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Everything posted by wgstarks

  1. My suggestion- 1) Delete the docker and image and the folder in appdata so you can start fresh. 2) Install docker. 3) login to admin with default admin/password as described in the github readme under the section "Setting up the application". 4) Change the authentication to "local". 5) Save configuration and also save to running server. 6) Add new user name/password in the WebUI (not CLI). 7) Save configuration and save to running server. 8 Logout. 9) Check that the new user works by logging in with those credentials. If it doesn't work you can login with the default admin and grab the error for the failed login attempt. 10) Assuming the new user works you can SSH/telnet to the server and run docker exec -it openvpn-as passed admin to change the password for the admin account. Remember, if you run an update on the docker you'll need to do this step again. As far as setting up clients goes, the info in the video should work for you. I know I didn't have any problems there. As I posted earlier, there is another option outlined in the comments section of the youtube video. You could possibly stick with the settings outlined in the video and add the paths as described in the comments. I haven't tried this, but others reported success there.
  2. You don't if you use local. Only the admin password needs to be updated after an update.
  3. If you expand the user details you will see the text field for entering the password.
  4. You might also try the procedure shown in comments for SpaceInvaderOne's video. I haven't tested. No idea if it works.
  5. Correct. If you store the credentials locally you won't have to do that. You also need to reset the default admin credentials every time you update. If you read the last 3 or 4 pages of this thread there has been some recent discussion of this. TLDR- Use "local", don't use auto update, reset admin credentials after manual updating.
  6. I'll have to do some more digging in the user manual for my X10 but I'm fairly sure that FANA is specified for CPU somewhere in there. It's been a few years though so I could be wrong. Regardless, it's CPU now and working from CPU TEMP.
  7. I believe I'm interpreting this right. 1234 are system A is CPU.
  8. Decided to give it a test run. Seems ok. When i started fan control it kicked everything to max for about 2 seconds. Generated a couple of overspeed warnings. Then went back to normal. Fan 1,2 & 3 are not connected to PWM fans but fan 4 is. Why don't I get a reading. I can see the speed in the footer and adjusting the minimum speed changes the fan speed. Would also prefer to let the board control FanA (cpu fan). Is that what auto does? Edit: Had to disable (uncheck) Fans 1, 2, 3 in global settings. Now have speed display for Fan4 although the label shows FAN1234. Curious how this is going to work once I install PWM fans on 1, 2, 3. Those fans will be HDD cooling while FAN4 is my rear case fans. Different size and maybe different mfg.
  9. Try this- https://forums.lime-technology.com/topic/41631-support-linuxserverio-openvpn-as/?page=21#comment-559538
  10. You are attempting to login to admin from your local network right?
  11. I believe privileged should be off. It is in mine anyway.
  12. My bad. Getting my threads mixed up.
  13. I can't even get 2.0.0 yet. Apple App Store is soooooo slow.
  14. Will this happen every time or is there an option to "trust" the self-signed certificate?
  15. @ninthwalker You may already be aware of this but figured I'd post it anyway- https://forum.kodi.tv/showthread.php?tid=167754&pid=2602458#pid2602458 Looks like there may be a free option. Not sure what the details of "rate limited" will be though.
  16. Great. Just remember, the default admin user gets re-created any time the docker is updated. Wouldn't recommend auto updating for this one.
  17. No. You only need to create the user in the GUI. The cli is only needed to change the default admin password. If you're running openvpn server on your router why do you want to also run it on your unRAID server? I've never tried this, but I imagine there could easily be conflicts with having two openvpn-as servers running on the same network. Edit: I should have read your first post better. Sorry. I would try without the server on the router running and be sure to warn your friend that they must change the default admin password if they do any updates.
  18. Check this screenshot. It shows you where you need to configure the user password. Doing it on the command line won't work with "Local".
  19. That's correct. As I said, use the GUI not the command line.
  20. I had the same issue. Using command line doesn't setup your user in the local db. In the GUI there is a "More Settings" tab for each user. You must enter the password there then save changes and update the running server. If you look at my post up a couple there's a screenshot.
  21. Personally, I backup to the array. Nothing within my appdata is so critical that I need offsite / outside of the array backups. You can backup to a UD mounted drive though. It's what I do.
  22. 6.4RC2 is the current version. https://forums.lime-technology.com/topic/57823-unraid-os-version-640-rc-changes/
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