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Everything posted by lovswr

  1. Yes, it is still the same with an incognito window. I also tried using the ip address instead of my server name & still get the same behavoir.
  2. So I spoke too soon. Just white space under Dashboard. All other tabs work. This is in Chrome and Edge. IF I stop/start the server, it will work, until I navigate away from Dashboard, but when I come back, just white screen.
  3. Was on 6.11.4. Upgraded to 6.12 wiht no problems. Then about 24 hours later, my Dashboard just showed a white screen (I use chrome). Upgraded to 6.12.1, just now, & dashboard is back. No problems with unRAID running with either version.
  4. unraid v 6.9.2. Never seen an alarm anythng like this. Fix Common Problems' suggestion seems so dire. Told me to post diagnostics and ask for help, immediately. So here I am. TAI valhalla-diagnostics-20220123-1406.zip
  5. I'm at my wits end. I have been having trouble with my docker for 2 or 3 months. Mainly, the running dockers just stop & the error is typically the docker image is either full or corrupted. I have done some of the things posted in this very thread such as deleting the image completely & changing the size. This helps for a few days but then it will just crash again. I keep the image on my 1 TB ssd cache & I have run tests on that drive that say it is ok. I just don't know what else to do. Docker was running fine last night & now this morning it has crashed. Diagnostics attached. valhalla-diagnostics-20211128-0642.zip
  6. Just wanted to say I just upgraded to 6.9.2 with no problems. I never had a password for root (or any of my other selves as users) but I set one (for root & one user) just before I upgraded. Whole process took about 7 minutes or so.
  7. I upgraded to 6.9.0 by first backing up my flash & then just hitting the yellow banner that told me there was a new version of unRAID available. Then I hit 'REBOOT' at the bottom of the screen. After about 10 minutes I noticed that PLEX had not come back online. I specify a static ip address for my unRAID server & when I checked my routers LAN status page it was not there. I went to my little "server closet" & it was still running. I hit the power button one time & it shut off immediately. At first this alarmed me, but I realized that the reboot command had stalled at just before, you know rebooting the server. Hit the power button again & she booted right up.
  8. Thanks for this quick fix. I set speedtest to run at 0300 every night. Just noticed it was not working. This is why this forum/unRAID is the best.
  9. I have the exact same problem. I went out of town, for a funeral, last Friday & tried to access Plex remotely. It failed. Got home yesterday (Sunday) & docker says it is running, but I cannot access via desktop nor via any of the local clients in my house. I'm using the linuxserver version & I uninstalled & installed the binhex version. Now desktop access works, but I really like the linuxserver version so I uninstalled binhex & went back to limuxserver. Same problem returned. Nothing changed on my network or unRAID server as I was not even home when this problem started. Same ports are forwarded through my firewall.
  10. Well this was really bugging me so I kept at it. I swapped the LSI controller card for the spare I have on hand. Still the same symptom. This morning, I took the case apart. Since my drive bay enclosures are for SATA drives, they have SATA power connectors. I have a modular PS & I was using MOLEX connectors with MOLEX to SATA adapters. I removed the adapters & am running SATA cables straight from the PS. Rebooted & the rebuild is running at about 172.5M/s as I type these words. I really hope that fixes my problem.
  11. So, itimpi since you gave me direction to investigate, this is what i did: I have this Mediasonic 4-disc drive bay holding 3 discs, including the aforementioned disk1. It is vertically orientated & sits at the top of my case. Just beneath it is a 5-disc drive bay holding 4 discs that is horizontal in nature. Both are connected to a LSI 8-port controller. First I shutdown & checked/reseated all SATA connectors & power leads. Rebooted & I got rebuild speeds of mid 50M for about 15 minutes, then it tricked back down to less than a k & the log showed the same errors as before. Shutdown again & completely frogged the SATA cables; that is to say I unplugged the 4 cables from the Mediasonic drive bay & plugged those cables into the other drive bay & vise-versa. This time I got acceptable speeds for about 30 minutes, then, again, it made its way back to sub 1000 B/sec. After I thought about this some, I realized that all of my drive failures over the last 2 years or so have come from drives installed in the Mediasonic drive bay. I have a second Mediasonic bay that I am going to install to see if that is the issue. I have a Corsair 750W PS which is less than a year old & I believe it sufficient to power 7 SATA drives, one USB jump drive, & about 5 fans. However, all the drives are essentially coming from one "rail" on the PS so I will have to divvy that up better.
