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Everything posted by ljm42

  1. Oh sorry I got Minio and Arq confused. I updated my note to be more clear to others. It sounds like the upcoming changes to Arq will probably solve your issues, which is great! Hopefully there aren't a lot of other software packages that need to put 200k files in a single directory My system is six years old but still going strong. I have a Xeon E3-1240 v3 processor on an ASRock E3C226D2I mobo with 16 GB RAM. I was testing on a 4TB Seagate NAS drive plugged into an onboard SATA 3 port. My dockers and a VM were running at the time, but it was not under heavy load. Interestingly, I also tried it with a 12 TB Seagate Ironwolf drive and performance was slightly worse. Nothing really significant, just a little surprising. Nice job on the script BTW, it helped me understand that while there is overhead to the user share system, it takes some pretty extreme values to make it an issue.
  2. I'm guessing users wouldn't purposefully put 200k files in a single directory, but for the OP the issue is the Minio Arq backup software. Using Unraid as a backup destination seems like a great idea, and a user share would be ideal since it can grow larger than one disk. If storing this many files in a single directory is a common behavior for backup software, it will probably affect quite a few people. Not sure what to suggest. Maybe the OP can find a way to set a maximum number of files Minio Arq will put in a given directory? Or maybe split the backups up so that they will fit on individual disks without needing to use a user share? Or maybe there is a comparable backup package that organizes its files in a more compatible way?
  3. Here are the stats for my system: 100K files 200K files 6.7.2 Disk|SHFS: 0.22| 3.54 0.48| 5.59 6.8.1 HL Off: Disk|SHFS: 0.23| 4.86 0.46| 13.11 6.8.1 HL On: Disk|SHFS: 0.23| 15.64 0.51| 31.47 Unraid is running on bare metal. The share it is writing to is restricted to a single drive, so SHFS didn't have to merge content from multiple places, if that makes a difference. There is a significant slowdown going from 6.7.2 to 6.8.1 as the number of files increases. When Hard Link support is enabled the slowdown becomes extreme.
  4. Changed Status to Closed Changed Priority to Other
  5. I see. User error You have to press the "Provision" button. I was expecting that to happen automatically when changing "Use SSL/TLS" to "Auto".
  6. In the meantime, you can press the Tab key once to put the focus on the username field
  7. OK running this command manually generates the certificate: root@TowerVM:/tmp# php /usr/local/emhttp/webGui/include/ProvisionCert.php nginx: the configuration file /etc/nginx/nginx.conf syntax is ok nginx: configuration file /etc/nginx/nginx.conf test is successful LE Cert Provisioned successfully The question is, why isn't this happening automatically?
  8. I first noticed this problem in 6.8.1-rc1, updated to 6.8.1 and still persists. Start with an empty /boot/config/ssl/certs directory and USE_SSL set to off, Go to Settings -> Management Access and change "Use SSL/TLS" from "No" to "Auto" The system will generate a self-signed certificate instead of using LetsEncrypt I'm marking this Minor because I haven't seen other reports so it is possible it is unique to my system. But if new LE setups really are broken then it should probably be Urgent.
