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Everything posted by Vetteman

  1. Good idea. Will try that. I did replace the cable on the failing drive with a new, never used before cable and the errors continued. However I will do what you suggested. Thanks kindly...
  2. All the cables look fine to me. And I do not have an issue with any other drives.
  3. I replaced the SATA cable with a non latching one and I am still getting udma crc errors. The count is now 44. And the cable is not crossing with any other SATA cables.
  4. I have in my hands two SATA cables. A blue one with the metal latches and a red cable with black connectors that does not have the metal connectors. And other than the latches, they look identical. I see the differences between the SATA connectors on the hard drives for latching and non latching. The shroud is in plain sight. But with the cables, the only differences I can see are the latches. I've checked Amazon.ca and Newegg.ca for latches and unlatched sata cables and the only differences are the latches. I will check the connector on the WD Blues 5TB.
  5. I know what the locking connectors are but confused by the two statements I've referenced. What am I missing? Many thanks.
  6. In this photo it shows the WD hard drive SATA connectors that do not have the shroud and should not use the locking connectors but says for this type of connector "use the SATA cable receptables with internal bumps like the images above". Yet there are NO images above of the SATA cables.
  7. I find the WD article very confusing. In this photo it does not show a photo of the sata cable but says the latching cable does not include the internal bumps but points to the WD hard drive connector and not a cable.
  8. The SMART extended test reports "completed without error". Tried different sata cables, different power connections, different sata ports (mobo, pcie controller), traced cable to ensure it is not crossed with another and it is not. Not sure if my internal sata cables are shielded or not. Too bad esata have a different sata connector as I have a few esata shielded cables I could use. So I am perplexed and very concerned why I am getting the UDMA CRC errors.
  9. Thanks kindly for the reply. When I said the errors returned, I mean the number of errors increased. What started out as 1 error is now 40. I did check for crossed cables and made sure the cable for the drive is not touching another sata cable. Presently running a SMART extended test on the drive. Again many thanks...
  10. PS: All my drives are new and it is Unraid who broke their virginity. Only the WD 5 TB had a previous life as an WD external USB3 drive which was used to backup my digital photos and 3D renderings.
  11. I have a array of two parity drives (2 x WD Red Plus 6 TB) and data five data drives (2 x WD Red Plus 4 TB, 1 x WD Green 4 TB, 1 x Toshiba NAS 4 TB, 1 x WD Blue 5 TB). For 2 months now the WD Blue 5 TB has started to generate UDMA CRC errors. It is now up to 40. When the thumb turns orange I do acknowledge it and the thumb turns green. My scheduled monthly parity checks report everything is fine. I did do as suggested on this forum in other threads. I switched the sata cable with a brand new one. Errors returned. I then moved the sata cable from the motherboard's sata port to a port on my PCIE sata controller. Errors returned. I then removed the drive from a power connector on one of my sata power cables. And plug it into an empty power connector on a different power sata cable. Errors returned. I do have a brand new WD Red Plus 6 TB drive which has not been used yet. Before I swap the failing WD Blue 5 TB with the new WD Red Plus 6 TB is there anything else I could try? Since the WD Diag Tools are for Windows I can not run these from the Slackware OS. I did install the DiskSpeed docker and the failing drive's performance appears to be fine via DiskSpeed. Sorry to bring up a topic that appears to be thrashed to death, but I'd rather ask here then blindly proceed. I recently upgraded to Unraid 6.10.3 but these errors were being reported with 6.10.2 as well. Thank you for your time.
  12. Wow, the upgrade process for Unraid sure is simple. Upgraded on Saturday and everything is smooth and as stable as a vintage small block Chevy V8!!!! Excellent work guys. Quite impressed with Unraid.
  13. Thanks very much for the post and tip. Much appreciated....
  14. Today it's a very windy day in Nova Scotia and we are getting power flucuations. Lights blinking, etc. My Unraid server has been shutting down each time I get a power flucuation however my Windows and Zorin computers have been fine. However in the past I had the same issue with them and had to lower my sensitivity settings for my APC UPSes. Each computer has their own UPS. Is there a way to lower the UPS settings in Unraid? Thanks very much...
