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Everything posted by Vetteman

  1. I was using PAR2.EXE but I am always editing my RAW files into new PSD and JPG files. However the folders are constantly changing. As Photoshop and Lightroom evolve with new or better features. Therefore I will re-edited my files to massage them a bit more. Since I have my root folders named by year, 2009, 2010,...2022 and subfolders named under the appropriate year by event/place, A&W CAR SHOW, PEGGYS COVE, BANGOR MAINE, MONCTON NB, running PAR2 can be quite time consuming. AND I have to delete the existing PAR2 files before running PAR2.
  2. For my array disks I use XFS. For cache and unassigned I use BTRFS and NTFS (NTFS - drives removed from Windows external drives which already have a file system and data). I thought somewhere here it was not recommended to use BTRFS on array disks, only XFS? Perhaps there is a PAR2 plugin for NTFS drives on Unraid? But searching I could not find any... I was hoping SpaceInvader One or someone like the "Bit my Bytes" bloke would have a video on Dynamix File Integrity. Cheers & many thanks....
  3. I was very excited when I found this plugin as I am an avid photographer and have taken many landscape and car show photos over the last 20 years. I also do digital illustrations and 3D modeling. Previously I was backing up all my edited and raw file photos and digital illustrations and 3D assets to external WD and Seagate USB NTFS hard drives. I started to schuck the hard drives leaving them as NTFS and placing them as unassigned devices in my Unraid server with all the files still intact, And continue to backup to them. This has worked quite well. File corruption and bitrot is a concern of any photographer or illustrator. It is mentioned XFS is the preferred file system? Will this work with NTFS or BTRFS or ONLY XFS? Also is there a video any where on setting this up or even a demo of this plugin? Thanks kindly...
  4. I agree 100% with this comment. As well as ease of use and stability sold me on Unraid.
  5. Thanks kindly for your reply. If I request a new trial with the flash drive, then I would have to manually reassign all the drives and not be able to copy the config folder from the old to new flash drive? Re-assigning drives to the array is not a big deal as I do have screen shots of the array assignment.
  6. I am currently a registered user of Unraid Pro since Nov 2021 and love the product. Being impressed by the stability of Unraid and ease of use, I decided I would like try to consolidate the shares on my Ubuntu server and Windows 10 storage pools server into a 2nd Unraid server. So I downloaded a 30 day trial version of Unraid. However I ran into a few hardware issues. I am also primary caregiver for my 93 year old Dad who started to have some health issues during the 30 day trial period. I recently was granted a 15 day extension which will be expiring Jan 6th. Yesterday during bootup my San Disk started reporting errors about sda1 over Christmas. So I purchased a new Lexar 32gb USB 2.0 from Stables on New Years Eve Day. I have been backing up both my registered Unraid's flash drive and trial's flash drive. last backup was yesterday. I used your flash drive creator to create a new bootable drive on the Lexar. And copied the config folder from my backup to the new Lexar. Everything booted up fine except I am getting the notice my Flash drive's GUIDis mismatched. I tried the using the replace key but it appears it is only works on registered servers not trial as I got the following message when I tried it. Array and Pools have proper assignments and unassigned devices are ok. Of course the array will not start due to the issue. " Registration key / USB Flash GUID mismatch The license key file does not correspond to the USB Flash boot device. Please copy the correct key file to the /config directory on your USB Flash boot device. You may also attempt to Purchase or Replace your key. Error: {"message":"Request failed with status code 403","data":{"error":"KeyFile is not registered with Lime Technology - please contact support and provide your Keyfile."}} " How do I reactivate the remaining days on my trial on the new flash drive? II can not find anything on the forum, I can only find registered flash drives, not trial. I had some downtime today and was hoping to play with the trial a bit more before deciding if I want to purchase a new plus or pro key. Your assistance is much appreciated.
  7. Addition of allowing multiple Arrays would be neat. What would be the next consideration? Print server? Request for a directory structure like Novell Netware' s NDS or Microsoft's ADS? Of course a NDS or ADS object could also be created for the NAS inr an existing directory structure, but I was thinking in an environment where the NAS is the primary or only file server? But I think that would be overkill. PS: Just found out there is indeed a print server plugin in the APPS store - CUPS.
  8. Thank you very much. Truly appreciate your reply and this fine plugin. Happy New Year from Nova Scotia.
  9. I am using the trial version of UnRaid 6.12.4 (I also have a registered version of UnRaid Pro 6.12.6). I am using the trail with intention of consolidating my Ubuntu shares and Windows 10 storage spaces shares into one Unraid server. I am having an issue with unassigned devices plugin. I am trying to allow share to a NTFS drive I pulled from my Windows 10 computer. I have done this quite a few times on my registered UnRaid with Windows NTFS drives and it always works. But when enable the share it still displays as not shared. I've done this a few times. I even mounted and dismounted the disk a few times. I also tried to share the disk and then the partition. But it still displays as not shared (both disk and partition). Again, I've never had an issue like this before. Not sure why it is happening on the trial version of UnRaid. Maybe it's a limitation of the the trail? But I have installed other plugins that are working fine. Cheers and many thanks....
