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Everything posted by archedraft

  1. I have a question on step #2. Does it only update the checksum if the file date has been modified? Or does it update if the checksum has changed. If it's just updating based on the modified date then hypothetical if corruption occurred then the modified file date should still be the same and then we would know once we ran the -v command. If it's updating based on changed checksum then the only way to tell if the file is corrupt would be to open that file?
  2. No worries, thought I would inquire. I've still been using Corz but my end goal would to be having a scheduled check periodically that is installed on unRAID. Bunker seems like it will meet those requirements of adding new files, updating modified files, and checking for corruption. I wonder if only a select few are using it because the rest have no idea they should have way to verify data...
  3. Have you had any thoughts of turning this into a plugin that would be able to integrate with v6 web GUI and give you visual options to set the bunker update files and add new files on a schedule? Also be able to setup a period verification checks via the GUI?
  4. I hope you pushed him down some stairs... I'm only half joking. I would have loved to, but he didn't really think it would be a problem. He was sick and trying to sleep on the couch and the server was in the living room temporarily. So in his NyQuil addled state he just unplugged it. Ouch I hear what you're saying but I think the key was .
  5. I hope you pushed him down some stairs... I'm only half joking.
  6. Could also occur if someone fat fingers the value and saves it. Poof, server shutdown and won't come back up! Maybe this "feature" could be set to disabled if one entered safe mode?
  7. Alright I changed the code to this and it removed both the .DS_Store & ._.DS_Store Just a thought, it may be a good idea to change this script to just find those files and display them first and then give an option to review the files before they get deleted. Or you could just run two scripts: Find_DS_Stores.sh #!/bin/bash # Version .1 - find .DS_Store files and ._* files # ========================================================================== # # Program Body # # ========================================================================== # echo "Finding .DS_Store and ._.DS_Store files" find /mnt/ -name .DS_Store -print find /mnt/ -name "._*" -print Then once you agree with those findings you could run this. Remove_DS_Stores.sh #!/bin/bash # Version .1 - remove .DS_Store files and ._* files # ========================================================================== # # Program Body # # ========================================================================== # echo "Removing .DS_Store and ._.DS_Store files" find /mnt/ -name .DS_Store -print -delete find /mnt/ -name "._*" -print -delete
  8. Just tried this and it deleted all of the "._.DS_Store" but left all of the ".DS_Store" files
  9. I think you have mount points confused. It allows your unRAID server to connect to a different computers shared drive. For example let's say you have 2 unRAID servers. You could use mount points to connect your second unRAID's server shares to the first.
  10. or you could put a green circle sticker over top of the triangle on your monitor! (just don't scroll )
  11. I very much agree! Maybe tie it into the "help" button?
  12. Sure, My signature below shows which VM's are on each drive. I only use my VM's for daily boring stuff but the performance is just fine on the SSD. I still get around 100 MB/s transfer speed to my unRAID server and my normal use on the Win 8 VM is very fast with both pfsense and ubuntu running at the same time. My other 2 VM's are on a HDD and I usually only have 1 on at the same time, when both are on at the same time it is noticeably slower but then again the HDD is an old slow one...
  13. I would also be interested in a Photo Manager that was very minimalist. I really just want something I can load up on my local network and browse by the taken photo date. I would prefer if that software didn't write anything in my photo folder either.
  14. FWIW, I am liking these. They make sense to me...
  15. A UPS with AVR is hardly a "Cadillac UPS". A pure Sine Wave APC Smart UPS or an always on-line Smart UPS OnLine ($1000 and up) would be a "Cadillac UPS". You can get a lot of nice units with AVR in the $100-125 range ... these are hardly expensive for good power protection. The CyberPower Pure Sine-Wave units are pricier, but are excellent bargains for a true sinewave output UPS => to get true sinewave with APC you have to move to the SmartUPS series ... this is the least expensive unit from APC with that feature: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16842301290 As for getting kickbacks from Amazon and Newegg => I'd be quite happy if I could just get a senior discount :) I suppose a $100 for a UPS is a pretty good deal, mostly I have just thinking about how you have convinced me to upgrade my RAM twice and CPU twice... oh and my WD red hard drive... On a side note, how do you like the CyberPower vs the APC units? and do you also hook up the modem coax cable and network cables through your UPS and is there any signal loss because of that?
  16. Oh sure, 2 years ago it was everyone should have a UPS period. So I go out and get me a UPS... Now it's get a Cadillac UPS with all the bells and whistles and spinner rims! How I usually feel after reading Gary's posts: p.s. Gary, I hope you worked out a deal with Newegg and Amazon to get a percentage of all my purchases
  17. I just reused the space because, let's face it, the original one is just for informational purposes (useless). Agreed.
  18. Will call it unDAMN (unRAID Disk Auto Mount for Nimrods). That's perfect! Actually I really like that it uses a current tab, why add extra tabs???
  19. Wow that looks great! unRAID 6 is really going to be amazing with all of these new features.
  20. Sort of. How did you get your disk to mount @ /mnt/vmdisk with this plugin. Take a look into the OP demo video, 0:37sec. +1 The video was very helpful and informative!
  21. I changed the mount points of all my mounted disks. 1) /mnt/vmdisk 2) /mnt/vmdisk-2 Is that what you were asking? I was a little confused by the question.
  22. Just removed all my mount commands in the "go" file and started using this plugin to manage my VM disks. All I can say is bravo! This makes life so much better.
  23. Awesome! Does the discard flag only get added if the plugin detects the drive to be SSD (is that even possible?) or do you have to manually set the discard flag? If manual, how do you add that? Another thought on making this plugin even more amazing. It would be pretty neat to have this plugin format new drives and make multiple partitions on drives that you don't plan on adding to unRAID. Even better, it would be great if lets say you format a drive to XFS but don't plan on adding it to the arrary but then at a later date you decide to add it to the array. My understanding is that if you format the drive to XFS via Ubuntu then when you try to add it to unRAID it will not be able to mount the drive and you will have to format the drive with unRAID. Would it be possible to use this plugin to format the drive to XFS and add the "unRAID approved partition note" so that you could add the drive later without having to re-format the drive again? I'm sure this would be a pretty difficult thing to add and feel free to tell me to jump off a cliff but I'm just throwing out ideas and seeing what sticks... EDIT: Another thought would be that adding the formatting feature might confuse people... I suppose as long as this added the "approved partition note" then it wouldn't matter if they formatted the drive this way. If it isn't possible to add the "approved partition note" then probably best not to do this... might get some disgruntled folks complaining about having to format a drive two times.
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