  12. unRAID v 6.71 - Had a drive fail, so replaced it with a new one. The rebuild rate is 809 KB/sec or 59 days for an array consisting of 6 4TB drives & 1 parity drive. I then looked at the log & thought my Parity drive was also failing. However, after looking through the forums here, I have concluded that I have no idea what is wrong. So I have included my diagnostics. Thanks in advance.valhalla-diagnostics-20191205-2244.zip
  13. Just wanted to say that my old APC Back-UPS 550 finally bit the dust. I had it for over 5 years & the battery has been replaced once. I just bought a new APC Back-UPS 1100 & made no changes to apc-deamon. It appears to be working just fine.
  14. I had a similar problem and my guide refused to update & I could no longer access my Plex server outside my house. Did as you instructed to move over to the Linuxserver version. It is now updating the guide & it also appears that remote access has been restored. Kudos & thanks!
  15. I have the same issue. No sound at all. I also would like to commend the OP for this excellent tutorial. Really easy to follow AND he explains things. Having said that it was not obvious (at least not to me) that if you try to get Windows 10 from Microsoft while using a Windows machine, that download page will try to force you to use that horrible tool. The trick is to change the User Agent in the browser session of the download page. For example if one is using Chrome, here is how to do it. Last thing. Did anyone actually manage to buy a working Windows Pro license from that website? That price seems too good to be true.
  16. dlandon, thanks for this fix. It worked for me. Have not seen my unRAID server in network since I upgraded to 6.4.0.
  17. Thank you so much for this. The things one does not know. I activated python 2/7 & Speedtest is working now. Now if I could only get Spectrum to give me my 100M consistently , haha.
  18. I really like this utility, but unfortunately when I upgraded from 6.35 to 6.4 it stopped working. It keeps saying that I need Python 2 but of course that was already installed. I even uninstalled NerdPack (which contains python 2.7) & then uninstalled Speedtest - restarted my server & reinstalled both. I still get the below error when I try to run it. Is Speedtest not compatible with server version 6.4? This plugin requires python 2 from the NerdPack plugin https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dmacias72/unRAID-NerdPack/master/plugin/NerdPack.plg
  19. "this controller" could stand for any controller mentioned in this thread so which one ARE you talking about? If "this controller" is LSI SAS2008 based or newer then it would be many times greater then 10TBs maximum drive size I've seen. Yes I should have specified, sorry about that. It's an Intel RS2WC080 (flashed back to basic LSI SAS2008) so greater than 10TB, indeed. Thanks.
  20. This has probably been answered, somewhere, in this 67 page thread but search here is not my friend. What's the maximum HD size this controller will support? I just got it about 3 weeks ago & love it so far.
  21. You need to get to bash first: docker exec -i -t Beets bash then run beet import /downloads Where would one enter these commands? On the BEETS server /port page or somewhere else on the docker itself? You need to first ssh into your unraid server via putty or ssh then run the commands. Sent from my Nexus 6 using Tapatalk Ok, thanks. edit: Ok I got onto my unRAID server using SSH. I'm using the Beets plugin, but I have to run those commands as root because any user I logon as does not have any permissions. I know this is not best practice, & i even modded the /flash/config/passwd file but there must be something I'm missing.
  22. You need to get to bash first: docker exec -i -t Beets bash then run beet import /downloads Where would one enter these commands? On the BEETS server /port page or somewhere else on the docker itself?
  23. Actually it was me totally misunderstanding. I thought there would be stuff under the Docker tab, but then I realized I needed to click on the Community Applications icon which took me to (DUH!) the Apps tab. Well, I'm on my way. I have been using unRAID for maybe 4 years now, & it just keeps getting better & better
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