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Everything posted by joggs

  1. Same problems here. 100% zfs usage and nothing in syslogserver about the crash. This started happening a couple of days after converting my nvme cache that stores vm's and dockers to zfs. I'm dedicating 64GB of my 128GB to ZFS but the total ram usage was around 80% when crashing
  2. Dynamix are the culprits. Either dynamix.system.temp.plg or dynamix.unraid.net.plg is the problem.
  3. This happens from time to time with unraid. It usually is caused by a plugin, so you have to remove them one by one and see which one that causes the problem. I also have this problem rigt now, and it looks like 4 plugins has een updated recently, so I'll try to find which one it is. Unraid should be able to handle this in a better way, as you will waste a day or two each time
  4. Is copy/paste from outside obisidian into obsidian supposed to be working? It does not for me. I suppose based on the fact that it runs in xterm? The way I would use obsidian is to paste content into it in 99% of my use cases.
  5. Well, what you are saying is what the instruction should say Snualfy. You are filling in alot of blanks based on your experience.
  6. I'll wait another couple of weeks. When I was upgrading from 11.2 to 11.3 i couldn't roll back as unraid halted at boot with the same error as I got after the upgrade, even after a full restore, so that is not always a 100% safety net. Lets create a "real stable" branch which is auto generated each time we reach the x.y.10 version! I
  7. If I remove all plugins, unraid boots, so it seems likely a plugin is the problem.
  8. yes. I have not removed the nerd tools or what they are called though, the one that still not are compatible with 6.11
  9. removing unassigned devices directory and the file unassigned.devices.plg did not help, if that was how you meant. Still stuck on starting samba
  10. Yep! I have one and I have restored it, but I am still stuck at samba on boot. Searching the forums tells me to remove the nvidia driver directory from the usb stick, but I do not seem to have that. I have also disabled/enabled samba from safe mode and rebooted, but still stuck on samba. Any ideas?
  11. Always a gamble this. I never learn to wait when the update arrive
  12. i restored the old version, but I still get stuck at the samba. what to do after booting to safe mode?
  13. Cannot boot after update. Stuck on starting samba. never happened before. happy Friday…
  14. Many of the sqlite images became broken after the upgrade, for example radarr and sonarr
  15. Hi! Do you still maintain Task Café? After installing it and creating an empty database in postgres, it starts and you get to the welcome page. However, it says welcome back, and asks me to login, but there is no default user. The instructions tells you that you should get to an init page at your first visit, where you create the first user, but it is not possible to get to that init page. The register button on the first page does not work either. I've tried to wipe everything and start again from scratch, but the same problem. Any ideas how to solve it?
  16. Very interesting! I have exactly the same problem. I could not add more than 2 cores before the stuttering began in Windows, but I did not test the 3,5,7 combo, which actually works, so now I have 3 working cores, so thank you for that. Also, MacOS runs as butter with more cores for me as well. Any new findings in this matter, as the last post is over a year old?
  17. New stable release of deconz. https://github.com/dresden-elektronik/deconz-rest-plugin/releases It would be great to see an updated unraid version as the current unraid release still is on a 6 months old version
  18. @SpaceInvaderOne will you keep maintaining this? Please do. Thank you
  19. Regarding this... I will use my macinabox with logic pro x as my DAW and will have hundreds of gigs of plugins and instruments where my plan is to have them located on the array and from within logic set the location of the plugins and instruments pointing at the array location. What kind of read and write performance will your suggestion above give me? I need it to be as fast as possible, as if the array was directly mounted , as mentioned in the original question.
  20. When this docker container is updated, it includes support for new hardware devices and traffic optimizations etc, so it is important that is it is up to date. I am aware that these wonderful people that provides these unraid apps does it to simplify life for us, so you do not want to be a nagger, but at the same time you want the updates. I'm sure I could create an updated version by myself, but wanted to check alternatives before I start.
  21. Is there a process available how to handle/report a community application that is not updated anymore even though there are docker container updates and the person responsible for the app is not answering direct messages?
  22. Could be a host or port setup problem. You get a couple of good hits when googling, for example https://github.com/dresden-elektronik/deconz-rest-plugin/issues/2676
  23. @SpaceInvaderOne ,I can see that there is a newer release of deconz available on their download page. Is your plan to update the container when there are new releases or do you have any alternative jedi mindtricks how an eager unraid padawan can get the latest updates when they are available? marthoc seems to have both a latest and stable branch, so be able to tag stable or latest in unraid would be another nice additional feature. Thanks for your incredible work
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