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Everything posted by ljm42

  1. It sounds like there was an intermittent problem, either on our end or on your end or somewhere in between. We haven't widely announced it, but you are welcome to check our new status page when you are having issues: https://status.unraid.net/ I don't see any evidence of a problem on our end, so that means it was likely on your end or somewhere in between. This is a DNS error. It likely means that the network connection between your server and your DNS server was down. If the only thing that is affected is this error message then you can probably just ignore it. However, if your whole server has network connectivity issues during this time then this is a symptom and not the cause. The whole diagnostics would have been helpful because I could have looked for other evidence that DNS was having issues. I assume everything is back to normal at this point? If it happens again, please grab diagnostics while the problem is happening. Just to be clear, when you say "the My Servers plugin fails" what exactly do you mean? Is this error message in the upper right corner of the page the only evidence of a problem or is there something more? I just want to be sure I am understanding the issue. No the server is not pingable. The status website mentioned above would be a good way to see if the problems on our end.
  2. Hey folks, you'll want to head over to the Plugins tab and check for updates, My Servers plugin version 2022.11.29.0742 is now available. We've made another round of stability improvements to the My Servers Client as well as to Flash Backup. Speaking of flash backup, we are running a regular process to delete old cloud backups from our server. So far we are being cautious so as not to delete something that you might still want, but the Settings -> My Servers page will now show you if you have files on our server and give you the option to remove them yourself (assuming you have disabled flash backup) before our automated systems do. Troubleshooting flash backup: * We tweaked our firewall detection routine, there should be no more false positives with "Unable to connect to backup.unraid.net:22", if you still see that message then you need to investigate what firewall is preventing your server from making an ssh connection to backup.unraid.net on port 22. For instance, Ubiquity flags this communication as an "Attempted Information Leak" and you'll want to ignore that. * If you see "DNS is unable to resolve backup.unraid.net" then go to Settings -> Network Settings and set your DNS server to a non-blocking DNS provider like or * If you see a "failed to sync" error message, or anything saying "error" or "fatal", choose the "Deactivate" option (and delete from remote) then "Activate" to start fresh. ## 2022.11.29.0742 ### This version resolves: - several corner cases that could have prevent a successful install - no array size shown on dashboard after a reboot - multiple Unraid API instances running at once ### This version adds: - ability to delete your flash backup files from the cloud - do not suppress the underlying problem when flash backup is rate limited - reset flash backup errors when plugin is updated - remove flash backup "reinitialize" option, is replaced by deactivate/activate - new method of detecting flash backup firewall issues
  3. Re-read the first two posts, in particular the section titled "Complex networks"
  4. You'll want to read the first two posts here: https://forums.unraid.net/topic/84226-wireguard-quickstart/ paying particular attention to the section titled "Complex networks"
  5. Where did come from? It should be (if you want the whole subnet) or (if you want a single IP)
  6. Sorry I can't help with the other stuff
  7. There is a bug that happens directly after a reboot. It will be fixed in the next plugin release (soon), in the meantime you can open a web terminal and type: unraid-api restart
  8. I personally haven't used ipv6, you can try removing that from both the Address and AllowedIPs fields before importing. There were some important enhancements to "VPN tunneled access for Docker" in the 6.11 series, I'd recommend upgrading to 6.11.5. Note that once you upgrade you'll need to make a dummy change to your tunnel(s) and Apply in order to get the improvements.
  9. Please open a web terminal and run `unraid-api restart`. Wait 5 mins, then type `unraid-api report -v` and paste the results here. Also, what url are you using to access the server? It has to be one of the urls listed in the ALLOWED_ORIGINS area of the report above.
