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Everything posted by bobbintb

  1. I used the same port as the webui, 90 in my case.
  2. Have you tried it yet? It looks like it deletes it to me.
  3. I'm looking for some cheap 200mm fans. This is proving to be harder than anticipated. 120mm are easy to find for a few bucks each but I'm lucky to find anything under $15 for 200mm fans. I don't care so much about noise as I do price (preferably no LEDs), since I need 8 of them. Any suggestions? I'm crossing my finger for something under $10 each but that's probably not going to happen.
  4. Yeah, I figured that. My provider has port forwarding but it is extra. How much extra I don't know. Is there anything I can do without needing port forwarding? Change the port rtorrent uses? Networking was never my strong suit.
  5. I'm having trouble getting an open port. I presume it has to do with the VPN. I opened the port on my router. I don't use PIA. Any idea what I need to do?
  6. This is probably a rediculous question but has anyone had much luck with Bluestacks in a Windows VM? I have hyper-v off in the VM but Bluestacks is still giving me messages that it can't use hardware-acceleration. It's probably too much to ask to use Bluestacks in a VM, huh?
  7. I am using a VM for gaming. How do I use a microphone? I have my GPU passthrough working and HDMI audio. I have onboard audio but I haven't the slightest clue how to passthrough the microphone.
  8. I did notice on the last screenshot you don't have Sonarr enabled (use Sonarr). I doubt that's causing the issue though. Additionally, one of your paths in the screenshot for Sonarr doesn't have a "/" at the end. Believe it or not, I've had programs break before because of that (sloppy programming IMHO). That might be an issue here. Edit: I'm pretty sure that's it because I removed the trailing slash from one of my paths and now it's freaking out about invalid paths and instead of /movies/movie_name it's showing /moviemovie_name. I'll submit a bug on the project page. Again, sloppy programming. Add a trailing slash and that should fix it.
  9. Thanks, that fixed it. The template probably needs to be updated.
  10. How long does it take to start the docker? It's been a few minutes since I installed it and I still can't access the webui. The log it stuck on "Bazaar starting...". I know a few of the other linuxserver images take a while to start up the first time but those have a lot of activity in the log. It's been over 10 minutes.
  11. Additionally, I've had limited success with SubZero for subtitles and Plex will be removing the plug-in system soon, if not already. Plex recently integrated subtitles search natively but I have yet to try it. I'm looking forward to trying Bazaar first.
  12. I know this is an old thread to resurrect but I've made some progress on this. I managed to get a docker working with the existing repo but it's a really old version. Anyone manage to get the latest version working?
  13. I have one I no longer use if you are interested.
  14. I'm having trouble with TFTP. I'm trying to PXE boot an ISO to install Windows. I'm familiar with the concept but have never done any sort of network boot. I installed the TFTP docker, set the directory to the directory where my ISOs are stored, and left the port at the default of 69. My computer can't find a boot image via PXE. I'm not sure if that's because it's an ISO or the docker doesn't have dnsmasq or what. I just don't know enough about PXE boot. I can just boot via USB but I'm trying to learn something new.
  15. I have a VM that I created from a physical machine using VMWare. I converted it to img. I am able to boot it but I cannot access it via remote desktop. I have all the firewall rules and everything in place. I have another VM that I can access via remote desktop just fine. I even swapped out the drive image with that machine to rule out the machine config and firewall rules. I checked all the remote desktop settings and they are on. I cannot ping the VM with my laptop but I can ping the laptop from the VM. I'm thinking it might be a driver issue. Is there a particular driver or driver setting that I need to use? I used the Red Hat ethernet drive on virtio-win-0.1.118-2.iso and virtio-win-0.1.141-1.iso but still no luck. Any ideas?
  16. If it says there is an update to the docker image (update ready), I will update the docker image but it still says "update ready". I mean the icon status when I said icon doesn't change. If the docker is started and I stop it, it still has the green play triangle, although it is stopped. There were a number of other users that had this issue when 6.5.0 came out. I had hoped the docker ui issues documented in 6.5.1 had fixed it but it hadn't. I've had the issue since. It's nothing to do with ad block. I downgrade and everything works fine. If I manually clear browser cache it will update until I make another change (start or stop or update).
  17. I've had this issue since 6.5.0. The docker page does not get updated when I update, start, stop, etc. If I update the docker image it gets updated but the icon doesn't change. Same thing with the VM page (last I checked). The dashboard page looks fine. I keep hoping it gets fixed with every release but it never does. I have to downgrade to get it to work but for now I live with it because of the security fixes.
  18. Ah, cool. I figured there must have been a setting somewhere. I usually try to check for updates whenever I have to restart anyway but I forget sometimes. Apart from the check interval setting, I think it might be good to have an additional setting to check whenever a shutdown is initiated via the webui, so the user can be given the option to update first. I think I might suggest it as a feature. Thanks for the info.
  19. I checked for an update just a minute ago and had a thought. Does unraid regularly check for updates automatically? As far as I know you have to manually check. Additionally, I don't think it checks for updates before you shutdown. I think that might be a nice feature if it did. Say I'm doing maintenance and I need to shutdown the server, it might be nice if before it shuts down it asks if I want to update first.
  20. I'm not quite sure how to use this. What I'm looking for really is the same GUI experience I get with Goodsync in Windows in my UnRaid NAS. I haven't used the command line Linux version. I'm fine with command line but like the ease of visualizing the information and setting it up that the GUI provides. I doubt anything like that is available at the moment though. I might look into making a Windows based docker image if I can't find anything else. I'm just using a VM right now but it's not as efficient on resources.
  21. Yeah, that's kind of what I was thinking. Thanks.
  22. God, I've kept this thread alive for too long. So... My power went out yesterday, which once again reminded me I need UPS batteries. I need to stop risking it and actually get some. The model number is CST1300ALU. Cyberpower doesn't have any replacement batteries on their website; it's a discontinued model. I'm looking around for some but haven't yet found a site that has batteries for that model. Here is the link on the Cyberpower site: https://www.cyberpowersystems.com/product/ups/cst1300alu/ It was actually a fairly cheap UPS I got at Costco. It might just be cheaper to get a new one. I check replacementupsbattery.com and batteriesplus.com and they didn't seem to have replacements for that model as well, although I just looked at the model, not the actual specs. Any other sites that might be worth checking? I'm not even going to bother looking for batteries locally. It's a small town and I doubt there is anything here. EDIT: Will this work?: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00AAZJ9Y8/ref=twister_B016XAKTQA?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1 It looks like the right one according to the specs but I'm not sure.
  23. Exactly what I did. Took a bit from my tax return. I figured I really should replace some of my old drives. They haven't failed yet but the power on hours are over 3 or 4 years. I've really liked the Toshiba drives I've had in the past and the warranty is decent. Not going to see a price like that any time soon. Sorry for those that missed out.
  24. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B013JPLKJC/ref=twister_B073XBPG6S
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