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Everything posted by JonathanM

  1. Do you know for certain which drives where assigned to which slots? If so, just assign them as they were, you can either let parity rebuild or select the option that parity is already valid and do a check. If you aren't sure which drive was assigned where, assign them all as data drives, and start the array. As long as you don't assign anything to the parity slot(s), nothing will be overwritten.
  2. Attach the diagnostics zip file to your next post. Links to external sites are not wanted.
  3. The only way that will happen is if someone fluent in english and chinese languages volunteers their time and coordinates with limetech.
  4. 谷歌文档 That being said, it's not efficient to put the burden of translation on the forum at large. You are always welcome to post bad google translations and someone will probably attempt to answer.
  5. This is controlled by your router. loopback, nat hairpinning, are some terms to google along with your router.
  6. Did you run 24 hours or so of memtest with the new RAM to be sure it was good?
  7. Not automatically. When the drive is being emulated, you can copy the data to another disk slot, however this is a slow process, because it involves reading and writing all the other array disks. Normally you would replace the drive with another, typically larger drive. In your case, since you formatted the emulated content, it's no longer rebuildable from parity, so the only path forward is to try to recover the data from the physical disk.
  8. post the docker run commands of both sonarr and nzbgetvpn.
  9. Permissions aren't the issue, hence why 777 doesn't help. See here. https://forums.unraid.net/topic/57181-real-docker-faq/page/2/#comment-566086
  10. And also, does the speed improve if you are not using encryption?
  11. Whichever version's author seems to be actively maintaining it and will be willing to answer questions on how to get it running. You will be largely on your own, so support of the container author is crucial.
  12. Local is likely going to be the same speed. The restriction is the single drive speed, not the LAN.
  13. You can't start the array on a trial license without internet, but that wouldn't cause a crash. Which motherboard and CPU? Has it passed at least 24 hours of memtest without error?
  14. That makes no sense to me. I'm pretty sure disk encryption has NOTHING to do with SSL browser authentication. Did you try opening https://192.168.X.X or whatever your fixed IP is? It should give you a security warning, but it also should allow you to continue anyway.
  15. Why? With a fixed IP, you should be able to log in directly to that IP. What happens if you try?
  16. Different motherboard with better iommu groups. Simultaneous multiple passthrough VM's need specific hardware, it's best to find someone running a hardware combo that is already in use doing what you want and copy it part for part.
  17. Since you globally excluded disk3, none of the content moved there is visible. Fix the global exclusions and you should be ok.
  18. No, you added 2 points to @John_M and one point to me. I don't know what he's complaining about. 😀
  19. @johnnie.black is the BTRFS guru, but offhand I'd say your first step would be to copy everything that's currently on the cache to an array drive or make sure you have it backed up somewhere. You may end up having to reformat the cache pool and put everything back.
  20. On the post that helped you hover your mouse over the heart in the bottom right, then click the appropriate reaction.
  21. That is on purpose, if you want to access that container from a different subnet you will need to add the appropriate network definition to the LAN_NETWORK key in the container configuration.
  22. I think the point of this report is to complain that the webgui should give an error message and refuse to complete the change when entering a non-valid password instead of accepting it and causing a lock out condition.
  23. Do you have full backups of all important data already in place and a strategy to keep them updated? If not, then the extra drive would be much better as a backup drive. Parity will help with keeping your array up and running when a drive fails, and dual parity can be valuable if you have a second failure while you are rebuilding the first failure, but it won't get deleted or corrupted files recovered. Only backups can do that.
  24. Be sure to set it back to read only after you are done restoring.
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