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Everything posted by wgstarks

  1. Thanks. Just added a comment below #vfs_recycle_end: #local master configuration and then the code below that. Probably not really needed for this file, but sometimes they come in handy when trying to find my changes.
  2. I have multiple [global] sections in mine, one of which is managed by recycle bin. [global] security = USER guest account = nobody public = yes guest ok = yes map to guest = bad user [global] domain master = yes preferred master = yes os level = 255 [crypt] path = /mnt/crypt valid users = Rick write list = Rick force user = root create mask = 0711 directory mask = 0711 browsable = no guest ok = no #vfs_recycle_start #Recycle bin configuration [global] vfs objects = recycle recycle:repository = %P/.Recycle.Bin/%S recycle:directory_mode = 0777 recycle:keeptree = Yes recycle:touch = Yes recycle:touch_mtime = Yes recycle:versions = Yes recycle:exclude = *.tmp recycle:exclude_dir = .Recycle.Bin #vfs_recycle_end Thanks. Looks like I can just paste in the smb local master code after recycle bin.
  3. Just because you have local master:yes does not mean that unRaid IS the local master. Merely that it will advertise itself to be available. All the plugin does is throw an icon next to the IP address on the main screen indicating if unRAID currently is the local master. It does do one more thing. It displays on the 'Settings', 'SMB', 'Workgroup' tab, the name of the current Local Master. If you have never had a problem, that is great. The problem is that SMB is an evolving protocol and it has two different 'forks' (may not be the best term) --- MS and Linux/UNIX. They are almost identical but MS definitely goes its own direction and SMB tries to follow. The election is a convoluted process and it is possible to influence the likelihood that a particular computer (or OS) will 'win'! MS has set up each new version of Windows so that the computer with the most recent Windows OS will win. (All other things equal, a Win10 machine will always win over a Win7 machine!) (A secondary problem MS made some security or other 'enhancements' in Win10 that have been causing problems for some users not be able finding their unRAID servers!) The one true blessing in all of this is that a Windows for Workgroup 3.1 computer will still work on a SMB network. You can make use of 'trick' that MS uses to bias the election in favor of your unRAID server by adding a file called smb-extra.conf to your Config folder on your unRAID flash drive which contains the following code: [global] domain master = yes preferred master = yes os level = 255 I tried to add this file only to discover that it already existed. Contents- #vfs_recycle_start #Recycle bin configuration [global] vfs objects = extd_audit recycle syslog only = No log level = 0 vfs:0 recycle:repository = %P/.Recycle.Bin/ recycle:directory_mode = 0777 recycle:keeptree = Yes recycle:touch = Yes recycle:touch_mtime = Yes recycle:versions = Yes recycle:exclude = *.tmp recycle:exclude_dir = .Recycle.Bin #vfs_recycle_end Can I just add to the file? Something like this- [global] #local master configuration domain master = yes preferred master = yes os level = 255 #vfs_recycle_start #Recycle bin configuration vfs objects = extd_audit recycle syslog only = No log level = 0 vfs:0 recycle:repository = %P/.Recycle.Bin/ recycle:directory_mode = 0777 recycle:keeptree = Yes recycle:touch = Yes recycle:touch_mtime = Yes recycle:versions = Yes recycle:exclude = *.tmp recycle:exclude_dir = .Recycle.Bin #vfs_recycle_end Not sure how future changes to recycle bin might effect this?
  4. There's a discussion of the pros/cons of the various flex dockers here. Correct. Needo docker uses plex pass. Awesome thanks, working out the last few kinks in my PMS setup There's a discussion of the pros/cons of the various plex dockers here.
  5. I think the best solution would be for LimeTech to host it. They could modify it as necessary for 6.2+. Add graphics as necessary. Etc. You could share it on Dropbox. The free account is 2GB. Would still have a problem with people being able to find it though.
  6. Not sure when this started happening but after updating to unRaid 6.1.4 I noticed that I can no longer start the array from Margarita. I can stop it without issue but when I set the switch back to "On" nothing happens.
  7. Yes. You can still read/write to the array while the script is running.
  8. I'm not very good at this, but it's my understanding that this could be used to run as a cron job with a directory specified. Not sure how to set it up though?
  9. Yes, but the connected screen would be in another room 75' away and the main reason to use VNC would be so that everyone else could be watching their shows while I was doing whatever with Kodi. I suppose with the right GPU card I could disconnect the monitor from my computer and hook it to the GPU and maybe use IPMI(?) to connect a keyboard to Kodi. Or maybe I can pass thru a USB port? But then I'd also have to disconnect a keyboard and hook it to the unRaid. I don't really see that happening. I'd get tired of crawling underneath my desk pretty quickly. The primary reason I was looking at Openelec was so that I could take the MacMini that I currently use for Kodi and use it for a network server instead. The lack of VNC support would be a deal killer though I think. If I have to buy a GPU, HDMI over Ethernet adapters, ethernet cables, new monitor and a new keyboard the price tag gets so high that it would be cheaper to just get another Mini from eBay. Haven't really decided yet. I can see other advantages to connecting a monitor and keyboard to the unraid. IPMI is a real pain IMO. Just not really in my budget right now.
