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Everything posted by wgstarks

  1. Don’t you remember?? Yeah, my mistake.
  2. For an absolutely clean install you would go to dockers, click the logo and select “Remove”. You should also be prompted to remove the image file. Go to your appdata folder (probably cache/appdata) and delete the Plex folder.
  3. 701 for me. I’m a kinda slow learner and I never can seem to stop playing with it.?
  4. @gridrunner (spaceinvader one) has many other videos including one for adding Sonarr which is a tv show indexer. Binhex also has supplied a RadarrVPN indexer which is for movies but is almost completely identical to Sonarr. I think you’ll find that they are fairly easy to get setup.
  5. You can also just copy the url link and add it that way. https://www.rapidseedbox.com/kb/ultimate-deluge-guide Scroll down to the section on adding torrents.
  6. It is your docker configuration. Go to docker and edit the delugevpn docker.
  7. I did a little testing with Joe L's modded script. It still works with 6.4. You won't get any sort of progress in the unraid webUI of course, only in the screen session. If you have UD installed you will see the file system change to "precleared" once the test is complete.
  8. That is a request, not a demand. I guess unRAID has chosen not to honor that request. This is after the request-
  9. Also, sigs aren’t viewable on mobile browsers. I have to VPN to my home network and then VNC into a desktop to get a link from a sig. PITA?
  10. I usually run a bootable backup once a week or so, a LAN backup every night and a cloud backup once a week. That way I’m fairly well covered even in the event of fire, flood, earthquake, whatever.
  11. Just to be sure, you realize that network TM backups are not bootable right? You can use them to restore data files but not system files. For that you need to backup to direct attached storage.
  12. I think that this won’t work with Time Machine. Would work with Carbon Copy Cloner though. IMO CCC is a better backup utility anyway.
  13. This sounds like an app issue to me. I would try posting on the Plex forums.
  14. Restarted the ControlR app on my phone and everything is good now. ? Looks like the server is pulling the readings I have configured for the webUI footer.
  15. Here’s another screenshot that maybe shows it better. It’s actually a very cool effect in the right ummm frame of mind.
  16. Looks Like the scroll is running in two directions. Not sure how well it will show in this screenshot, but there are two identical scroll bars (one foreground and one background) scrolling at different speeds and bouncing left and right. What a trip.?
  17. Yes. As long as you are connecting to the share via SMB.
  18. Actually, it’s .Recycle.Bin. Depending on how you are browsing the shares you may need to ensure that Hide Dot Files is set to “No” in Settings>SMB. If you are using the file browser built in to the webUI I don’t think it matters.
  19. Mine started. IPMI readings seem to be rather random. I get a cpu temp, board temp (not sure what that is?) and a speed for an unidentified fan. logs- I: 2018/01/30 14:39:19 app.go:57: controlr v2.7.8-344-f851f42-v2018.01.30b starting ...I: 2018/01/30 14:39:19 app.go:65: No config file specified. Using app defaults ...I: 2018/01/30 14:39:19 app.go:214: debug:cert(Brunnhilde_unraid_bundle.pem)I: 2018/01/30 14:39:19 app.go:150: debug:secure(true):cert(Brunnhilde_unraid_bundle.pem):usessl(yes):version(6.4.0)I: 2018/01/30 14:39:19 app.go:166: debug:secure(true):cert(Brunnhilde_unraid_bundle.pem):usessl(yes):version(6.4.0)I: 2018/01/30 14:39:19 app.go:186: debug:host( 2018/01/30 14:39:19 core.go:73: starting service Core ...I: 2018/01/30 14:39:19 core.go:82: debug:getting mac/prefs/featuresI: 2018/01/30 14:39:19 core.go:88: debug:creating pluginsI: 2018/01/30 14:39:19 core.go:267: debug:created ipmi sensorI: 2018/01/30 14:39:19 core.go:294: debug:no ups detectedI: 2018/01/30 14:39:19 core.go:93: debug:getting samplesI: 2018/01/30 14:39:19 utils.go:175: debug:executing:(/usr/sbin/ipmisensors):([--comma-separated-output --output-sensor-state --no-header-output --interpret-oem-data])I: 2018/01/30 14:39:19 core.go:96: debug:sensor samples:([{CPU 39 C neutral} {BOARD 28 C neutral} {FAN 900 rpm neutral}])I: 2018/01/30 14:39:19 core.go:99: debug:ups samples:([])I: 2018/01/30 14:39:19 server.go:70: Starting service Server ...I: 2018/01/30 14:39:19 server.go:89: Serving files from /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/controlrI: 2018/01/30 14:39:19 server.go:139: Server started listening https on :2378I: 2018/01/30 14:39:19 api.go:46: Starting service Api ...I: 2018/01/30 14:39:19 api.go:90: Api started listening https on :2382I: 2018/01/30 14:39:19 app.go:85: Press Ctrl+C to stop ...I: 2018/01/30 14:39:32 api.go:134: received /infoI: 2018/01/30 14:39:32 utils.go:175: debug:executing:(/usr/sbin/ipmisensors):([--comma-separated-output --output-sensor-state --no-header-output --interpret-oem-data])I: 2018/01/30 14:39:32 api.go:142: info({Version:2 Wake:{Mac:00:25:90:44:11:e6 Broadcast:} Prefs:{Number:., Unit:C} Samples:[{Key:CPU Value:37 Unit:C Condition:neutral} {Key:BOARD Value:28 Unit:C Condition:neutral} {Key:FAN Value:900 Unit:rpm Condition:neutral}] Features:map[sleep:false]})I: 2018/01/30 14:40:02 api.go:134: received /infoI: 2018/01/30 14:40:02 utils.go:175: debug:executing:(/usr/sbin/ipmisensors):([--comma-separated-output --output-sensor-state --no-header-output --interpret-oem-data])I: 2018/01/30 14:40:02 api.go:142: info({Version:2 Wake:{Mac:00:25:90:44:11:e6 Broadcast:} Prefs:{Number:., Unit:C} Samples:[{Key:CPU Value:35 Unit:C Condition:neutral} {Key:BOARD Value:28 Unit:C Condition:neutral} {Key:FAN Value:900 Unit:rpm Condition:neutral}] Features:map[sleep:false]})I: 2018/01/30 14:40:32 api.go:134: received /infoI: 2018/01/30 14:40:32 utils.go:175: debug:executing:(/usr/sbin/ipmisensors):([--comma-separated-output --output-sensor-state --no-header-output --interpret-oem-data])I: 2018/01/30 14:40:32 api.go:142: info({Version:2 Wake:{Mac:00:25:90:44:11:e6 Broadcast:} Prefs:{Number:., Unit:C} Samples:[{Key:CPU Value:37 Unit:C Condition:neutral} {Key:BOARD Value:28 Unit:C Condition:neutral} {Key:FAN Value:900 Unit:rpm Condition:neutral}] Features:map[sleep:false]})I: 2018/01/30 14:41:02 api.go:134: received /infoI: 2018/01/30 14:41:02 utils.go:175: debug:executing:(/usr/sbin/ipmisensors):([--comma-separated-output --output-sensor-state --no-header-output --interpret-oem-data])I: 2018/01/30 14:41:02 api.go:142: info({Version:2 Wake:{Mac:00:25:90:44:11:e6 Broadcast:} Prefs:{Number:., Unit:C} Samples:[{Key:CPU Value:35 Unit:C Condition:neutral} {Key:BOARD Value:28 Unit:C Condition:neutral} {Key:FAN Value:900 Unit:rpm Condition:neutral}] Features:map[sleep:false]})
  20. Can’t get the plugin to start after updating. Logs- I: 2018/01/30 12:56:09 app.go:89: Received signal: (terminated) ... shutting down the app now ...I: 2018/01/30 12:56:09 api.go:105: stopped service Api ...I: 2018/01/30 12:56:09 server.go:156: stopped service Server ...I: 2018/01/30 12:56:09 core.go:137: stopped service Core ...I: 2018/01/30 12:56:09 app.go:57: controlr v2.7.6-336-cb247a3-v2018.01.30 starting ...I: 2018/01/30 12:56:09 app.go:65: No config file specified. Using app defaults ...I: 2018/01/30 12:56:09 app.go:214: debug:cert(Brunnhilde_unraid_bundle.pem)I: 2018/01/30 12:56:09 app.go:150: debug:secure(true):cert(Brunnhilde_unraid_bundle.pem):usessl(yes):version(6.4.0)I: 2018/01/30 12:56:09 app.go:166: debug:secure(true):cert(Brunnhilde_unraid_bundle.pem):usessl(yes):version(6.4.0)I: 2018/01/30 12:56:09 app.go:186: debug:host( 2018/01/30 12:56:09 core.go:73: starting service Core ...I: 2018/01/30 12:56:09 core.go:82: debug:getting mac/prefs/featuresI: 2018/01/30 12:56:09 core.go:88: debug:creating pluginsI: 2018/01/30 12:56:09 core.go:267: debug:created ipmi sensorI: 2018/01/30 12:56:09 core.go:294: debug:no ups detectedI: 2018/01/30 12:56:09 core.go:93: debug:getting samplesI: 2018/01/30 12:56:09 utils.go:175: debug:executing:(/usr/sbin/ipmi-sensors):([--comma-separated-output --output-sensor-state --no-header-output --interpret-oem-data --always-prefix -h "" -u "wgstarks" -p "*******" --session-timeout=5000 --retransmission-timeout=1000])I: 2018/01/30 12:58:18 app.go:57: controlr v2.7.6-336-cb247a3-v2018.01.30 starting ...I: 2018/01/30 12:58:18 app.go:65: No config file specified. Using app defaults ...I: 2018/01/30 12:58:18 app.go:214: debug:cert(Brunnhilde_unraid_bundle.pem)I: 2018/01/30 12:58:18 app.go:150: debug:secure(true):cert(Brunnhilde_unraid_bundle.pem):usessl(yes):version(6.4.0)I: 2018/01/30 12:58:18 app.go:166: debug:secure(true):cert(Brunnhilde_unraid_bundle.pem):usessl(yes):version(6.4.0)I: 2018/01/30 12:58:18 app.go:186: debug:host( 2018/01/30 12:58:18 core.go:73: starting service Core ...I: 2018/01/30 12:58:18 core.go:82: debug:getting mac/prefs/featuresI: 2018/01/30 12:58:18 core.go:88: debug:creating pluginsI: 2018/01/30 12:58:18 core.go:267: debug:created ipmi sensorI: 2018/01/30 12:58:18 core.go:285: debug:created apc upsI: 2018/01/30 12:58:18 core.go:93: debug:getting samplesI: 2018/01/30 12:58:18 utils.go:175: debug:executing:(/usr/sbin/ipmi-sensors):([--comma-separated-output --output-sensor-state --no-header-output --interpret-oem-data --always-prefix -h "" -u "wgstarks" -p "*******" --session-timeout=5000 --retransmission-timeout=1000])I: 2018/01/30 12:59:54 app.go:57: controlr v2.7.6-336-cb247a3-v2018.01.30 starting ...I: 2018/01/30 12:59:54 app.go:65: No config file specified. Using app defaults ...I: 2018/01/30 12:59:54 app.go:214: debug:cert(Brunnhilde_unraid_bundle.pem)I: 2018/01/30 12:59:54 app.go:150: debug:secure(true):cert(Brunnhilde_unraid_bundle.pem):usessl(yes):version(6.4.0)I: 2018/01/30 12:59:54 app.go:166: debug:secure(true):cert(Brunnhilde_unraid_bundle.pem):usessl(yes):version(6.4.0)I: 2018/01/30 12:59:54 app.go:186: debug:host( 2018/01/30 12:59:54 core.go:73: starting service Core ...I: 2018/01/30 12:59:54 core.go:82: debug:getting mac/prefs/featuresI: 2018/01/30 12:59:54 core.go:88: debug:creating pluginsI: 2018/01/30 12:59:54 core.go:267: debug:created ipmi sensorI: 2018/01/30 12:59:54 core.go:285: debug:created apc upsI: 2018/01/30 12:59:54 core.go:93: debug:getting samplesI: 2018/01/30 12:59:54 utils.go:175: debug:executing:(/usr/sbin/ipmi-sensors):([--comma-separated-output --output-sensor-state --no-header-output --interpret-oem-data --always-prefix -h "" -u "wgstarks" -p "*******" --session-timeout=5000 --retransmission-timeout=1000])I: 2018/01/30 13:01:02 app.go:57: controlr v2.7.6-336-cb247a3-v2018.01.30 starting ...I: 2018/01/30 13:01:02 app.go:65: No config file specified. Using app defaults ...I: 2018/01/30 13:01:02 app.go:214: debug:cert(Brunnhilde_unraid_bundle.pem)I: 2018/01/30 13:01:02 app.go:150: debug:secure(true):cert(Brunnhilde_unraid_bundle.pem):usessl(yes):version(6.4.0)I: 2018/01/30 13:01:02 app.go:166: debug:secure(true):cert(Brunnhilde_unraid_bundle.pem):usessl(yes):version(6.4.0)I: 2018/01/30 13:01:02 app.go:186: debug:host( 2018/01/30 13:01:02 core.go:73: starting service Core ...I: 2018/01/30 13:01:02 core.go:82: debug:getting mac/prefs/featuresI: 2018/01/30 13:01:02 core.go:88: debug:creating pluginsI: 2018/01/30 13:01:02 core.go:267: debug:created ipmi sensorI: 2018/01/30 13:01:02 core.go:285: debug:created apc upsI: 2018/01/30 13:01:02 core.go:93: debug:getting samplesI: 2018/01/30 13:01:02 utils.go:175: debug:executing:(/usr/sbin/ipmi-sensors):([--comma-separated-output --output-sensor-state --no-header-output --interpret-oem-data --always-prefix -h "" -u "wgstarks" -p "*******" --session-timeout=5000 --retransmission-timeout=1000])
  21. Not really an answer to your question, but I believe that even though the preclear plugin isn’t compatible you can still use the modded script. You just won’t have the notification options.
  22. Tried this with mine but Server Layout deleted all my data when i applied the change to the number of drive slots. Is there any way to recover this data? CA Backup maybe?
  23. This is really only a guess on my part, but it may be because you have specified a port in the docker configuration. I know I don’t have this variable in my configuration.
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