  15. It appears it may have been a certificate issue with the Adobe server as I had well over a dozens instances of Adobe want me to update a certificate for my Adobe subscription for Lightoom and Photoshop during the same time period. Make sense?
  16. Feb 2 16:15:40 KENSPLACE nginx: 2022/02/02 16:15:40 [error] 9486#9486: *66354 limiting requests, excess: 20.630 by zone "authlimit", client:, server: , request: "PROPFIND /login HTTP/1.1", host: "kensplace" Searching the forum for the message I got above and found this thread. I have well over 30 lines of the same message in my log. It the first time I've seen this. The client ip is for my Windows 10 PC. Any ideas? Thanks kindly...
  17. Are you suggesting Amazon is engaged in counterfeiting the products they stock and sell? I'm using an Sandisk Cruzer Fit 16gb USB 2.0 thumbdrive because it was recommended on a thread on this forum. I've not been having any issues so far. How can I detect if my thumbdrive is a counterfeit unit? How did the original poster identify the suspect Sandisk units as counterfeit? Are these counterfeit units also sold at Best Buy, Walmart, COSTCO, Staples, etc? Since COVID the volume of sales at Amazon has increased dramatically and it has resulted in a lot of anti-Amazon comments.
  18. Since I removed my Unraid box from the KVM switch and removed the Intel onboard graphics from my vms, using vnc instead, everything seems quite stable. No crashes or freezing. Damn Intel graphics and a flakey TrendNet kvm switch seemed to be the culprit. Thanks to those that commented. Cheers from Halifax, Nova Scotia....
  19. My vms seem to be stable when I switched my graphics from passthrough to vnc. I do have a GTX 1060 with 6gb of ram sitting on a shelf, but I was hoping to use the free PCIe slot for a SATA controller card.
  20. Thanks young fella for the kind offer, but I live on the other side of the ocean in Nova Scotia which is on the Atlantic coast of Canada north of the fine American state of Maine. I'm not weak, just a little long in the tooth. A few more aches and pains then I used to have. Most of my youth and adult life I played ice hockey and tennis. Stopped playing hockey about 15 years ago when I turned 52. Used to play hockey all winter, spring & fall. And most of the summer as majority of rinks have their ice in all year. My tennis partner lost a battle to cancer around the same time.
  21. It's a tad heavy for an old scudder like me, I'm closing in on 70 years of age. And empty it weighs in at 36 pounds!!!!
  22. I connected an usb mouse & keyboard directly to my Unraid server. And Unraid seems to be a lot more happy as the syslog is a lot less chattier. The server stayed up for 4 days. However I decided today to launch one of my vms - Windows 11, which I am passing thru the Intel onboard video to the vm. I read that the i915 onboard video plays havoc with the new linux 5.x kernel. So not sure if this is my problem or not. About 10 minutes after launching the vm, graphics on the monitor went strange, displaying about of streaks on the screen. Unraid did not respond to a ping from a Windows client nor could I connect via the web interface. So I did a hard reset. Please see attached syslog syslog- (15).log kensplace-diagnostics-20211229-1754.zip
  23. Thanks kindly JonathanM for your quick reply. Much appreciated.
  24. I understand port multipliers are not to be used in Unraid. But it is my understanding (right or wrong) that is is because of fear of corrupting the array or parity disks. However can it be used in Unraid for Unassigned Devices only? I have a MediaSonic ProBox, 4 bay enclosure with it's own e-sata card sitting idle on a shelf. Could this be attached via the Mediasonic e-sata card to my Unraid server for the Unassigned Devices? I've pulled some 2TB and 4TB disks from an older Linux computer I am no longer using. I would like to mount the disks as Unassigned Devices and see if there is any data I've over looked on them. Thanks very much and all the best in the New Year....
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