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Everything posted by trurl

  1. Searching this very thread for transcode ram turns up 18 matches.
  2. dmacias is maintaining NerdPack now. Install Community Applications and search there for filebot plugin and container.
  3. Thank you kindly! Worked a charm. Be aware that any changes you make will not stick after a reinstall or update.
  4. How do you know you got it running if there is no video? Maybe it isn't even POSTing.
  5. Can you ping anything on the internet from your server?
  6. Can you ping anything on the internet from your server?
  7. Does you server have an internet connection? It must to get and use a trial key. You might try emailing [email protected].
  8. Make sure your BIOS has the correct time and timezone. Then after booting make sure unRAID has the correct time and timezone.
  9. That sounds pretty slick! It would absolutely have to have scripted signaling so people using CouchPotato, SickBeard, torrents or any of the other automated downloaders could function. It would also need to be hooked into the Mover somehow so it can do its job without bringing the whole system down. I think the password protected 'Please' method would work well for scripted activities from desktop machines. For example, I run SyncBack to do backups to the server - I can have it execute a batch file to copy/create the key file before the backup starts, then another (or, gasp! the same one with parameters!) to remove it when the backup finishes. Nothing Squid likes more than feature creep!
  10. 80 is the default HTTP port, so guess what is using it. The unRAID webUI! That is why you can access the unRAID webUI, or indeed any website, without telling your browser what port to use.
  11. In fact, use Help a lot. The Help button is a toggle, and if you turn it on it will stay on until you turn it off. With Help on, the webUI actually has pretty good explanations of each page. Many people don't even seem to be aware that the Help feature exists.
  12. If you have the "fix common problems" plugin installed, it's most likely responsible for the boot delay. Will not be the cause - the delay the OP talked about was on a v5 install! Probably some plugin, I think sabnzbd would do this.
  13. Yes it will pull down the latest build, unpack and install it in the docker, then run some user-scripts. It will take a few minutes, give it some time. This is an advantage some of LSIO dockers. You can update them yourself just be restarting them. Or you can use a specific version by telling it what version to use.
  14. That appears to rule out any non-docker instances of transmission running on your server. Are you sure you don't have multiple transmission dockers installed? Do you possibly have more than one server and you are confused about which one you are working with? I don't have any other ideas. Are you sure you aren't trolling me?
  15. yes i did. after removing the plugins and after removing docker.img Post the contents (directory listing) of these folders on your flash drive: extra plugins config/plugins and also the config/go file.
  16. this is just a test install to show you that the mappings should be okay and that i did not accidentally type wrong paths somewhere after installing docker i have removed the transmission plugin. in fact, i just removed all my remaining Phaze plugins (sonarr, nzbget and couchpotato) and moved to docker counterparts. no problems whatsoever. Have you rebooted since removing the plugins?
  17. This path doesn't exist anywhere in the LSIO template for this docker or in their dockerfile. If you really started over these are the only places we would have to look to find it. You must have entered it somewhere or pointed the volume mappings to it or pointed the volume mappings to some files that had it in them. this is fresh install, i removed appdata content before rm /mnt/cache/appdata/* -rf docker mappings: settings.json: webUI: /mnt/cache/downloads/incoming root@localhost:# /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.docker.manager/scripts/docker run -d --name="transmission" --net="bridge" -e TZ="Europe/Warsaw" -e HOST_OS="unRAID" -e "PUID"="99" -e "PGID"="100" -p 9091:9091/tcp -p 51413:51413/tcp -v "/mnt/cache/appdata/222":"/downloads":rw -v "/mnt/cache/appdata/222":"/watch":rw -v "/mnt/cache/appdata/222":"/config":rw linuxserver/transmission eec4ae59de0bec4a4046cbcf59d8ea5b7f368bcfb2d0a5256c81ad122872d559 This is probably less than ideal for the volume mappings since everything it going to be mixed together in you appdata. Are you sure you don't also have a transmission plugin running, and perhaps you are actually using its webUI?
  18. This path doesn't exist anywhere in the LSIO template for this docker or in their dockerfile. If you really started over these are the only places we would have to look to find it. You must have entered it somewhere or pointed the volume mappings to it or pointed the volume mappings to some files that had it in them.
  19. It is certainly confusing. Obviously have done something wrong but we haven't been able to discover what it is. Maybe you should just start over with this docker by removing it, deleting its appdata and adding it back by selecting the LSIO transmission again from CA so you get started with a new template instead of selecting it from your Previous Apps. yeah i just did that before You posted this reply - removed transmission docker, removed appdata folder and added new template from CA, then added torrent without touching webUI or settings.json, and guess where the download location is set to...yep, "/mnt/cache/downloads/incoming". how is that possible? like there is some hidden config that this docker is using or something I would say you have done it wrong again in the same way. But since I can't see exactly what you are doing I don't know what it is. Do you have any other working dockers?
  20. It is certainly confusing. Obviously have done something wrong but we haven't been able to discover what it is. Maybe you should just start over with this docker by removing it, deleting its appdata and adding it back by selecting the LSIO transmission again from CA so you get started with a new template instead of selecting it from your Previous Apps.
  21. You might make a copy of your plex appdata just in case, but if you point the LSIO docker to the existing plex appdata it should just work and it will use your existing plex library. I switched from needo plex like this quite a while ago.
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