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Everything posted by Vetteman

  1. Executing df | grep loop reports the attached screen capture...
  2. Thanks kindly for the reply. Last night I did copy the contents of /etc/libvirt- to /etc/libvirt When I re booted UNRAID, my VMs are now showing on the VM tab. And I was able to launch my Zorin-OS vm and I am now installing updates to the os. However Virt-Manager will not launch. I get the attached error. I will re-install Virt-Manager once the updates to Zorin are applied.
  3. Using the terminal option on Unraid, I believe I found out why my "/etc/libvirt" folder is empty as there is a similar folder "/etc/libvirt-" that has lots of files and sub directories. I was going to copy the contents to "/etc/libvirt", however It is my understanding these are created from an unclean shutdown and the files maybe corrupted. I thought these files maybe on the thumdrive backups. I did check them and could not find any folder named "libvirt". Any idea where I cold salvage these files and subdirectories from?
  4. I noticed there was an update "Dec 26, 2022" for Virt-Manger. I installed the update and it did not resolve my issue nor is there a SUPPORT option. i also noticed when I uninstalled Virt-Manger and re-installed it a few days ago or when I upgraded UNRAID, I seem to have deleted my VMs, which is not a big deal as I was only trying out Windows 11, SUSE and Ubuntu distros. I was also thinking of install Novell Netware as I used to support it many years ago.
  5. Wishing you all the very best in 2023. Attached are some of my holiday digital illustrations and photographs. I use UNRAID to back up my digital illustraions, 3D renders and photographs. Please take care and stay safe...
  6. That is correct. The BETA version has a support icon but was last updated Sep 29, 2017. However the production version last updated Dec 26, 2022 has no support icon. Not sure WHY we are having this discussion as it is quite unneccesary and the kind of debate I've never encountered before on any product's website by a moderator or support person. My intent is not to be rude but I am very confused and quite concerned if this is the type of support I can expect from UNRAID/Limewire. Cheers and Happy New Year....
  7. When I click the icon I get this. I do not see "support"! Do you? More Info takes me to the docker page. All my other dockers do have a support option but Virt0Manger does not.
  8. I've recreated the libvirtd.conf using nano, but other than the line listen_addr = "" not sure what else goes into the conf file. Thanks kindly...
  9. Since upgrading last week from 6.10.3 to 6.11.5 Virt-Manager is no longer working. I've uninstalled Virt-Manager and re-installed a couple of times, all with the same results. When I launch the VM Docker and access it via the webgui, I get these errors. QEMU/KVM NOT CONNECTED I also noticed every time I reboot UNRAID libvirtd.conf file disappears \etc\libvirt Did not have this issue prior to the upgrade.
  10. That's too bad that this is no VirtualBox plugin is longer being supported. Despite the claims Virtual-Manager provides a near to bare metal experience, I still find VirtualBox a lot easier to use and so much more user friendly than Virt-Manager.
  11. I am mounting the unassigned drive via the plugin UD. When I click the MOUNT button I do not see the place to enter path or R/W slave. Also I have no idea what you mean by mounting the drive in the container? Sorry but your reply did more to confuse me,, then enlighten me. Again where is the option to mount the disk as a local share? Thanks kindly...
  12. I am having issues locating where the option to mount the share with the local option in the "Unassigned Devices". I do not see that option in "Unassigned Devices". Where is it? Cheers
  13. My UNRAID server is reporting my array is offline as it is currently doing a parity check. However the array is actually online and I am able to browse the UNRAID shares from my two Windows 10 computers. Also, UNRAID is telling me I can not use any dockers due to array being offline. BUT I was able to start Handbrake and use it. I was backing up my music collection from my Ubuntu server to Unraid. I was using FreeFileSync from my Windows computer. I had a mapped drive to the Ubuntu share and was using unc to Unraid share. The Ubuntu share dismounted and Unraid was frozen. I was unable to re-mount the Ubuntu share without a restart of the server. I had to hard reset Unraid. I am not worried about anything as everything is working fine BUT thought I should report this abnormal behaviour. Cheers & many thanks...
