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Everything posted by martabal

  1. You’re probably using an external library which are only read-only (you can’t trash or delete assets)
  2. Immich uses onnxuntime for machine-learning and it does not support coral. Currently immich (as of v1.94.1) only supports CUDA (nvidia) and OPENVINO (intel)
  3. Just use immich-go https://github.com/simulot/immich-go
  4. Because since v1.91.0, Immich uses a postgresql extension which is not shipped with the default postgres image. This new repository is "just" the standard postgres image with the extension installed. You can take a look at the github repository of the extension here and why it has been chosen here. Immich had a lot of breaking changes in the past year, but because you use the AIO image, it's the first time you directly have to deal with a breaking change. This is one of the benefit of using the AIO image.
  5. Hello, if you use the use library feature you can mount the volume with a read only option. By default, Immich does not modify the files in imported libraries, the read only option is another security
  6. The only thing with postgres is that you manage the major version upgrade. Before moving from postgres 14 to postgres 15, you have to export your databases from postgres 14 and import your export in postgres 15
  7. Yeah sorry if I'm not clear. When you upload new files Immich store the original file (and never touches it) and creates 2 thumbnails in /photos/library and /photos/thumbs. When you use the libraries feature, Immich will read the files in /import, create thumbnails for them in /photos/thumbs. Original files are just read. and files in /import are scanned to detect deleted, new, updated files. Immich only read the import folder
  8. It's more complicated than that. For better performances and compability, Immich creates 2 thumbnails (1 small thumbnail in webp and 1 in jpeg) for every asset imported/uploaded. The thumbnail are stored in your /photos folder. They are used when you're browsing the web and if you didn't enable the option to load original images on your phone. When you're downloading an image on the web or zooming an image compatible with your browser on the web, immich will send to your client the original image
  9. Hello, my german is not that good, I will speak in english. /photos = where your uploads are stored, including the original assets, thumbnails and encoded videos /import = existing libraries, Immich only read files in it If you want to import your existing files into immich, go to your admin settings > user management and set an external path to your user and set it to /import. Then on your account settings you can add a new library and set the path to /import
  10. Hello, it's the same process as any other container (Plex or jellyfin if you use it)
  11. Increasing the Kill signal from 'timeout -k .500 .400 intel_gpu_top -J -s 250' to 'timeout -k .500 .600 intel_gpu_top -J -s 250' resolved my issue @b3rs3rk
  12. I think my issue is related to code 303 (Vendor data valid, but not enough received.)
  13. Still get N/A with unraid 6.11.1
  14. @b3rs3rk I actually have a closing curly brace at the end : root@unraid:~# timeout -k .500 .400 intel_gpu_top -J -s 250 { "period": { "duration": 37.787514, "unit": "ms" }, "frequency": { "requested": 0.000000, "actual": 0.000000, "unit": "MHz" }, "interrupts": { "count": 0.000000, "unit": "irq/s" }, "rc6": { "value": 100.000000, "unit": "%" }, "power": { "GPU": 0.000000, "Package": 25.694923, "unit": "W" }, "imc-bandwidth": { "reads": 1507.837139, "writes": 173.410042, "unit": "MiB/s" }, "engines": { "Render/3D/0": { "busy": 0.000000, "sema": 0.000000, "wait": 0.000000, "unit": "%" }, "Blitter/0": { "busy": 0.000000, "sema": 0.000000, "wait": 0.000000, "unit": "%" }, "Video/0": { "busy": 0.000000, "sema": 0.000000, "wait": 0.000000, "unit": "%" }, "VideoEnhance/0": { "busy": 0.000000, "sema": 0.000000, "wait": 0.000000, "unit": "%" } }, "clients": { } } { "period": { "duration": 306.142594, "unit": "ms" }, "frequency": { "requested": 0.000000, "actual": 0.000000, "unit": "MHz" }, "interrupts": { "count": 0.000000, "unit": "irq/s" }, "rc6": { "value": 100.000000, "unit": "%" }, "power": { "GPU": 0.000000, "Package": 15.249090, "unit": "W" }, "imc-bandwidth": { "reads": 668.529464, "writes": 202.894420, "unit": "MiB/s" }, "engines": { "Render/3D/0": { "busy": 0.000000, "sema": 0.000000, "wait": 0.000000, "unit": "%" }, "Blitter/0": { "busy": 0.000000, "sema": 0.000000, "wait": 0.000000, "unit": "%" }, "Video/0": { "busy": 0.000000, "sema": 0.000000, "wait": 0.000000, "unit": "%" }, "VideoEnhance/0": { "busy": 0.000000, "sema": 0.000000, "wait": 0.000000, "unit": "%" } }, "clients": { } }
  15. Same issue here since the latest update.
  16. The three columns on the dasboard are not centered. Is it normal?
  17. It seems the project is dead. So sad...
  18. With the latest release of 2FAuth, can you add the "AUTHENTICATION_GUARD" variable to the template (the default value is "web-guard")
  19. Hello everyone! I am running telegraf 1.20.2-alpine, but i would like to have the latest version of telegraf. If someone managed to update to the latest version, what is the correct version(latest, alpine ...), the extra parameters and the post arguments? Thank you guys!
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