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Everything posted by wgstarks

  1. Most users who want docker containers that are maintained switch away from the Limetech repository. There are several other plex containers out there. The LinuxServer.io developers do a great job with their containers. You might want to check theirs out. Also, if you havent done so yet, install Community Applications plugin. It takes the docker experience to the next level and no user should be without it. I'm stuck in this position as well. I've noticed that the LimeTech docker containers take some time to update. Is this as simple as creating/starting another docker container and following the Plex-provided instructions to move the database and other config files? (https://support.plex.tv/hc/en-us/articles/201370363-Move-an-Install-to-Another-System) Pretty simple. Here's a good discussion- http://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=41609.msg394769#msg394769
  2. If you assign a disk to your array that hasn't been pre-cleared, unRaid will pre-clear prior to starting the array. Obviously, this would mean that your array would be totally unusable for an extended period until the pre-clear was finished. This was the original purpose of this script. To allow pre-clearing drives before they're added to the array so that there is no downtime. Not sure about the new beta version but Joe L's version would not pre-clear a drive that was already assigned.
  3. Looks like no preclear support in 6.2. Not in the list of features anyway. https://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=47408.0
  4. Is this the wrong link? Edit: I really am dense. Now that I re-read the thread I think you're referring to a future version not yet released. No wonder the plugins page didn't show any updates. Duh.
  5. There is a thread- http://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=4068.0
  6. Guess I'm still doing something wrong? This is what I get when I try to install via plugins page- plugin: installing: https://github.com/dmacias72/unRAID-plugins/raw/master/source/packages/freeipmi-1.4.11-x86_64-2.txz plugin: downloading https://github.com/dmacias72/unRAID-plugins/raw/master/source/packages/freeipmi-1.4.11-x86_64-2.txz plugin: downloading: https://github.com/dmacias72/unRAID-plugins/raw/master/source/packages/freeipmi-1.4.11-x86_64-2.txz ... done Warning: simplexml_load_file(): /tmp/plugins/freeipmi-1.4.11-x86_64-2.txz:1: parser error : Start tag expected, '<' not found in /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.plugin.manager/scripts/plugin on line 213 Warning: simplexml_load_file(): ?7zXZ in /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.plugin.manager/scripts/plugin on line 213 Warning: simplexml_load_file(): ^ in /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.plugin.manager/scripts/plugin on line 213 plugin: xml parse error
  7. Yes. The plugin will update like normal from the plugin page. The plugin will be called ipmi instead of ipmitool-plugin. So you can remove the old plugin directory on your flash. You'll have to enter your settings again though due name changes and variable changes. Just to make sure I'm understanding correctly??? I need to uninstall ipmitool manually and then install ipmi in the plugins page?
  8. See this post for the faster preclear script with notifications- http://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=39985.msg385229#msg385229 I think the notifications will only work if you already have your server settings configured, but you should see options in the GUI for when you want to receive them.
  9. Since you don't have a working unRaid server yet, the Joe L version should work just fine for you. There's another version buried in this thread somewhere that supports notifications and has been adjusted to run a little faster. Maybe someone has the link handy, but IMO you probably don't need it right now. Just FYI, the reason you couldn't get this to work initially is because you didn't have a disk configuration file since you hadn't actually configured your array yet. The script can't be run on disks which are part of the array, so it checks that file to be sure you aren't trying to preclear an array disk. Remember, this script was originally intended to run preclears on disk being added to a working array. You fixed that problem when you added and then removed a disk. As far as moving files to the flash drive, I have mine set as a SMB share. That way I can mount it remotely from anywhere in my LAN. Just an idea.
  10. So, what are you having problems with? What are you seeing? Screenshots would help to illustrate.
  11. +1. Makes good sense to me.
  12. This plugin is a GUI for the script so the script is installed separately by the user. The OP has complete instructions and a link to one version of the script. Edit: I think you're referring to this plugin. Read the OP in that thread.
  13. Any chance that this app will be updated to provide compatibility with v6? It used to be very handy.
  14. Looks like the update may have solved my problems as well. Did a clear after resetting the app and it actually reported clearing a large number of files. Previously it always reported 0. Did an automated check and no warnings for excluded shares.
  15. Maybe I'm not re-applying the settings correctly? I can't get exclusions to work though. After installing the update I set all exclusions to none and clicked "Apply". Re-entered my exclusions and clicked "Apply". Switched to "File Integrity Control" and clicked "Select All" and then "Clear". The report was "0 files cleared 0 files skipped". I must have done something wrong here. ???
  16. Maybe not after the 2016.2.20b update. I remember doing it for one of the previous (2016.2.19 maybe). I'll give that a shot and we'll see.
