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Everything posted by dlandon

  1. Unraid uses nfsv3 and nfsv4. When you share an Unraid share it will be with nfsv3 or nfsv4. Unraid will serve either. When you mount a share with nfs, you can specify nfs (v3) or nfs4 (v4). I'm not sure what you are trying to do, but have you considered UD for nfs mounts?
  2. I suspected that because the preclear.disk/ folder is not UD Preclear. I wanted to confirm in your diagnostics.
  3. Those plugins need to be updated. This is not an Unraid issue.
  4. Both come up with the same answer. Looks like a display issue. I'll have a look.
  5. Give me the output of the following commands: /bin/lsblk -nbP -o name,type,size,fstype and /bin/lsblk -nb -o size /dev/sdh
  6. Set the Unraid clock and see if your issues are sorted out.
  7. Go to the UD Settings and set the "NFS Version to use when Mounting Remote Shares:" to NFSv3 and see if that makes a difference.
  8. Both your attempt to mount NFS and SMB failed: Jul 25 14:04:55 gbh-tower unassigned.devices: Error: shell_exec(/sbin/mount -t 'nfs4' -o rw,noacl 'COLEMITE:homes' '/mnt/remotes/COLEMITE_homes' 2>&1) took longer than 10s! Jul 25 14:06:08 gbh-tower unassigned.devices: Error: shell_exec(/sbin/mount -t cifs -o rw,noserverino,nounix,iocharset=utf8,file_mode=0777,dir_mode=0777,uid=99,gid=100,vers=3.1.1,credentials='/tmp/unassigned.devices/credentials_homes' '//COLEMITE/homes' '/mnt/remotes/COLEMITE_homes' 2>&1) took longer than 10s! The mount commands both timed out. I would think right away that the remote server isn't responding to a ping, but if the orb turned green and the "Mount" button was active, that's probably not the issue. Try using the IP address of CEOLMITE rather than the server name. When UD asks for the server, just enter the IP address.
  9. Your description of the problem offers nothing that we can help you with. Have you configured it to mount on Unraid using UD? Please post your diagnostic zip file after trying to mount the NFS share with UD.
  10. Try this command: wget https://github.com/dlandon/unassigned.devices/raw/master/unassigned.devices.preclear.plg Post the results of that command,
  11. Ok. Report back when you update to 6.10 and let us know if that solved the problem.
  12. Marvell controllers are hit and miss on Linux. Sometimes they work, and other times they don't. My only recommendation would be to try updating to Unraid 6.10.
  13. You are on Unraid 6.9 and I remember fixing an issue that seems similar to what you are seeing. Can you update to 6.10?
  14. That is the page. It's titled "Unassigned Devices" and is the one I wanted to see. What's troubling is that the sdj device is an array device, but Unraid is showing it as unassigned. Usually when this happens, the array disk will momentarily unattach and the re-attach and get a new sdX designation. I'll review your diagnostics again and see if I can see evidence of this. And was the "Dev 4" device showing in the Dashboard when you took this screen shot? The reason I asked is that in your original posting, Dev 4 shows on the Dashboard and not the UD page. That's highly unlikely if the sdj device is in the devs.ini file as you earlier showed. I'm trying to figure out why it is not showing on the UD page when it really should. Then I'd be able to track down why it shows as an unassigned device in Unraid. Let's try a couple things: Click on the double arrows on the Unassigned Devices header. This will tell Unraid to refresh unassigned devices. See if it changes the Dashboard display or the UD page. Remove the Unassigned Devices plugin and see what the stock Unassigned Devices page shows. Does it show the "Dev 4" device? Caution: Your UD devices will unmount, so do it at a time when you can have the two UD mounted disks unmount.
  15. Does 'Dev 4' or any other array device ever show up in the UD GUI? If it does, post a screen shot of the UD page.
  16. There have been several reports of slow SMB copies and issues with copying very large files on Unraid 6.10. I've just done a quick test of a 160GB file copy from Unraid 6.10 to Unraid 6.11-beta and had 110MB/s copy rate for 25 minutes without any slow downs or other hiccups. While my quick test is not definitive, and not necessarily directly related to AD file copies, the latest version of samba (4.15.8) may solve your AD issues.
  17. Unraid 6.11-rc1 wil be released soon. It is using samba 4.15.8. Maybe it can help with this issue.
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