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Everything posted by ljm42

  1. For long-running commands, you should install 'screen' from the Nerd Pack. You can google "unraid screen" for more details on how people use it, but this is a good start: http://wiki.yobi.be/wiki/Screen_Tips
  2. I am really confused about what you are trying to do. If you are already using WireGuard in "VPN Tunneled Access" mode to connect to Mullivad, why do you also need OpenVPN on top of that for deluge?
  3. Glad to hear it! Mind letting me know what the issue was?
  4. well, preferably the thread that is dedicated to the blog post, since you aren't following the quickstart guide: But since you've asked the question in the quickstart guide thread I don't want to keep bouncing you around Maybe read the quickstart guide itself to see if it helps?
  5. If you setup WireGuard in "VPN Tunneled Access" mode to connect a commercial VPN provider, that pretty much takes over your network so you would not also be able to use OpenVPN: If you setup WireGuard in one of the other modes, such as "Remote access to LAN" as described here: then it seems like you should be able to start an OpenVPN connection to a commercial VPN provider. If you are having trouble, look for obvious conflicts like trying to use the same port for both VPNs.
  6. That is definitely a problem. You need to Google ways to enable IOMMU. It might be something in the BIOS that you enable, or it might be adding "iommu=pt" to the append line, or you might need to enable "unsafe interrupts" (enable Help on Settings -> VM Manager). Or perhaps your hardware doesn't support it. Then, see the release notes for Unraid 7 that explain a different way of "hiding" devices from Unraid so they are available for passthru:
  7. can someone please upload their diagnostics showing the problem?
  8. I'd like to propose an alternate interface for the "Unraid Share" 9p mounting options in the VM template. The current method of picking a folder and providing a name: can remain an advanced option, but I think what makes more sense in an Unraid world is to provide a list of shares and checkboxes. If you place a checkbox by the "Movies" share, it should be able to automatically map the source dir and target dirs in the template: <filesystem type='mount' accessmode='passthrough'> <source dir='/mnt/user/Movies/'/> <target dir='Movies'/> <address type='pci' domain='0x0000' bus='0x05' slot='0x00' function='0x0'/> </filesystem> Similarly, when reading the template to build the form view it should be able to automatically figure out which source dirs and target dirs map to a Share and fill in the appropriate checkboxes on the form.
  9. Great! glad it is working How are you accessing the shares? There will not be name resolution through the tunnel for something like \\tower, you need to use \\<internal server ip>
  10. Sure, on the flash drive delete the file /config/vfio-pci.cfg Note that this plugin is just a front-end that writes the config file for you. More details about the config file here:
  11. They are different types of VPNs. Binhex Deluge connects to a commercial VPN provider to hide your Deluge traffic. This discussion is about letting you VPN into your home network to manage your server, commercial VPN is not involved. Unraid has WireGuard support built-in: https://forums.unraid.net/topic/84226-wireguard-quickstart/
  12. Yes. Rough instructions: setup WireGuard on one server using the "Server to Server access" option, then download the config file and on the other server choose "Import Tunnel" For extra credit you can go all the way and connect the LANs on both side: https://forums.unraid.net/topic/88906-lan-to-lan-wireguard/
  13. OK that sounds like the tunnel is up. How exactly are you trying to reach your server? Earlier you mentioned this: which would be a problem. The DDNS you use for WireGuard is NOT the url you want to use to reach the webgui. Try this: http://<internal server ip> (note: http not https) If you have SSL setup, that will redirect to the SSL host. If you are using Unraid's Let's Encrypt SSL that will work fine, if you are doing something else then you have to deal with making that DNS name work through the tunnel.
  14. If the system won't boot you need to plug in a monitor and look at the errors on screen. But it sounds like the device you are trying to bind is needed by Unraid and won't be available for passthru.
  15. What IP address does your ###.ddns.me resolve to? It needs to resolve to the internal ip address of your server That won't work. Both sides of the connection need to be on different networks with different IP addresses. Based on everything you said I can't tell if you successfully made a connection or not.
  16. Your router should be able to restrict what external IP addresses are able to access the port forward. In terms of controlling access to your network, turn on help for the "Local tunnel firewall". I just remembered that feature, haven't ever used it. Hmm... if this is your use-case, you might consider installing WireGuard on those two computers and not involving Unraid at all.
  17. Any idea what the range refers to? I would remove that. AllowedIPs=,
  18. I'm not sure why this happens sometimes. At one point I tried getting around it by downloading the file and placing it on the server, hoping the upgrade plugin would use it. Unfortunately it deleted the file and re-downloaded it.
  19. Did you re-download the latest client config after making any changes via the Unraid interface? What are the "Allowed IPs" shown on your client?
  20. From the first post: There is no provision for this. A hacker can spoof an IP address pretty easily whereas private keys are theoretically impossible to hack or guess.
  21. Can you access any other devices on your network? Ones that are not in any way hosted on your Unraid server? I'm guessing you should be able to. As I mentioned in my reply to phrozen087 yesterday, I have no trouble accessing my router or a raspberry pi through the tunnel. But I am not able to access VMs running on Unraid. Haven't figured out why yet. I am able to access Unraid Dockers, but my setup is simpler and I don't have any Dockers on their own IP. Because of this, I have "Local server uses NAT" set to Yes.
  22. That is exactly the scenario that this quickstart guide walks through Depending on your network, you may need to add a static route to handle that. See the "Complex Networks" section of the guide. To make this easier, the WireGuard plugin now includes "remarks" that tell you what IP range to setup the static route for. You may need to switch to advanced mode to see it. How are you trying to connect to the other devices? You won't be able to connect by name, only by IP address.
  23. Unraid supports multiple tunnels being active at the same time. The second tunnel is completely separate, so you have to setup another port forward, make sure there are no IP conflicts, make sure you actually start the tunnel(!) basically all of the same troubleshooting steps mentioned in the first two posts.
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