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Everything posted by itimpi

  1. With those settings it will be in the ‘logs’ folder on the flash drive. You would get a file appearing in the ‘vms’ location if you put your servers address into the Remote syslog server field so that the server is logging to itself.
  2. The syslog in the diagnostics is the RAM copy and only shows what happened since the reboot. It could be worth enabling the syslog server to get a log that survives a reboot so we can see what happened prior to the reboot. The mirror to flash option is the easiest to set up, but if you are worried about excessive wear on the flash drive you can put your server’s address into the Remote Server field.
  3. You normally want XMP,profile turned OFF for maximum stability as turning it on is by definition overclocking.
  4. You are likely to get better informed feedback if you attach your system’s diagnostics zip file to your next post in this thread. it is always a good idea when asking questions to supply your diagnostics so we can see details of your system, how you have things configured, and the current syslog.
  5. Since you have large disks, you might want to consider using the Parity Check Tuning plugin and if you install that it will want you to set the Cumulative Parity Check option to No as the plugin will handle increments. If you do not use the plugin then you can set that option as you prefer.
  6. The syslog in the diagnostics is the RAM copy and only shows what happened since the reboot. It could be worth enabling the syslog server to get a log that survives a reboot so we can see what happened prior to the reboot. The mirror to flash option is the easiest to set up, but if you are worried about excessive wear on the flash drive you can put your server’s address into the Remote Server field.
  7. Probably yes. 4GB is now the recommended minimum for running Unraid. you can do the upgrade manually using the process covered here in the online documentation accessible via the ‘Manual’ link at the bottom of the GUI or the DOCS link at the top of each forum page. The Unraid OS->Manual section in particular covers most features of the current Unraid release.
  8. You might need to check the contents of the flash drive. Sounds as if whatever was causing your problems could have also deleted files off the flash drive. Following the procedure covered here the online documentation accessible via the ‘Manual’ link at the bottom of the GUI or the DOCS link at the top of each forum page should make the flash drive bootable again. The Unraid OS->Manual section in particular covers most features of the current Unraid release. Do you have a recent backup of your flash drive in case configuration information had been deleted?
  9. You need to ask in the support thread for any particular container (available by right-clicking a container’s icon on the docker page) for what are appropriate settings.
  10. The key thing when using docker is that all the locations where a particular container stores variable data should be mapped to a location on the host (typically in a folder under the 'appdata' share) as that then survives a container update. If only mapped internally to the docker image file then this type of information gets lost whenever the container is updated. Which location that actually is is container specific although normally when installing via the Unraid Apps tab the docker template will indicate which locations should be mapped to the host.
  11. That is not a problem, and would be a standard way of backing up to the array. It is only if the top level folder corresponds to a share name that would be an issue.
  12. If the folder name is the same as the share name then as far as Unraid is concerned that share exists on that drive.
  13. Two points to note: Mover will not move all files if the docker and VM services are enabled Mover will not overwrite existing files, so if the same file exists on both cache and array you will have to manually decide which copy to keep and delete the other one.
  14. Jan 26 02:36:05 download-box upsmon[5310]: UPS [[email protected]] was last known to be calibrating and currently is not communicating, assuming dead Jan 26 02:36:05 download-box upsd[5306]: Client [email protected] set FSD on UPS [ups] Jan 26 02:36:05 download-box upsmon[5310]: Executing automatic power-fail shutdown Jan 26 02:36:05 download-box upsmon[5310]: Auto logout and shutdown proceeding Jan 26 02:36:05 download-box blazer_usb[5302]: Communications with UPS re-established Jan 26 02:36:05 download-box upsd[5306]: UPS [ups] data is no longer stale Jan 26 02:36:10 download-box shutdown[21396]: shutting down for system halt That shows that a shutdown was initiated by the UPS becoming unavailable
  15. Mapping the media path to /mnt/user seems more than is needed in most cases as it allows the whole of your Unraid system to be scanned for audio files which is likely to take longer than a more targeted scan and spin up all array disks while doing so. I personally run two instances of this docker container - one with it mapped to /mnt/user/Music and the other mapped to /mnt/user/AudioBooks so that each instance only scans the subset of media that I want it to handle. This also only ever spins up the one array disk that contains both these shares.
  16. What makes you think that? Reordering disks invalidates parity2 so it needs rebuilding, but it does not stop you adding new disks after doing that.
  17. Reboots that are not actively initiated are nearly always hardware related. Commonest culprits being thermal (e.g. CPU overheating) or PSU struggling.
  18. the online documentation accessible via the ‘Manual’ link at the bottom of the GUI or the DOCS link at the top of each forum page should be accurate. The Unraid OS->Manual section in particular covers most features of the current Unraid release. You are likely to get better informed feedback if you attach your system’s diagnostics zip file to your next post in this thread. it is always a good idea when asking questions to supply your diagnostics so we can see details of your system, how you have things configured, and the current syslog.
  19. You are likely to get better informed feedback if you attach your system’s diagnostics zip file to your next post in this thread. it is always a good idea when asking questions to supply your diagnostics so we can see details of your system, how you have things configured, and the current syslog.
  20. The Manual upgrade process should still work as that does not require there to be enough room on the flash to hold both the current and the previous release.
  21. Might want to swap the SSD usages over - use the smaller one for caching and the larger one for docker/vm use.
  22. No idea I am afraid. That sort of information is container specific so only another user of that container would be able to help.
  23. It will be wherever you configured the container to store it!
  24. The xfs_repair output you posted shows that was severe corruption, but that it was not being fixed due to -n being used. Was the disk also disabled (marked with a red 'x')? You should post your system's diagnostics zip file in your next post in this thread to get more informed feedback. It is always a good idea to post this if your question might involve us seeing what hardware you have, how you have things set up, or to look at recent logs. It also includes information such as SMART reports for all drives.
  25. You are likely to get better informed feedback if you attach your system’s diagnostics zip file to your next post in this thread. it is always a good idea when asking questions to supply your diagnostics so we can see details of your system, how you have things configured, and the current syslog.
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