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Everything posted by caseyparsons

  1. Totally agree... I always find myself looking at Monoprice first to see what I want, then go find the same or similar at Amazon because of Prime shipping.
  2. Just an update. My server has been running perfectly for over a year. I now have a 3TB WD Red as the parity drive, a 300GB 7.2k RPM for cache, then for data a 2TB WD Red, and a random 1TB and 500GB I had laying around. So, 3.5TB of usable storage space at the time, with room to add more when needed. Will probably buy another 3TB WD Red in the near future. I've updated the code regularly when Tom puts out updates. So I'm fully up to to date. I was running unmenu, but got rid of it because I didn't feel I needed it. I was also running simplefeatures UI, but removed that to instead use Tom's new GUI. I prefer to keep everything stock if possible. Thanks to all for the advice in this thread and others along the way. I still read/lurk here a few times a week, and enjoy reading the discussions.
  3. I just bought the Corsair CX Series 600 Watt (available in 430, 500, 600, or 750 watts) for my desktop (non-unraid) and it works awesome. The modular design is so good for cable management, makes the whole case look nicer. Big upgrade for me.
  4. Nice lookin setup. How do you like that fan controller? I need to get one after adding a few more drives.
  5. +1!! That is SO cool. Wish I had the time and money to build a few of those kickass boxes.
  6. Awesome look! It's clear that my next build has to be a small, clean-lines case like that.
  7. This isn't a traditional "server" with all the needs that go with that. You're building a light-weight NAS. Even with running a bunch of plugins you won't need much horsepower. If you want to go the ESXi route, then that is a different story....horsepower is good then. But running regular unRaid you'll be fine with just about anything you can buy new. The i3 is one of the, if not the, best values for performance, price, power draw, etc. I love the Intel Core i3-560 (new version is i3-2120) that I have in my VM server. But only use the Sempron 145 in my unRaid box.
  8. Great deal if you're looking for Greens!
  9. I'm currently on rc8a and it seems to be running perfectly. Should I update to rc11 or just wait until general release?
  10. Looks like a great start. Get some pics of your gutted case.
  11. SSH tunneling would work if you know how to configure it. I use an SSL VPN. I use a Juniper VPN Appliance (running as a VM) (DTE version for you network nerds) that allows a VPN tunnel over port 443. This port pretty much must be open on your company's firewall for the Internet to work, so I'm 99% sure it will work for you. You still may need to worry about IDS at your company, or the bandwidth being noticed.
  12. All older files, or new stuff too?
  13. That special is over now, but Amazon has them for $149: http://www.amazon.com/Western-Digital-Red-Hard-Drive/dp/B008JJLW4M/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1352922829 - Eric Back up to $175 at Amazon US. You sure??? It's still showing at $149.99 for me. Man, it must have just changed! I should have taken a screenshot. I promise.
  14. That special is over now, but Amazon has them for $149: http://www.amazon.com/Western-Digital-Red-Hard-Drive/dp/B008JJLW4M/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1352922829 - Eric Back up to $175 at Amazon US.
  15. I'm new to usenet. What does retention mean?
  16. If you're looking for a tower form-factor, I'm really happy with the NZXT SOURCE 220. Lots of space, great airflow, mesh front. $55 at Amazon.
  17. I definitely need this 256GB SSD to run my server with the VMs!
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