  9. One option - if you can get to the command line, you could type something like this: /usr/local/emhttp/webGui/scripts/notify -e "Your Unraid server is not secured" -s "I found your Unraid on the Internet without a password" -d "You need to secure this before someone hacks you" -i "alert" That will give them a notification on the webgui and send them an email (if they have that configured)
  10. Here is a tool for checking the status of SSL installations on your internal network: https://github.com/drwetter/testssl.sh It is a command line tool, no GUI. You can run it from the Unraid command line like this: docker run -ti drwetter/testssl.sh <unraid host>:<unraid port> (Note that after running this command, the "testssl" docker will show up in the Unraid webgui. You can't really run it from there, although you can use the webgui to delete it if you want.) When run against stock Unraid 6.8.1-rc1, testssl reports: SSLv2 not offered (OK) SSLv3 not offered (OK) TLS 1 offered (deprecated) TLS 1.1 offered (deprecated) TLS 1.2 offered (OK) TLS 1.3 not offered and downgraded to a weaker protocol NPN/SPDY h2, http/1.1 (advertised) ALPN/HTTP2 h2, http/1.1 (offered) After making the changes above it confirms that only 1.2 and 1.3 are offered (good!): SSLv2 not offered (OK) SSLv3 not offered (OK) TLS 1 not offered TLS 1.1 not offered TLS 1.2 offered (OK) TLS 1.3 offered (OK): final NPN/SPDY h2, http/1.1 (advertised) ALPN/HTTP2 h2, http/1.1 (offered)
  11. Well you've really sent me down the rabbit hole Tagging @limetech for visibility Not only should we disable TLSv1 and 1.1, we should enable 1.3. Lots of good info here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transport_Layer_Security TLSv1.0 and 1.1 have multiple vulns: https://www.globalsign.com/en/blog/disable-tls-10-and-all-ssl-versions/ https://tools.ietf.org/id/draft-moriarty-tls-oldversions-diediedie-00.html TLSv1.2 is good, with significant availability: https://qsportal.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/DOC/pages/3571715/TLSv1.2+Browser+Compatibility TLSv1.3 is best, with security and performance improvements over 1.2 (this should make the webgui a little faster in modern browsers that support it): https://casecurity.org/2018/04/10/tls-1-3-includes-improvements-to-security-and-performance/ According to this page: https://qsportal.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/DOC/pages/3571715/TLSv1.2+Browser+Compatibility TLSv1.2 has been enabled by default in most browsers for quite a while now: Chrome since version 38 (2014) Firefox since version 27 (2014) Safari since version 7 on OSX 10.9 (2013) IE since version 11 (2013) Edge (all versions) Android since Lollipop (2014) iOS since iOS 5 (2011?) So the risk of dropping TLSv1 and 1.1 seems very small. If people really want to keep using their obsolete clients and don't care about the security issues, I see two options: add an option to the webgui to enable v1 and/or v1.1 (if we think a lot of people will need this) or provide a sed command that people could manually add to their go script that adds TLSv1 and/or TLSv1.1 to the nginx.conf. Speaking of which, users who want to secure their systems today can use a good text editor (such as Notepad++, not Notepad) to edit the /config/go script in their "flash" share. Add these lines to the top of the file (above the reference to emhttp): # disable TLSv1 and TLSv1.1, enable TLSv1.2 and TLSv1.3 # see https://forums.unraid.net/topic/86949-tlsv1-is-being-obsoleted-this-spring/ # Note: this is not needed in Unraid 6.8.2 and higher sed -i 's/TLSv1 TLSv1.1 TLSv1.2/TLSv1.2 TLSv1.3/' /etc/nginx/nginx.conf Before rebooting, if you type this command: grep ssl_protocols /etc/nginx/nginx.conf you should see: ssl_protocols TLSv1 TLSv1.1 TLSv1.2; After rebooting with the updated go script, that same command should return: ssl_protocols TLSv1.2 TLSv1.3; To undo this change, delete those lines from the go script and reboot.
  12. Wow this sounds great! Does "Local server uses NAT" have any effect on whether WG can access these Docker networks, or does it work regardless? When "Local server uses NAT" is set to "No", the gui tells you what static route you need to add to your router. I'm wondering if we should show a similar message when it is set to "Yes"? It isn't always required, but it will be helpful in this case where there are custom docker networks.
  13. I don't use wildcard certs so I can't fully test this myself, but give this a shot: SSH to the server (don't use the web console for this, either use SSH or an actual console) Type this to temporarily modify rc.nginx: sed -i '/HOSTSSL=$(openssl/a HOSTSSL=${HOSTSSL/\\*/$HOSTNAME}' /etc/rc.d/rc.nginx This adds a new line to the script that says if the HOSTSSL variable contains a '*', replace '*' with the server's HOSTNAME. If it doesn't contain a '*', do nothing. That should change '*.home.insanegenius.net' to 'server-2.home.insanegenius.net' Type this to restart nginx with the new config file (again, don't issue this command if you are using the web console): /etc/rc.d/rc.nginx restart Once that is done, please let me know the output of these commands, just to verify it did what I expect: hostname -s grep HOSTSSL /etc/rc.d/rc.nginx grep 302 /etc/nginx/conf.d/emhttp-servers.conf If everything worked, when you visit either of these: http://server-2.home.insanegenius.net http://<IP Address> It should redirect you to: https://server-2.home.insanegenius.net If you want to undo the change at this point, just reboot. Up until now, the change we made will not survive a reboot. To make the change permanent, edit the /config/go file in the "flash" share (use a good editor that understands Unix line endings, like Notepad++ on Windows) and add these lines to the top of the file: # fix wildcard certificates sed -i '/HOSTSSL=$(openssl/a HOSTSSL=${HOSTSSL/\\*/$HOSTNAME}' /etc/rc.d/rc.nginx Reboot and confirm that the redirects still work properly Note that if this functionality is ever added to stock Unraid you'd want to remove those two lines from your go script.
