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Everything posted by JonathanM

  1. It will show an error count if there are any differences in what is read from the parity disk and what is calculated from the data drives. The messaging is currently the same whether those errors are simply noted, or corrected. Correct. Parity is kept up to date in realtime as writes are done. As long as the drive internal caches have finished their writes before power is lost, there should be no sync errors. If there are writes in progress, the data drives are higher priority, so it's entirely possible that a write can be successfully completed on the data drive but the parity write has yet to be fully committed, causing a sync error, a correcting parity check will complete that process. It's also possible for a power cut to corrupt a data drive if a write in progress gets cut off at just the wrong moment. In that case parity can't help, because it will have even older data. Most of the time the file system checks can at least get back to a readable state, at the expense of a corrupted file or several.
  2. What location are you downloading to inside deluge, and where is that location mapped on the server? Post the docker run and a screenshot of the deluge path settings if you are unclear.
  3. Edit the container and set the options you want. https://github.com/ytdl-org/youtube-dl/blob/master/README.md#output-template
  4. Are you sure the slot you are using has enough lanes available? Can you try different slots?
  5. That's because you didn't elevate the command prompt. Right click the command prompt icon and run as administrator
  6. There are other ways of scripting this kind of thing if you need it. Basic outline for one method is... look for existence of specific file or content in public share if content exists, start VM and delete said content That way, user can touch file in public share to start VM.
  7. Unclear what you mean. The drives will remain accessible after you enter the passphrase until the server is shut down. When you start the server again the encrypted drives will be unavailable until the passphrase is entered.
  8. The new config tool will allow assigning (and unassigning) whichever disks you want, any disk assigned to the parity slot(s) will be overwritten with a fresh parity build using only the assigned disks when the array is started.
  9. This has been extensively discussed in the support thread for linuxserver nextcloud. The link for container support is in the left click dropdown of the container icon on the dashboard or docker page of the Unraid GUI.
  10. Set up the syslog server to keep a copy of the log after the crash, collect it and post in a reply.
  11. There doesn't seem to be an Unraid specific support thread on this site, so I'll leave this here, normally you would want to ask in the container's specific support thread. Have you looked around at the documentation linked with the template? https://github.com/lancachenet/lancache-dns
  12. That's SUPPOSED to work properly as well. I prefer full shutdown however.
  13. Could you please fix the first post in this thread with all this updated information? I did what I could, but the whole post really needs to be redone. If that's not possible, please write a clean post in this thread with all the pertinent information and I'll pin it as a recommended post. I'm trying to get this new way of dealing with this container in front of everyone who is posting and asking the same questions over and over.
  14. https://forums.unraid.net/topic/48383-support-linuxserverio-nextcloud/?do=findComment&comment=1280358
  15. Try different machine and bios types, as well as different disk controller emulations. You will need to create a new VM for each test. I'd recommend copying the vdisk files and experimenting on the copies.
  16. How are you accessing the shell screen? Maybe describe your setup?
  17. Keep in mind that if one of the pool members fail, you will lose the whole pool. There is no redundancy in single profile. The pool members are NOT individually readable like they would be under the main Unraid array.
  18. https://forums.unraid.net/topic/46802-faq-for-unraid-v6/#comment-480419
  19. I don't have statistics to back this up, but probably not significantly more or less common than simple fan failures. The issue is the consequences. When you have a water block on your CPU, the amount of thermal mass available to absorb heat is relatively tiny compared to a big block of copper and aluminum. If the water stops flowing for whatever reason, the CPU can reach critical temperatures way faster than if a CPU fan fails. Plus, if the water isn't flowing, is it because the pump failed, or did the water leave somewhere? If so, what did it get wet? The vast majority of people running water cooling don't experience failure. I just don't like the risk / reward balance for a 24/7 server that's mostly unattended.
  20. If you are the paranoid type, being able to send back a failing disk for RMA instead of needing to destroy it can be quite the money saver. Also, done properly, encryption can keep things secret that could cause harm if it would fall into the wrong hands. Some servers are used for proprietary company information, medical profiles, credit information, stuff that would cause massive lawsuits if it were exposed. Not everybody here uses Unraid for just BluRay backup archiving.
  21. Be sure to do your due diligence with respect to the hardware and interfaces needed for accurate audio processing in a VM. Something in the back of my brain is telling me to warn you about VM's with respect to audio processing. I could be wrong, but I'd hate for you to spend a bunch of time and money chasing something that won't produce the results you need.
  22. You can permanently revert to the old style of shutting down by disabling fast startup, but typically you only really need to change the behaviour for specific instances, like was mentioned by the OP.
  23. Hold the "shift" key when you click the "Shut Down" text. Otherwise windows doesn't fully close attached volumes or do a bunch of other cleanup work to enhance startup speed.
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