  14. Unraid still running strong. No issues at all. Very stable.
  15. Sorry, but I do not mean to hijack this thread, but I was wondering how does a WD Black compare with a WD Red Plus or WD Red Pro. I believe all WD Blacks are 7200 rpm with a larger cache (256mb vs 64mb). If anything is incorrect, please post the correction. So for Unraid is a WD Black better, same or worse? Thanks kindly....
  16. PS: I have not experienced any Samba issues with disabling WSD.
  17. Unraid has been stable since disabling WSD a month ago on Sept 7th. No issues. Consider this issue RESOLVED. Many thanks for the assistance.
  18. It is my understanding that any drives in the Mediasonic ProBox enclosure can not be added to the array and can only be utilized as unassigned drives. Am I correct?
  19. WSD ha been disabled. When the Samba loop hole was discovered a few years ago, I disabled netbios on my 3 Windows 10 computers and Samba 1 support on my Ubuntu fileserver. So I do not think I need WSD nor do I share any printers connected to my computers. My HP is shared via wifi. I can't recall if WSD was enabled in the previous version of Unraid I had running. Thanks very much for your assistance and suggestion.
  20. I have not downgraded to the previous version of Unraid as it has been quite stable for the last week or so. However this morning again I went through the same scenario. Turned on Unraid server. And waited for 5 minutes. Connected via Chrome browser to Unraid to start the array. Map drives to shares from my 2nd Windows computer and every thing seems fine. But a few seconds later the server is unavailable. This time instead of being frozen it was rebooting. And once again I find these entries in my system log at the time of issue. Sep 6 10:22:32 KENSPLACE root: Delaying execution of fix common problems scan for 10 minutes Sep 6 10:22:32 KENSPLACE Recycle Bin: Starting Recycle Bin Sep 6 10:22:32 KENSPLACE emhttpd: Starting Recycle Bin... Sep 6 10:22:32 KENSPLACE wsdd2[5805]: 'Terminated' signal received. Sep 6 10:22:32 KENSPLACE wsdd2[5805]: terminating. Sep 6 10:22:33 KENSPLACE rsyslogd: [origin software="rsyslogd" swVersion="8.2102.0" x-pid="6554" x-info="https://www.rsyslog.com"] start Sep 6 10:22:34 KENSPLACE wsdd2[6694]: starting. Sep 6 10:22:47 KENSPLACE unassigned.devices: Mounting 'Auto Mount' Devices... Sep 6 10:22:47 KENSPLACE emhttpd: Starting services... What is this terminating signal? What is triggering it? Based on my very limited knowledge of Unraid it appears it maybe the "fix common problems" app which is the culprit? I really do not know this is causing the issue but looking at my syslog, it appears it is. Thanks kindly... syslog- (18).log
  21. I ask as it was at that approx time that the server crashed. Or would my pusing the On/Off hardware button trigger this? Thanks kindly.
  22. I just had it happened once again. I turned on my Unraid pc near noon today - Aug 25th. I noticed shorttly after I started Unraid computer, SYSLOG is reporting. Aug 25 00:26:04 KENSPLACE wsdd2[7090]: 'Terminated' signal received. Aug 25 00:26:04 KENSPLACE wsdd2[7090]: terminating. Could this have caused the crash? Once again the screen was garbled. Not sure where this terminating signal came from as I did not have a monitor connected to Unraid upon launch. And I was not connected to Unraid via a web browser. PS: I am still running 6.10.3 and have not rolled back. I will once I get a few replies on my question of what is this Terminated signal when I did not issue a reboot or down. syslog- (3).log
  23. I upgraded via Unraid's webgui. Is this how you do a back rev ?
  24. Thanks very much for the reply. Is installing a prior version the same process as doing an upgrade? Thanks kindly....
  25. Well it happened again today. I powered my Unraid server on and I was able to remote to it via Firefox from my Linux computer and start the array. After the array started, I lost my Firefox connection to Unraid. I attached a monitor to the Unraid server and the terminal screen was flickering and all garbled. I powered Unraid server off, it was the only way that I could restart it. Again, I've only been having this issue since updating to 6.10.3. This instability is starting to worry me as I've moved all backups of my photo files, 3D assets and digital renders & illustrations from my multiple external drives to Unraid shares. Attached syslog. syslog- (2).log
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