  10. Hmm post the config file you are importing (without your private/public keys)
  11. Just FYI, Let's Encrypt SSL support is a feature of Unraid, not My Servers. Strict mode is the most secure, but is problematic when DNS is unavailable. It sounds like you got past it, but here is the documentation on how to disable SSL temporarily if you need it in the future: https://wiki.unraid.net/Manual/Security#Https_with_Myunraid.net_certificate_-_with_no_fallback_URL
  12. There was already an update to My Servers that would have reduced the time, but for further reductions:
  13. Have you had a chance to read my last post? You can watch this thread for updates to My Servers https://forums.unraid.net/topic/112073-my-servers-releases-and-announcements/
  14. It will be resolved in the next release of the My Servers plugin
  15. You can think of the dashboard as list of your licenses, rather than a list of your physical servers. This is a license which you are not currently using, but is available to be downloaded and applied to another server.
  16. My understanding is if you don't set a dns provider in the "Extra Paramters", then the Unraid host handles your dns lookups and those go through Unraid's Internet connection. However, if you set the dns provider then the container handles the lookups and those go through the tunnel. Right, when you set the tunnel type to "VPN tunneled access for docker" this creates a network interface but does not assign containers to it. You would follow the instructions in the OP to assign the desired containers to it and set their DNS. That would not be very useful The docker containers use the WireGuard tunnel for Internet access but they are still accessible on the local LAN.
  17. "Remote access to server" is not enforced by the server. It is actually a WireGuard client setting where the client gets to choose whether to access the tunnel IP or the LAN IP. You may want to turn on the help and check out the "Local tunnel firewall" option
  18. Fix Common Problems attemps to highlight common problems that trip people up. It is true that there can be valid setups for jumbo frames, but there is no way for FCP to validate you have properly setup every device on the second network to work with jumbo frames. So we issue a warning and if you are sure you have things setup correctly you can just click ignore. In general though, we recommend avoiding jumbo frames: https://forums.unraid.net/topic/120220-fix-common-problems-more-information/page/2/#comment-1167702
  19. Hmm, here is an example command we are running: /usr/bin/host -W 10 unraid-dl.sfo2.cdn.digitaloceanspaces.com The "-W 10" means "wait up to 10 seconds", so I'm not sure why it is actually waiting 30 seconds. I see you have two DNS servers defined, but even if it were waiting 10 seconds per DNS server that would only be 20 seconds. So... yeah I will spend some time rethinking this (maybe it can quit after a single failure instead of trying them all), but probably not in time for our next release, hopefully the one after that.
  20. Please give the "Testing the tunnel" section of the OP another read
  21. The OP tells you how to run a leak test, not sure what else you would be concerned with?
  22. I would say yes Looks like your cache disk is full Nov 18 09:11:41 Tower shfs: cache disk full ### [PREVIOUS LINE REPEATED 13658 TIMES] ###
  23. Edit the config/network.cfg file on your flash drive and make the deletions/changes noted below. Then reboot and you should be good. # Generated settings: IFNAME[0]="br0" DHCP_KEEPRESOLV="yes" DNS_SERVER1="" DNS_SERVER2="" DHCP6_KEEPRESOLV="no" BRNAME[0]="br0" BRNICS[0]="eth0" BRSTP[0]="no" BRFD[0]="0" DESCRIPTION[0]="1GB " PROTOCOL[0]="ipv4" USE_DHCP[0]="yes" USE_DHCP6[0]="yes" IFNAME[1]="br1" BRNAME[1]="br1" BRNICS[1]="eth1" BRSTP[1]="no" BRFD[1]="0" DESCRIPTION[1]="10GB Ethernet" PROTOCOL[1]="ipv4" USE_DHCP[1]="no" IPADDR[1]="" NETMASK[1]="" IFNAME[2]="eth2" <<< delete this line PROTOCOL[2]="ipv4" <<< delete this line USE_DHCP[2]="no" <<< delete this line IPADDR[2]="" <<< delete this line NETMASK[2]="" <<< delete this line SYSNICS="3" <<< change this from "3" to "2"
  24. Pressing keys on the keyboard may wake it up? Otherwise I think you'll need to reboot and figure out where to plug in the monitor until it lights up during boot. Or you can wait for someone else to chime in
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