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Everything posted by JonathanM

  1. My gut is telling me no, but it can't hurt to try. Have you noticed any patterns in the usage increase from what items are being downloaded?
  2. https://wiki.lime-technology.com/Replace_A_Cache_Drive
  3. Is the symbolic link location in settings pointing to a persistent location? (/mnt/user/*, /mnt/diskX/*, /mnt/cache/*)
  4. AFAIK, the issue is the dual nature of the container. If VPN is enabled, no need for the 58xxx ports. If VPN is off, those ports are needed to enable incoming torrent connections. Most people using the container enable the VPN, so the extra mapping is not used.
  5. That's normal AFAIK. I believe you are looking for phpVirtualBox, which needs to be installed and configured separately. If you want to make sure the virtualbox part is working without dealing with phpVirtualBox, you will need to use the command line. https://www.virtualbox.org/manual/ch08.html#idm3463
  6. I don't think you can mount a md RAID volume in unraid. I think your best option would be to redo your OMV setup to mount the disks, copy the data to single disk volumes, then you can set up unraid and use unassigned devices plugin to copy data from the single disks. I could be wrong, maybe email support at limetech and ask if it's possible to manually command line mount a RAID0 set from OMV. I know there is no easy automatic way of doing it.
  7. Wild guess. Delete one and see if the others disappear. Maybe it's the same file presented in multiple views? If not, is it possible you created 4 different profiles for capture? I don't currently use the software, so I'm probably completely wrong.
  8. Not possible AFAIK. Try SimpleExtractor plugin with the inplace option.
  9. Inside the docker image. docker exec inside the container, mv the file to a folder that is mapped to the host.
  10. Thanks! I'll be sure to squawk if it's something I think you can help.
  11. What are the paths to the two folders, both from the container's view, and unraid's view?
  12. What are your docker port mappings? The container side (8080?) should match the app config, and it should answer on the corresponding host port (8085?)
  13. Say you are transcoding a video. While that is in process, 2 or more drives must be spun up, depending on single or dual parity, source vs destination, etc. The actual transcode is heavily CPU dependent, so the T version will take some arbitrary amount of extra time to complete the task. When the transcode is done, all drives can then spin down. The transcode CPU cycles will be similar, so total power consumed by the CPU will be similar. The drives will consume extra power comparatively, because they were in use longer. Same task, extra power.
  14. No. The thermal limited processors will consume the same if not more power for the same tasks. They just take longer to accomplish the task to keep the average consumption lower, which in turn will keep the drives spun up longer taking more overall power, not less. As long as you can physically dissipate the peak power consumption, it's always better to get the task over and done sooner.
  15. Yep. Pick either /data or /downloads and change them all to be the same. Since you are changing the app side you will need to hit the edit button on the mapping to change it. After you change the mapping, be sure to change the app itself to look in the correct folder.
  16. Didn't say it was easy or practical, but I'm pretty sure that's what he wants to do.
  17. What if you don't have access to the endpoint router? I think the point is with a VPN you CAN forward an incoming port, but with some ISP's you can't.
  18. Because you aren't supposed to be changing it. Each container as free access to ALL of the container ports, without any conflict, because they are inside the container. Only the host ports, which are easy to change, can conflict.
  19. Keys to the kingdom. The router is the only thing keeping the baddies out, yet tends to be one of the least maintained pieces of equipment. I've migrated to pfsense, at least I can be reasonably sure it's being updated in a timely fashion, unlike netgear, linksys, etc.
  20. Then you still have a problem with the VPN or something. I suggest posting the supervisord log after looking through it and XX'ing out your VPN username and password, along with the run command from the docker.
  21. Some controllers don't have the issue, some do. It won't hurt to enable it, but you may be spinning drives that don't need to spin. I'm not aware of an easy way to figure out if you are effected other than to manually do tests, copy with speed monitoring from one drive and spin up the rest one at a time to see if the copy pauses. Repeat for each controller group, to see what spin up requests do or don't effect.
  22. What happens if you set that proxy in your desktop browser?
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