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Everything posted by JorgeB

  1. There might have been a better way of resolving this before the rebuild, but I think the best option now is to run xfs_repair without -n, filesystem looks very corrupt, but sometimes xfs_repair output makes it look worse than it is. If the disk was recently rebuilt without error emulated disk should be the same, but it won't hurt much to try.
  2. Device doesn't have a partition, it was wiped (or failed).
  3. Run a couple of non correcting parity checks, if it finds a different number of errors you most likely have a hardware problem, also see here in case you're using overclocked RAM, which is known to cause instability and even data corruption on some Ryzen systems.
  4. Yes, as long as there were still some days left on the trial.
  5. That's a shame, and it suggests parity wasn't 100% valid, though we already new it wouldn't be 100% because of the disks being mounted read/write outside parity, still xfs_repair can usually mostly recover form that.
  6. That would suggest a hardware problem, you can try running in safe mode for a few days with all dockers/VMs stopped, if it still crashes like that it's most likely that.
  7. Yes, I forgot to mention parity, it can be synced at the same time, and yes array will be unprotected during the rebuild. Also a good idea to update the LSI firmware since it's using a very old one.
  8. Pending sectors are a disk problem, you can also run an extended SMART test to confirm.
  9. Libvirt.img started correctly after boot, then it stopped working because of a duplicate UUID, reboot and post new diags if you still have issues.
  10. This isn't a filesystem problem: Feb 16 07:39:26 Tower emhttpd: /mnt/cache mount error: Unsupported partition layout Unassign the cache device and see if it mount with the UD plugin.
  11. Disk got disabled before this last boot, likely during previous shutdown, but it does look healthy so you can rebuild on top, good idea to replace/swap cables to rule them out in case it happens again to the same disk.
  12. Yep, because it looked like the superblock was wiped wasn't very hopeful btrfs recovery options would work well, possibly only option would be some deleted file recovery util.
  13. Can't see nothing on the log to why it's stuck, what happens if you pause and then resume?
  14. That's because the devices identification changed, if you know which drive is which you can do a new config and trust parity, but then can still have the partition problem.
  15. Are you using Unraid? If yes you can post the diagnostics, if not this isn't a general Linux support forum.
  16. If the emulated disk2 is unmountable post current diags, or just the syslog. The command to run after the rebuild finishes (and starting in maintenance mode) is: xfs_repair -v /dev/md2 Also, if it asks for -L use it.
  17. WDS is used to replace the old smb1/netbios network discovery for Windows clients, in principle it shouldn't interfere with the recycle bin plugin, but since both work with Samba you never know, it won't hurt to post on the plugin support thread.
  18. Yes, a few GB are normal for empty XFS, forgot to mention, it would be a good idea to replace/swap cables on disk3 just to rule them out in case it gets disabled again.
  19. You can select all but then unassign disk4 before starting the array, also check that disk3 is correctly assigned, it should be.
  20. Those errors are not disk related, they just appear on a disk log because sdd is part of wsdd
  21. Like I already mentioned disk3 is just disabled, it still being detected and SMART looks fine, you need to re-enable it, you can't do that by rebuilding on top since disk4 is failing, but if both disks are empty like it looks like, you can just do a new config without disk4 and rebuild parity.
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