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Everything posted by JorgeB

  1. Power or connection problem, they show up similarly on the logs, so could be either. You can do that by doing a new config and checking "parity is already valid" before array start, btw were all those sync errors expected?
  2. Based on the log snippet it looks like a connection/power issue, disk22 dropped offline and then reconnected as a different disk and disk4 completely stopped responding, but I'm still missing a lot of info like controller used, firmware on the controller, full SMART reports for the disks as provided in the diags, etc, and no please don't send diags by PM, like mentioned here any help should be done in the forums, not by PMs, diagnostics have an anonymize option, if you believe some sensitive info is still present it would be best to make a feature request to also anonymize that, so you can post them in the future if you need help again.
  3. There are multiple general protection errors, start by running memtest, also make sure RAM isn't overclocked, make sure you're respecting max support speed depending on system config:
  4. Parity1 will only be valid if the disk you're removing is cleared first, options for shrinking array are explained here: https://wiki.unraid.net/Shrink_array
  5. Parity2 will be invalid if disk order is changed and will need re-sync, like mentioned parity1 stays valid.
  6. It's not, you just needed to change the new NIC to be eth0 on setting -> network settings -> interface rules, then reboot and at the same time chance cable to new NIC.
  7. OK, so looks like diskspeed is reporting the correct speed, or at least the same as lspci, the problem might be the server bios.
  8. There's no confusion whatsoever, btrfs raid1 does have some differences to other raid1 implementations, mostly when used with more than 2 devices, but like any other raid1 I know of it still requires that all data exists in at least 2 different devices, so think about it, how can data exist on at least 2 different devices and use more space than the one available on the smallest device? You can use this to see how it really calculates: https://carfax.org.uk/btrfs-usage/
  9. Try enabling syslog server/mirror to see if catches anything.
  10. Do you have a different flash drive you could try? Trial is working fine with v6.8, I started one a few weeks ago for a friend.
  11. On the main GUI page click on cache and scroll down to "Syslinux Configuration", look for "append" and remove 1000:0054 from the boot command.
  12. Changed Status to Closed Changed Priority to Other
  13. On the main GUI page there's a "history button", just below the parity "check".
  14. Not yet, we'll need to wait. Taking the opportunity to move this to stable reports since it's still an issue.
  15. That controller is being passed though: So naturally all connected devices will be unavailable for Unraid.
  16. Since diags are after rebooting not much to see, you should disable parity check plugin debug mode, unless it's still needed. Enable syslog server/mirroring to see if it catches something if it happens again.
  17. Though 3rd gen Ryzen should have this fixed there have been some reports it can still be a problem, so worth trying: Ryzen on Linux can lock up due to issues with c-states, make sure bios is up to date, then look for "Power Supply Idle Control" (or similar) and set it to "typical current idle" (or similar), or completely disable C-sates. More info here: https://forums.unraid.net/bug-reports/prereleases/670-rc1-system-hard-lock-r354/
  18. Just weird /mnt/user0 was missing, if all is working well now now it doesn't matter.
  19. Not seeing anything out of the ordinary on the log, is the MD1000 connected to the same Perc controller as the other disks?
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