  10. I quit Kodi. Download the new dmg file and launch it. Drag the Kodi app to the "Applications" folder. Then I launch Kodi. This is all done via VNC usually, with a mouse. I also like to check "Recently Added" videos to be sure the artwork is decent. This is the main thing I use VNC for. I hate getting ready to watch a movie and finding out the scraper has mis-matched it. Just an OCD thing I guess. Obviously the same video file is going to play regardless, but all the info will be wrong and it'll drive me crazy throughout the movie. For me it would be very hard to operate Kodi without a monitor. I would always be wanting to know what it looked like. Ok, so you install Kodi on top of another OS (like Ubuntu or otherwise), then you use a VNC server inside that OS to access the OS. With OpenELEC I think you can do the same thing by downloading a VNC add-on for OpenELEC. I haven't done this myself yet, so I'd need to look into it more, but seems like it should be doable. Yes. It's a MacMini. It works great but it's kind of a waste since most of the features of MacOS are never used. That's the main reason I was looking at running Kodi from my unRaid. It would let me put the Mini to use as a network server. It could probably run Kodi and Yosemite Server both simultaneously, but with a core 2 duo processor I'm afraid there might occasionally be issues. Is there anyway I could test the openelec VM and VNC addon without buying a GPU?
  11. I quit Kodi. Download the new dmg file and launch it. Drag the Kodi app to the "Applications" folder. Then I launch Kodi. This is all done via VNC usually, with a mouse. I also like to check "Recently Added" videos to be sure the artwork is decent. This is the main thing I use VNC for. I hate getting ready to watch a movie and finding out the scraper has mis-matched it. Just an OCD thing I guess. Obviously the same video file is going to play regardless, but all the info will be wrong and it'll drive me crazy throughout the movie. For me it would be very hard to operate Kodi without a monitor. I would always be wanting to know what it looked like.
  12. You cannot use VNC at all with the OE VM. It requires a GPU. There are, however, no updates that you would perform inside the VM. Updates are issued in the form of new VM template images, which you can download through the unRAID web interface. Once a new version is downloaded, you simply stop the VM, edit the VM, and change the template version, then start the VM. That said, even if the VM needed to be updated using GPU assignment, I don't think any HTPC solutions offer a workaround to this either. I'm not quite sure I follow what you're saying? I would have to create a new VM anytime I want to install a new addon or change my settings? When I was talking about using VNC I really meant that it would be for running updates and modifications on my video library. I usually like to check the artwork for new movies and sometimes the scrapers don't scrape the correct info. The remotes won't let me see the actual display. Might just stick with what I have now. The HDMI would be about 75'. Probably too long for a high speed cable which would mean a set of HDMI to cat6 converters. The cost adds up fast. Would probably end up with a price tag higher than the htpc's original cost.
  13. I've been thinking about using this VM and replacing my HTPC so I could put it to other uses. I had envisioned setting up the VM with a gpu passed thru to it and running HDMI to my A/V receiver. Hadn't really anticipated any problems until I read a comment in an unrelated thread that VNC is not possible if a VM has a gpu. Is that true? Since the tv is in my Living Room and is the primary one used by everyone it's almost impossible to tie it up for maintenance issues with Kodi (updates and setup and such). All of this I do via VNC from another computer or iPhone. I'm hoping I either misread or misunderstood the comment.
  14. Yes. Thanks. The posts were only a few seconds apart so I didn't see yours until after I had already posted. When running the revised script, only hung processes will still be listed in the plugin right? And then the procedure would be to kill any processes still running and proceed with a reboot? Or does the script just exit back to a normally operating server when you click the "Done" button. Or maybe I should save my question until you have actually completed and released it.
  15. So how would one use this? Is there a way to send the command lines NOT on the webui.... something that sends the command to the console some way. Or create a console script that lists running process and allows you to kill them. The intended use was to check for issues using this plugin BEFORE you try to shut down the array, and then once the plugin gives the all clear, do the shutdown using the webui. It was suggested that the plugin should intercept the shutdown attempt if it detected issues and allow you to intervene before passing through the shutdown command, but that was deemed too intrusive for a non-limetech supported plugin. I must be missing something. What exactly is the "All Clear"? All I see is a list of running processes and kill buttons.
  16. I've been wondering the same thing. I was getting a web page that said my system is rebooting when my shutdowns hung. Tried to test to see if I could get back to the webgui but now that the System Buttons plugin has been changed to default to Powerdown shutdown I can't get a hang. My suspicion is that I won't be able to see the webgui though.
  17. That doesn't work in Safari. Ctrl has it's own special functions. Copy link, open link in new tab, etc. I can assign it to the SHIFT key instead of the CTRL key, will that work in Safari ? Looks like SHIFT doesn't have anything special mapped to it in Safari if you still want to do Shift+power button press=call to powerdown script. dlandon's idea might be better though.
  18. Doesn't work in Safari. What do you get if you don't press control when you select reboot?
  19. If it can cook and mow the grass I'm in love.
  20. So I'm guessing it would repair the file structure but no notifications?
  21. Not sure if it constitutes an "official statement", but the change log in the Github source linked in the OP shows that a change was made for 6.1 compatibility.
  22. So fsck is run when the server is started or is it run on boot? Just curious. And how do I see the results?
  23. I'll second that. Hernando, might I suggest a public imgur gallery that we can all use for your beautiful icons? Perhaps even a link to it in your forum signature... You're very talented so I'm sure a lot of people will want to use your work.. +1
  24. I got mine to update by using the "Check For Updates" button. It didn't detect the new version automatically even after restarting, but the manual check worked.
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