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Everything posted by wgstarks

  1. AFP shares change to "Read Only" as expected. Don't have any way to bench test the AFP, but I would say that all shares change together.
  2. Saw a post in the Powerdown support thread that Tips and Tweaks could be used to save log files on reboot in the same fashion that Powerdown used to. Don't see how to enable that though. Nothing in the settings seems to pertain to log files at all.
  3. Seems to work great on my iPhone. Suggestion: Currently installed version needs to be displayed somewhere within the app. Or did I miss it?
  4. The IronWolf (ST8000VN0002) is not SMR (Shingled), thus very different. Is it worth $50 is dependent on workload, etc. Thanks. Think I'll save the money.
  5. Anyone know what the difference is between the ST8000VN0002 and the ST8000AS000? I know the VN0002 is being marketed as an NAS drive. Just wondering if it's really worth the extra $50.00?
  6. Should just work if you use the same volume mappings, but if you want you could backup the appdata. Thanks. And then after I update unRaid to 6.2 I need to delete and re-install the docker?
  7. Planning on updating my server to unRaid 6.2 and figured it would be a good time to switch from the unRaid Plex docker to the IO version. Exactly what do I need to do to switch dockers but preserve the data?
  8. The iOS app seems to be working great after update. Used auto discovery. No problems so far.
  9. Just dl'd the iOS app. Tried auto detect. No servers detected. Tried to use the manual add but can't enter any text in any fields.
  10. There's 4 crash reports. Since I can't decipher them I'll attach all of them. Margarita_2016-09-19-145956_Maggie.crash.zip Margarita_2016-09-19-150517_Maggie.crash.zip Margarita_2016-09-19-150521_Maggie.crash.zip Margarita_2016-09-19-150525_Maggie.crash.zip
  11. Not sure if this post will be useful, I don't have any logs. I used Margarita to reboot my server. The server hung and crashed Margarita. Couldn't get the app to launch until I did a hard reboot on the server. If there are any logs of use i"ll be glad to post them. Just point me in the right direction.
  12. One ring to rule them all. One ring to find them. One ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them. I just made that up.
  13. I'd be glad to help test. Still running 6.1.9 though. Is 6.2 required?
  14. Disk commands also don't seem to be working. Tried spinup/spindown, nothing happens. Checked the log, but it has no entries at all regarding this. I attached a diagnostics file. Don't know if its useful or not. Server commands are working though. brunnhilde-diagnostics-20160910-1008.zip
  15. I'm working on setting this up now. The first thing I notice is that "flash" is missing from the list of shares. Is there any way I can add it? It is configured as a share on my unRaid machine and I can connect to it manually.
  16. Will the auto mount also re-mount shares as well? That is, if I stop the array of reboot the server, will the shares re-mount when they are once again online? That's the main reason I started using a script that keeps checking to see if the share is available/mounted.
  17. You can post them here. You'll see several examples of how to package them.
  18. No worries, I know the feeling, was just so rattling that it just was such an drastic change, like I said I got it running now... but that was a serious suggestion, revise the OP with the CURRENT information and links and tips, lot to search thru and gets frustrating at times good work none the less. +1 And maybe tweak the name of the plugin a little to differentiate between the various versions. Just an idea.
  19. After you install nerd pack you have to select which packages you want to install in settings.
  20. Did you also set your image location/size? https://lime-technology.com/docker-guide/
  21. ADD what? A docker -- isn't there supposed to be an ADD button or some way to install the docker? That would be under the docker tab. Maybe you need to enable dockers in your settings to display the tab.
  22. I haven't used the beta but iirc it uses a different script. Where did you install preclear_disk.sh? Mine's at the root of the flash drive. Perhaps you need to download and install the file again.
  23. Yes, and I fixed my original post. (and I've used "sed" for over 40 years) Any idea where else on the disk the preclear_disk.sh file could be? I did cd /boot and then typed the sed command, but got a comment "no such file or folder". Any thoughts? Could be wrong, but I believe you still have to download and install it onto flash. Lots of changes lately so it's possible this has changed.
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