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Everything posted by JorgeB

  1. The script is supported, just needs to be patched, though there are multiple other disk tools to burning disks before use for users that want to do that, badbocks for example which is also included with unRAID.
  2. Yeah, I already noticed they had removed the latest bios for most boards, unfortunately only after I already updated all three X11SSM-F I have, still they are working fine so far so I'll wait for a new bios instead of downgrading.
  3. No, the disk is only added to the array if successfully cleared.
  4. Please post your diagnostics: Tools -> Diagnostics
  5. Since v6.2 that new disks are cleared on the background, array is available during that time.
  6. The issue of the filesystem getting fully allocated on SSDs (resulting in trim not working on the drive) seems to be resolved, this was one of the contributing factors for the slowdown, but possibly not the only one, I myself never noticed that issue.
  7. You can just acknowledge the current values on the dashboard page by clicking on the SMART status, this way, and if notifications are enable, you'll get warned when they change.
  8. The CRC attribute monitoring was added on v6.4.1, those errors might be old since CRC attribute doesn't reset, as long as they don't keep increasing you're fine.
  9. LSI2008 doesn't support trim on most SSD, try connecting it to the onboard SATA ports.
  10. Usually it's plug'n play, good idea to have a screenshot of current assignments just in case.
  11. You want to avoid either of those, the first one has a port multiplier, that's and accident waiting to happen, the 2nd one is no longer recommended for unRAID, it can cause sync errors including file corruption and drop disks, the currently recommended 8 ports controllers are LSI, any LSI with a SAS2008/2308/3008 chipset in IT mode, e.g., 9201-8i, 9211-8i, 9207-8i, 9300-8i, etc and clones, like the Dell H200/H310 and IBM M1015, these latter ones need to be crossflashed.
  12. You need to change cache slots back to 1, then click on cache and check that filesystem is set to auto or xfs.
  13. btrfs snapshots and then btrfs send/receive to another disk.
  14. Before that you can also try btrfs check using the backup superblock: btrfs check -s 1 /dev/sdn1 Also try the lowmen mode which might give different result: btrfs check -s 1 --mode=lowmem /dev/sdn1
  15. Can't help then, it's not usual for an unclean shutdown to damage a superblock, let alone all 3, but in any case you'll need to reformat the disk or ask for help from a btrfs maintainer on the mailing list: https://btrfs.wiki.kernel.org/index.php/Btrfs_mailing_list
  16. Try the other backup superblock: btrfs restore -v -u 1 /dev/sdn1 /mnt/user/Backup/cachebck
  17. Looks like the superblock is damaged, you can try restore using a backup superblock: btrfs restore -v -u 2 /dev/sdn1 /mnt/user/Backup/cachebck
  18. Nothing jumps out from the syslog but I'm finding it very strange that none of the recovery options work, try after rebooting.
  19. Try rebooting, and also post your diagnostics, before rebooting.
  20. That's usually a fatal error, see here to try and recover your data before reformatting cache: https://lime-technology.com/forums/topic/46802-faq-for-unraid-v6/?do=findComment&comment=543490
  21. Those can sometimes be fixed by using the offending controller on a different PCIe slot (ideally changing from a CPU slot to a PCH slot or vice versa) or with a bios update.
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