  14. Here are a couple of scripts that give a little insight into the paperless consumption process. I called them "pre" and "post", and put them in the "data" directory: /mnt/user/appdata/paperless/data/pre #!/usr/bin/env bash # https://paperless.readthedocs.io/en/latest/consumption.html#hooking-into-the-consumption-process echo Begin pre-processing script echo - Original filename: [${1}] echo End pre-processing script /mnt/user/appdata/paperless/data/post #!/usr/bin/env bash # https://paperless.readthedocs.io/en/latest/consumption.html#hooking-into-the-consumption-process echo Begin post-processing script echo - Document id: [${1}] echo - Generated filename: [${2}] echo - Source path: [${3}] echo - Thumbnail path: [${4}] echo - Download URL: [${5}] echo - Thumbnail URL: [${6}] echo - Correspondent: [${7}] echo - Tags: [${8}] echo End post-processing script Then add these two variables to the paperless-consumer docker: PAPERLESS_PRE_CONSUME_SCRIPT /usr/src/paperless/data/pre PAPERLESS_POST_CONSUME_SCRIPT /usr/src/paperless/data/post You can see the output by watching the paperless-consumer docker logs
  15. Thanks to everyone who worked on bringing paperless to Unraid! All of the work that has been put into it so far has been super helpful. This is the biggest annoyance so far: https://github.com/the-paperless-project/paperless/issues/546 which basically means if you dump a bunch of files in the comsume folder, you can't make any changes to the database until they have finished being processed. Currently the docker writes files with GID 1000, I've submitted a PR with a change that will allow us to use GID 100 (users) like we do with everything else on Unraid: https://github.com/the-paperless-project/paperless/pull/599 Once that is accepted the template will need a variable for: USERMAP_GID: 100 I haven't fully decided if I will use paperless, but I have some suggestions for the template to help people get started faster. I could submit a PR, but I figured the people who have been using this more might be in a better position to decide if this would be helpful: In the 'Overview', include a link to the documentation: https://paperless.readthedocs.io/en/latest/ For the 'Data' path, set a default of /mnt/user/appdata/paperless/data with the following description: Container Path: /usr/src/paperless/data . This contains the paperless database. Should be in appdata. For the 'Media' path, set a default of /mnt/user/appdata/paperless/media with the following description: Container Path: /usr/src/paperless/media . Once consumed, files will be stored here. You may wish to place this on the array instead of in appdata. For the 'Consumption' path, set a default of /mnt/user/appdata/paperless/consume with the following description: Container Path: /consume . Files placed here will be consumed by paperless. For the 'Export' path, set a default of /mnt/user/appdata/paperless/export with the following description: Container Path: /export . Location for files used by the exporter utility. See https://paperless.readthedocs.io/en/latest/utilities.html#the-exporter For PAPERLESS_OCR_LANGUAGES, set a default value of "eng" and include the following description: Container Variable: PAPERLESS_OCR_LANGUAGES. Space-separated list of 3-letter language codes used for OCR. List of valid codes available here: https://www.loc.gov/standards/iso639-2/php/code_list.php How about adding the PAPERLESS_TIME_ZONE variable, defaulted to "UTC", with the following description: Container Variable: PAPERLESS_TIME_ZONE. Override the default UTC time zone. For details see: https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.10/ref/settings/#std:setting-TIME_ZONE How about adding the PAPERLESS_INLINE_DOC variable, defaulted to "false", with the following description: Container Variable: PAPERLESS_INLINE_DOC. When true, PDF files will be viewed in the browser. When false, PDF files will be downloaded.
