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  1. Generally clicking the double arrow icon on the UD page to get udev to re-discover the disks works. If you hotplug a disk while on the preclear webpage, it will take some time to show up because the page doesn't refresh that often.
  2. I'm not sure I understand all this. When you say "delete" do you mean in the Historical Unassigned Devices? As far as recognizing devices, try clicking on the two arrows icon in the upper right of the UD page. This will trigger a udev update and should show any unassigned disks. Do you mean it cannot be mounted? You have a drive that doesn't mount because there is no file system on the disk: Sep 5 15:50:49 Tower unassigned.devices: Partition '/dev/sdd1' does not have a file system and cannot be mounted.
  3. Use Bridge mode for networking and the URL is https://IP:8443/zm. The /zm is required. Port 443 is probably already used on your system. That's why the Docker Container changes it to 8443. Make sure 8443 is not used by another Docker Container.
  4. There are several reasons this can happen: Flash drive corruption. UD config file corruption. Security options in your browser. For example private browsing with Chrome. Look at the message at the bottom of the page next to the buttons. Those happen when you reboot and there is an issue with the plugin installing. Click on "Plugins" and you'll see a plugin error tab. You can delete them. Try the following: Try a different browser. Take the flash drifve to a PC and run a disk check. Unplug the Unassigned USB disk and you'll then see it in the Historical Unassigned Devices list. Click the red X to delete the configuration and start over. Plug the disk back in and try the device settings again.
  5. Do the following: Power down your server. Re-seat the nvme card. Power on and then format the drive. Click on the double arrows in the right hand corner of the UD page if the 'Mount' button is grayed out. I know this sounds strange, but several users have reported re-seating the nvme card has fixed this issue.
  6. Unraid 7.0 beta 3 will be released soon. We recommend you try it and see if the issues are resolved. There is a good chance the NFS issue (#2) will be fixed and I suspect it may also fix your first issue.
  7. Here are the things to check: Be sure NFS on the server where the disk is mounted is enabled in UD settings. Be sure NFS is enabled on the server where the disk is mounted. Be sure the disk 'Share' switch is on. Be sure port 2049 is open through your VPN. This is the port UD checks to be sure the remote server is online and ready to accept NFS connections. Will it work if the VPN is turned off? What version of Unraid is running on the remote server?
  8. That should not be happening. What is happening is an empty partition from the USB disk is showing up on the internal disk. Udev is confused about the partitions. Here are a few things to try: Start by unmounting both disks, then click on the double arrow icon. Click on each disk check file system icon (check mark by the partition). See if that fixes the issue. Shutdown the server and disconnect the internal disk. See if the USB disk is recognized. If it is, unload the internal disk files and reformat the disk. Copy files back to the internal disk. If not, unload the USB disk and reformat that disk. Use UD to do all the partition removal and reformatting of the disks.
  9. Just to the right of the 'Historical' switch in the upper right of the page.
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