  10. I was interested in using an SSD with Windows 10 already installed that I pulled out of my Windows 10 computer as I am installing a trial version of Unraid and was wondering if I could use the SSD with the Windows 10 install as a vm. I found this thread and got excited (but not as excited as the St Louis Blues win over Dallas Stars the other night) only to find the wiki link no longer works.
  11. Thank you very much for developing this plugin. I've used Unbalace a few times and truly appreciate your effort for the the wonderful app you have given us. Happy Holidays and have a fantastic New Year...
  12. Checking my syslogs on my registered UNRAID server (I7-4700S) and on my trial UNRAID server (Xeon E-1240) reports "MDS CPU bug present and SMT on". Searching the forum here landed me on this thread. So can I assume that this bug is disabled in UNRAID by Limetech or in the Linux kernet by Kernel.org? and I think my hyperthreading is being throttled, to install the "Disable Mitigations" plugin? Sorry for waking up an older thread, but I thought it made more sense to post in this thread, then start a new. Cheers and many thanks...
  13. I have an admiration for the works of Norman Rockwell, Frank Frazetta and Claude Monet. I am also very passionate about classic cars (restored a 1960 Corvette in 1983 and still own) and American hot rods. Hence why Santa is driving a hot rod in the last photo. And a life long fan of the St Louis Blues NHL hockey team since 1968!!!
  14. Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas and ALL the very best in 2024. Stay safe and healthy.... A few Christmas digital illustrations I've created over the years.
  15. Thanks very much for the reference to SpaceInvader's youtube video. It was very insightful. Many thanks and all the very best during Christmas and the Holidays..
  16. Thanks for this thread. I just purchased a couple of my Molex to SATA adapters with the crimped type connectors on the SATA port. I was not using the Y spliters 1 Molex into 2 SATAs. But a single Molex to SATA adapter cable. Is the same advice recommended for a SATA cable Y spitter - that is a single SATA port which is split into TWO SATA connectors? Thanks kindly....
  17. Sorry but my intent was not to be confrontational or argumentative. I was simply trying to make a point, that NEW WDs follow the rebranding. Any prior to the 2020 branding are OLD stock and perhaps USED. I did maintain that eBay is a place you need to investigate before purchasing and it is on ebay where there is confusion not with Newegg, BestBuy and perhaps even Amazon. Again sorry....
  18. Your 8TB link is model WD80EFZX , a WD Red CMR, firmware manufactured in 2016 https://aphnetworks.com/reviews/western-digital-red-wd80efzx-8tb/2 And your links were for ebay purchases. As I said prior ebay products can be sketchy. I much prefer Newegg, BestBuy or Amazon. So I am not surprised to see older products listed on ebay as new are old. Unlike Newegg or even Amazon. Older models of WD and Seagate are often sold at BestBuy as a discount as older products.
  19. Newegg search for WD60EFRX https://www.newegg.ca/red-wd60efrx-6tb/p/N82E16822236737
  20. In your 6TB example on eBay WD WD60EFRX if you google WD60EFRX you will that is a WD 6TB WD Red Plus CMR drive. Amazon search for model WD60EFRX https://www.amazon.ca/Red-6TB-Hard-Disk-Drive/dp/B00LO3KR96?th=1
  21. And if you did your homework you would find the Amazon WD 10 TB is from 2017. Hardly a new model. I would never purchase a 2017 Ford Mustang or 2017 Toyota Camry as a new 2023 car, regardless of the mileage. Screen capture is from this link - https://aphnetworks.com/reviews/western-digital-red-wd100efax-10tb/2 Not sure why are so adamant suggesting WD is still manufacturing WD drives as CMR! This is simply NOT true.
  22. You did not mention the article I posted is close to 4 years old - June 2020...So I hardly think there would be any 4 year old WDs in stock at Best Buy, Newegg, etc being sold as new. Maybe on eBay being sold as used. You seem to believe this rebranding of WD Red drives is a recent occurrence. It is not. It happened in 2020.
  23. But that would be relevant for old stock or used WD Red hard drives. I suspect many are more interested in the current production line up. if I'm purchasing a new car I am only interested in what the current Chevrolet or Toyota lineup is not the lineup from 5 or 10 years ago. It seems to me you are convoluting the issue.
  24. Correct, But I was only commenting on their RED line which also included RED PLUS and RED PRO.
  25. Quoting ArsTechina article at this link https://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2020/06/western-digital-adds-red-plus-branding-for-non-smr-hard-drives/#:~:text=The use of SMR technology,their existing WD Red branding. "The company is taking a new branding initiative to clarify the technology used in its NAS drives—in the near future, "WD Red" will exclusively mean disks using Shingled Magnetic Recording technology, and "WD Red Plus" will mean disks using Conventional Magnetic Recording." "From Red to Red Plus The use of SMR technology in Western Digital Red is not going away—but moving forward, "Red" will exclusively mean SMR disks. The existing SMR models—WD 20/30/40/60 EFAX—will retain their existing model numbers and will retain their existing WD Red branding. Meanwhile, the CMR disks formerly known as WD Red—in sizes from 1TB to 14TB—get a new "WD Red Plus" branding and label, although their model numbers also remain the same."
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