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Everything posted by wgstarks

  1. I haven't seen this on any of my TM shares. I have 4 currently.
  2. Just had the same scenario... I ssh or telnet to the app data backup directory and use sudo rm -rf foldername FYI foldername is case sensitive and pay attention to what you're doing. It is irreversible and very powerful when accompanied with sudo. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Thanks. Actually, I didn't have to use sudo. Just logged in as root (telnet) and ran- rm -rf /mnt/diskX/path/to/folder X=disk number
  3. Is it possible to delete un-needed backups? I don't know if it really matters or not. Didn't look to see how big it was.
  4. I ran an Appdata backup prior to switching settings to use versioned backups. Will the original non-versioned backup be deleted when it's older than the age set in settings?
  5. Maybe this has already been discussed and I just missed it, but I notice that in Backup Appdata my Save Log Files To Flash settings are not preserved when I click "Save". If I leave the settings page and return the setting is back to default (No).
  6. Doesn't this create a problem for you when you try to delete shares that are no longer needed? I always have to go hunting for DS files.
  7. It tells the samba server to deny the file's existence. See here: https://www.samba.org/samba/docs/using_samba/ch08.html That's fine if your Windows computers are connecting via SMB and your Macs are connecting via AFP, but with modern versions of OS X SMB is being used more and more, so the Macs are also being denied access to the ._ files. The hide option is a much better one in that case. But is there an option to delete hide files? I'm not a samba wizard, but it looks like if you use "hide" instead of "veto" you wouldn't be able to delete the hidden files when deleting the folder.
  8. I get it I think. The veto doesn't stop the file being written, just tells the samba browser to ignore the file. Right? And delete veto will allow deleting folders that contain vetoed files?
  9. So now Mac users have a choice. Thanks gridrunner. I've been manually deleting the ._ files once a week for months now. Any differences this has caused must be minor. I haven't noticed any difference between share windows and local folder windows. I'll be glad when a stable version of unRaid 6.2 is released so that I can incorporate this.
  10. This question is only indirectly related to this plugin, but I'm hoping I may get an answer here. If I configure my Supermicro mobo so that the fans run at "Optimal" speed I get warnings because the speed drops below the lower critical threshold. 1) Is there a way to adjust the lower critical threshold? 2) Should I adjust the lower critical threshold?
  11. Warning didn't repeat. Thanks. Just out if curiosity, why does "Time of last scan" just show an "*"?
  12. Correct. I can't see anything wrong with the settings and their haven't been any recent changes.
  13. I'm getting a time/date warning- Event: Fix Common Problems Subject: Warnings have been found with your server. Description: Investigate at Settings / User Utilities / Fix Common Problems Importance: warning **** Your server's current time differs from the actual time by more than 5 minutes. Currently out by approximately 246 minutes **** When I check the time/date in settings it appears to be dead on. Not sure why I've just started getting this warning.
  14. Thanks. I'll see if I can find a Shell-In-The-Box thread to get info for uninstalling that.
  15. Got this notification last night- **** The plugin shellinabox-plugin.plg is not known to Community Applications and is possibly incompatible with your server **** **** Share .fsr has non-standard permissions set **** Already knew about shell-in-a-box not being recognized. The .fsr share warning is new though. This is not a share that I have created. It must be associated with some other plugin. Is there any way to find out which one? Should I just ignore the warning and assume that whatever plugin uses the share has set it up properly?
  16. Worked. Thanks. I'll change it back to local when you push out the fix.
  17. The default is to go ahead and run the test (spin up) all disks right? Just want to make sure it's not disabled just because I didn't correct the settings after an auto update.
  18. I thought it might be an old warning but I see the timestamp now. I think it might have been one of the reasons I moved to freeipmi as it gives better info on events. So the temp warning may be actually be a temp sensor going high or some boards don't have the thresholds set properly from the factory. Do you notice a high temp above a threshold in the readings page? Don't see any abnormal temps. Here's the event log display- 1 2016-02-15 20:08:14 Sensor #48 Temperature Upper Critical - going high Note the date/time stamp, but I got the notification I posted earlier just this afternoon? Lots of events for VBAT in the event log, but after changing to the new plugin, VBAT is showing 3V for the past hour. I think I'm going to wait to replace the battery. What do I need to do to get my sensors back? All 4 sensors in settings just display "None" with no other options available.
  19. No one is running any tests. Not even anyone at home right now. It's surprising that the CMOS battery is already needing to be replaced. The mobo is only about 2 years old. I suppose the battery may have been stored in a warehouse for a while before it was shipped.
  20. I'll install the new version when I get home. Are you saying that the warning is a glitch in the old plugin?
  21. Are these errors related to the IPMI Plugin? Not sure where to post about this? Event: unRAID Status Subject: Notice [brunnhilde] Description: May 10 14:11:25 Brunnhilde ipmievd: Voltage sensor VBAT Lower Critical going low Asserted (Reading 1.88 < Threshold 2.50 Volts) Importance: warning Event: unRAID Status Subject: Notice [brunnhilde] Description: May 10 14:11:25 Brunnhilde ipmievd: Temperature sensor - Upper Critical going high Importance: warning Event: unRAID Status Subject: Notice [brunnhilde] Description: May 10 14:11:25 Brunnhilde ipmievd: Voltage sensor VBAT Lower Non-recoverable going low Asserted (Reading 1.88 < Threshold 2.38 Volts) Importance: warning
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