  16. Under Settings -> Management Access -> Local TLD, it looks like that is set to "local". Mine is empty, although I don't really know what the downside is of "local" vs empty. I wouldn't expect either setting to prevent you from using SSH though
  17. Oh! pinky finger LOL Sorry I was trying to figure out what kind of technology you were referring to I meant if you delete the network.cfg and reboot, I'm pretty sure Unraid will regenerate a clean default one for you. But pulling from the install file is a good idea too.
  18. rogue pinky? Good solution to the problem. BTW, a reboot will automatically regenerate a default network.cfg file
  19. So you're saying there is a bug in the Grammerly extension that causes it to modify the Unraid webgui even when it is whitelisted? That doesn't seem like an Unraid issue...
  20. OK that sounds like the same issue though. A browser extension you installed is modifying the code of a website in a way that you don't like. It isn't up to the website to work around what the extension is doing, it is up to the extension to not modify the website incorrectly. It looks like Grammerly has a whitelist, perhaps you can use that to keep it from modifying the Unraid webgui? https://support.grammarly.com/hc/en-us/articles/115000091612-Disable-the-Grammarly-extension-on-one-or-more-websites
  21. Ah, so upnpc is disabled by default and you need to install the Wireguard plugin to enable it. Interesting. I will update the OP. Thanks! Edit: Starting with Unraid 6.8.1, the Wireguard plugin is no longer required.
  22. Ad blocking browsers and extensions actively modify the website's code. Pi-Hole actively blocks network connections that the code expects to be there. I use similar services too, but when something goes wrong it is not the fault of the website you are visiting, it is the fault of the ad blocking software that is modifying/blocking portions of the website. If you want to view the website as the author intended, you need to whitelist it. That is not a hack on the part of the website, it is a hack to get around bugs/false positives in the ad blocking software.
  23. Plugin Name: UPnP Monitor. Install using Community Applications. Minimum Unraid version: 6.8.0 Source code: https://github.com/ljm42/unraid-upnp This plugin gives visibility into the UPnP activity on your network. It uses the upnpc client that ships with Unraid to contact the UPnP server running on your router to get a list of all the UPnP port forwards that have been setup on your network. You can review the list and take action (limited) if there are any that you do not expect to see. The plugin offers a debug mode if you would like to see the exact commands that it runs to get the data. I may remove this at some point. There is also a refresh button to get the latest data from the router without reloading the whole page. Notes / Caveats: The UPnP client is disabled by default in Unraid, you can enable it on the Settings -> Management Access page. Unless you do that, this plugin will not be useful. Note: In Unraid 6.8.0 you also need to have the WireGuard plugin installed in order to see the option to enable UPnP. Starting with 6.8.1 this is no longer necessary. Similarly, if you have disabled UPnP on your router then this plugin will not be useful. I only run IPV4, so it is possible that the plugin will not parse IPV6 addresses properly. If you notice any parsing problems, please PM me the output of the debug screen and I'll take a look. UPnP and Security Many people feel that UPnP is a security risk because it requires no authentication - any application on your network is able to forward a port through the router. On the flip side, it is super convenient If you are running UPnP on your network, you can take the following steps to take to reduce your risk (no warranty or guarantee is implied): Update your router's firmware. Older versions of UPnP had security issues so it is important to stay fairly current. In general, if your router isn't getting regular updates you should probably replace it. If your router has an option for "secure mode UPnP", enable it. This makes it so that a computer on your network can only forward a port to itself. Without this, any computer on the network can forward a port to any other computer, which is definitely a security concern. In some routers this may be enabled by default with no option to disable it. High-end routers like pfSense and OPNsense allow you to restrict which IP addresses are allowed to make UPnP calls to setup port forwards. You can use this to limit your risk by only allowing trusted computers to do this. Review the list of active UPnP port forwards so you are aware of how it is being used. Your router may or may not provide this functionality. That is the purpose of this plugin. Delete any UPnP port forwards you no longer want. This plugin assumes your router is running in "secure mode", so it will only let you delete port forwards that point at Unraid's main IP address. To delete port forwards that point to other IP addresses you would need to look for that option on your router. You may be able to delete them en masse by disabling/enabling UPnP on the router, or rebooting it. Of course, this will not prevent them from being created again in the future. For that you need a router that allows the restrictions mentioned in item 3 above, or simply disable UPnP on the router.
  24. You can run the underlying wg commands if you want, but you can fully monitor everything right from the Unraid dashboard. Pretty cool.
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