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Everything posted by trurl

  1. There's some useful information in that thread, but the first post isn't really up-to-date. I think linuxserver,io has moved all their dockers away from phusion (to alpine?) but they are using a common base image. I question whether needo (or limetech) plex is really maintained these days.
  2. Mover will not help with this, unless you have a very large cache disk. Mover only moves from cache to array user shares or array user shares to cache. It will not move from array disk to array disk. I used mc when I did my conversion. I'm not sure if you can get it to do the verify that makes people want to use rsync instead. I probably wouldn't bother with adding the new disk to the array, since you said you have enough space already. If you add that disk and then later remove it to use it as parity2 you will have to New Config and rebuild both parity. Might as well go ahead and make it parity2 before you start. There really isn't any magic here. You just need to move everything off a drive so you can format it, then repeat for other drives. If you have enough space on other drives to allow you to empty a drive then you don't need another drive. If you can empty your largest disk by moving its files to other disks, then just do the conversion in order from largest to smallest. That way you will have enough room after the first conversion to move any other drive's files without having to use multiple disks to hold the files for the next drive's conversion.
  3. unRAID doesn't preclear a disk when you add it, it clears it. Preclear is what you do when you clear a disk before (pre) adding it. Older versions of unRAID would take the array offline when clearing a disk, but recent versions do not.
  4. If you add a disk to a new slot unRAID will clear it if it doesn't have the clear signature, regardless of the history of the disk. It doesn't even know the history of the disk.
  5. unRAID doesn't look at the whole disk to see if it is clear. That would take a long time. It just looks to see if it has the clear signature, which it won't if it hasn't been cleared by unRAID or preclear. The whole point of the clear signature is so unRAID can see if a disk is clear without having to read the entire disk.
  6. Rebuilds absolutely don't care whether a drive is precleared or cleared or anything else about what is already on the disk, since it is going to completely overwrite the disk with the rebuild. The only time a clear disk is required is when adding a disk to a new slot in an array that already has parity. This is so parity will remain valid. Since a clear disk is all zeros, adding a clear disk to a new slot will have no effect on parity. The only reason to preclear a replacement is to test the disk.
  7. So if you can't or don't want to clear the disks, you will have to New Config and rebuild parity.
  8. Even if it did unRAID wouldn't recognize it as clear since it looks for a "clear signature" that unRAID or preclear writes to the disk after clearing.
  9. If there is only one port connecting the 5 externals to the main server, then of course it is going to be very slow because the 5 disks must share the single port. This will also affect parity checks and rebuilds since all disks are used at the same time, and if they have to share a port everything will be waiting on them. unRAID will not rebuild parity unless you make it do so. Instead, it will insist on clearing any disks you add to the array if they aren't already clear. Deleting files or formatting will not help in any way, since those operations will not result in a clear disk. A disk must be all zeros when it is added to the parity array so parity will remain valid. Disks that have all the files deleted or that have been formatted are not all zeros. So unRAID will clear them if you don't. It would also be possible to set a New Config with the disks in whatever state, and let unRAID rebuild parity and format them.
  10. If you manually scan is everything working correctly?
  11. From the webUI, edit the existing container and set the VERSION environment variable.
  12. I can't figure out what you can't figure out. I gave you a link on how to set the VERSION and I gave you a link on how to find other version numbers to set. What are you missing?
  13. Server version is what you want. See here for the answer to your next question:
  14. Did you try looking in Settings in Plex Server webUI*?
  15. See github link in first post for instructions on setting the VERSION.
  16. The more drives the more points of failure. Since 10TB drives are common now even 20 drives will give 200TB. Do you really need that many drives? Do you know that unRAID will let you expand by replacing any drive with a larger drive? Unlike traditional RAID, unRAID doesn't require all drives to be the same size. Just requires that no single data drive be larger than parity. If you still think you need that many drives, it might make more sense to build multiple systems so you get a reasonable number of drives with dual parity per system.
  17. This is the thread for the unBalance plugin. The unBalance docker was deprecated. How did you even get to the point of trying to install the docker? It isn't in Community Applications anymore.
  18. When you restart the docker it gets the version specified. Just tried it with version:latest and it worked for me.
  19. It's builtin to unRAID. The point of mentioning it is because he was having permission problems trying create a "plugin folder". I assumed he was trying to create it in the rutorrent appdata. And the exact command for getting a shell inside the docker would depend on exactly what he had named the container. But, apparently those hints were not enough.
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