  17. Looks like my exclusion problems still exist with 2016.2.20b. BLAKE2 hash key mismatch (updated), /mnt/disk9/TM_Jasper/.AppleDB/cnid2.db was modified BLAKE2 hash key mismatch (updated), /mnt/disk9/TM_Jasper/.AppleDB/db_errlog was modified BLAKE2 hash key mismatch (updated), /mnt/disk9/TM_MBP/.AppleDB/db_errlog was modified BLAKE2 hash key mismatch (updated), /mnt/disk9/TM_MBP/.AppleDB/log.0000000001 was modified BLAKE2 hash key mismatch (updated), /mnt/disk9/TM_Maggie/.AppleDB/cnid2.db was modified BLAKE2 hash key mismatch (updated), /mnt/disk9/TM_Maggie/.AppleDB/db_errlog was modified BLAKE2 hash key mismatch (updated), /mnt/disk9/TM_Mini/.AppleDB/cnid2.db was modified BLAKE2 hash key mismatch (updated), /mnt/disk9/TM_Mini/.AppleDB/db_errlog was modified These are all excluded shares. Maybe I'm doing something wrong. when I run "Clear" I get this for all my disks- Finished - cleared 0 files, skipped 0 files. Duration: 00:00:00 dynamix.file.integrity.cfg disks="disk1,disk2,disk3,disk4,disk5,disk6,disk7,disk8,disk9" service="1" method="-b2" cmd="A" exclude="TM_Jasper,TM_MBP,TM_Maggie,TM_Mini" schedule="1" priority="-n19,-c2 -n7" parity="1" notify="-n" log="-L -f" disk1-1="on" disk2-1="on" disk3-1="on" disk4-1="on" disk5-1="on" disk6-1="on" disk7-1="on" disk8-1="on" disk9-1="on" hour="20" min="15" folders=".Recycle.Bin" files="" apple="on" disks.ini has no content.
  18. Well, that's not good then I guess. Was hoping it was the reason why the folder wasn't being excluded.
  19. I've made version 2016.02.18b which allows to exclude the folder. You need to enter its name .Recycle.Bin in the custom field. Ran into a problem with this. Looks like inotify is changing the syntax. Brunnhilde login: root Password: Linux 4.1.17-unRAID. Last login: Tue Feb 16 17:02:56 -0500 2016 on /dev/pts/0 from root@Brunnhilde:~# ps -ef | grep inotify root 2372 1 0 18:23 ? 00:00:02 inotifywait -mrq --exclude ^/mnt/disk[0-9]+/(.*\.Recycle\.Bin|TM_Jasper|TM_MBP|TM_Maggie|TM_Mini|.*\.AppleDB|.*\.DS_Store$) --format %w%f -e close_write /mnt/disk1 /mnt/disk2 /mnt/disk3 /mnt/disk4 /mnt/disk5 /mnt/disk6 /mnt/disk7 /mnt/disk8 /mnt/disk9 root 21469 16195 0 22:42 pts/0 00:00:00 grep inotify root@Brunnhilde:~# If I'm reading this correctly, .Recycle.Bin got changed to .Recycle\.Bin I double checked the custom folder box just to make sure I entered the name correctly. Should I have put quotes or something?
  20. That was quick. I'll give it a shot later tonight. Thanks. Question I've got VFS Recycle plugin installed which creates a folder (.Recycle.Bin) when I delete files. Can I enter .Recyle.Bin in the custom field to exclude these temp folders? I haven't seen them appear as shares. Doesn't really create an issue one way or the other. Just seems a waste to check files waiting to be deleted.
  21. I know this definatly applies to my case. I originally included the TimeMachine backups because the incompatibility hadn't been reported yet. Afterwards, I was not able to exclude the TM shares.
  22. I know this wasn't really directed at me but I thought I'd run it in case it might help with fixing the issue with exclusions. Brunnhilde login: root Password: Linux 4.1.17-unRAID. Last login: Mon Feb 15 20:07:47 -0500 2016 on /dev/pts/0 from root@Brunnhilde:~# ps -ef | grep inotify root 21768 21082 0 17:03 pts/0 00:00:00 grep inotify root 32233 1 0 Feb13 ? 00:00:31 inotifywait -mrq --exclude (^/mnt/disk[0-9]+/(\S+\.img$|TM_Jasper|TM_MBP|TM_Maggie|TM_Mini)/|\.AppleDB|\.DS_Store) --format %w%f -e close_write /mnt/disk1 /mnt/disk2 /mnt/disk3 /mnt/disk4 /mnt/disk5 /mnt/disk6 /mnt/disk7 /mnt/disk8 /mnt/disk9 root@Brunnhilde:~# I've also attached one of the exported bad hash files. Not sure it really shows much of anything other than the fact that the excluded folder was still checked. disk9.export.20160213.bad.hash.zip
  23. Just out of curiosity, exactly what is remote monitoring? I read the OP but it's a little vague.
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