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Everything posted by akamemmnon

  1. @JorgeB Additional thing, when I tried to delete my resilio-sync and just do a new install, I got this error (in the command execution box of the container install): docker: Error response from daemon: driver failed programming external connectivity on endpoint binhex-resilio-sync (7cdee1e0c80eec8d19376c0bdc99e2d08911e8092cf2587e954b6eccdfcc4461): Error starting userland proxy: listen tcp4 bind: address already in use.
  2. Thanks a lot. So I ended up deleting my docker and reinstalling all of them. It was a pain but everything was seemingly working until today, when I restarted my resiliosync it doesn't start and gives an execution error. The only thing I did today was use docker compose to install Jitsi. I don't know if this is the problem. I've posted the diagnostics.tower-diagnostics-20230707-2039.zip
  3. I just upgraded from 6.11 to 6.12.2 and initially everything was working fine. I have a bunch of dockers I use and they were all working fine. I then decided to upgrade jitsi using docker compose, and it worked fine. after that I was trying to work on my wireguard which hasn't been working for a while and when I tried to stop the array it got stuck unmounting the shares. I had to shutdown the server manually and restart it, after doing that, half my dockers didnt work. they won't start. I tried to downgrade to 6.11, they still wouldn't work. I re-upgraded and thought maybe I'll just reinstall the dockers I have, so I deleted my docker image and used my old templates to reinstall the dockers. the dockers that weren't working before, still won't work (despite me deleting the folders in my apps and trying to do a fresh install). when I look at the server log I get all these docker entering disabled state errors. swag and Nextcloud give a ton of these errors: nginx: [emerg] no "events" section in configuration not sure where to go from here and I probably made things worse than better. I would appreciate any help.
  4. Do you mind providing a more dumbed down version of the instructions? I'm having the same problem, I updated and have this error. Where is the repository where you got the files? What did you set the permissions to for those files? Then what do you mean that you upgraded it? upgraded the container, or went into the app and upgraded? did you have to revert back to an older version of the container first?
  5. Hi, I have MariaDB set up with my nextcloud and it works fine, but if I try to add a new user, I get an error. sh: create not found any one had this problem?
  6. I have been running Unraid for 8 years now with an intel Core-i7, I recently got a ASUS ROG Strip B550 motherboard and Ryzen 5900X and the server keeps having these lockups/errors and then stops working. I searched and found a bunch of issues with this, so I went into the BIOS and disabled c-states and downclocked the RAM DDR4 to 3200 (its 3600). I also read that ASUS motherboards have more problems, should I get another one? has anyone successfully set up an unraid server with this combination?
  7. I've been having a problem with my docker.img filling up, when I checked the container size, I noticed that my deluge container seems really large. I'm not sure why, I checked the download folders and mappings are to a share. the log file isnt big either. any ideas? Thanks
  8. I ended up changing some network settings in unraid (had IPV4, 6 addresses, and DNS server assignment be automatic) and I haven't had the problem again. not sure if this is the solution, but thats all I got.
  9. If you use a reverse proxy, which ports do you have to open up?
  10. I use swag to route all the traffic to my dockers, but wanted to set up wireguard using a subdomain, is there a way to not have that route through swag? if I put my home IP address it works fine. or can you use swag to point it to the right place?
  11. does any one know what happened to the linuxserver unraid Nvidia plugin? its not available anymore
  12. Hi, I have been running the Riot IM docker for some time and it is great. Now that you created a Element IM docker thats separate, is it possible for us to migrate what we have to that?
  13. Hi, did you ever get this working? I am also using the nextcloud as per SpaceInvader video set up. Did you install it on the proxynet?
  14. im having the same problem, any one figure this out?
  15. Ok so it happened again, the only way I notice this happens is because things like nextcloud and home assistant which I have accessible outside of my network are no longer accessible, but when I am on the local network and I navigate to the IP of my unraid server, its still running fine. But, when I look at my Google Wifi router (which I have used without this problem for years) I notice the device is grayed out and "not connected." when I restart the unraid server, it all works again until the next time... here are the diagnostics, any help would be greatly appreciated tower-diagnostics-20200913-1632.zip
  16. I have been having this same problem recently. I'm not sure what prompted it. I haven't made any hardware changes. I rebooted, I guess the next time this happens I will pull the diagnostics on my system too.
  17. Hi, I set this up also using that guide. the problem is that when im using bridge mode it works, but when I use a custom proxynet (which letsencrypt is working on) it wont work. so if I want to keep the letsencrypt docker on the proxynet, but have it still work with the open-vpn docker (on bridge mode) I think we have to make some changes to the .conf file that you guys provide. what are those changes? I think this is the problem everyone is having. my ports on my router are open so when open-vpn is on the proxynet it is accessible through my domain, but when its on bridge mode, its not (get Nginx error)
  18. did you ever figure this out? having the same problem
  19. did you ever figure this out? I'm having the exact same problem now
  20. server { listen 443 ssl; listen 8448 ssl; server_name your.domain; include /config/nginx/ssl.conf; client_max_body_size 0; location / { include /config/nginx/proxy.conf; resolver valid=30s; set $upstream_app matrix; set $upstream_port 8008; set $upstream_proto http; proxy_pass $upstream_proto://$upstream_app:$upstream_port; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $remote_addr; } location /.well-known/matrix/server { default_type application/json; return 200 '{"m.server": "your.domain:443"}'; add_header Access-Control-Allow-Origin *; } }
  21. so I was getting federation according to the tester, but it wouldn't communicate with those severs. after talking to the support people and reading other webpages, I found out that my .conf file in letsencrypt needed this line: location /.well-known/matrix/server { default_type application/json; return 200 '{"m.server": "yourdomain.com:443"}'; add_header Access-Control-Allow-Origin *; maybe it will help someone else. thanks for the reply!
  22. Hi everyone, I followed this awesome guide and so far have matrix and Riot working well on my own server. My problem is that it doesnt connect to matrix.org to see other servers. From what I read this means I dont have federation. Are there steps I am supposed to take to allow that?
  23. This is a network issue. Some routers do not use NAT Reflection, so you can't use your external domain from within your local network. Thanks so much for the reply, so I can't access it from my cell phone either (not on my wifi) and it used to work before i upgraded to the docker version...what do you think?
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