system and update parity to reflect that so in effect you wipe all your data, A format operation is NEVER part of a data recovery action unless you WANT to remove the data on the drives you format.
  22. If a share has no contents then it can be deleted from the Shares tab. You can use Dynamix File Manager to delete any contents if needed.
  23. What disk controller do you have? I seem to remember something like this happening with Marvel based controllers.
  24. That looks like you do not have a genuine licence.
  25. Since the drives are currently marked as 'disabled' then Unraid has stopped using them and should be emulating them. You can see if the process for handling unmountable drives in the online documentation accessible via the Manual link at the bottom of the Unraid GUI works for the emulated drive. If not there is a good chance that all (or at least most) of the contents can be recovered from the physical drives.
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