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Everything posted by trurl

  1. This is covered in the readme linked in the first post of this thread. My apologies - it is possible I'm a complete moron. I explored the links on the first post, but I still don't see it... The github link explains how to use the VERSION environment variable.
  2. Do you have another Windows 10 computer? Does it handle your time zone correctly?
  3. Did you read the moderator comments? It explicitly states the container is deprecated. Sent from my Nexus 5X using Tapatalk dockerPolice is telling you what you need to do to keep your deprecated docker from appearing in Community Applications.
  4. Try starting the array with the disk unassigned. The disk assignments don't actually get updated until the array is started.
  5. Modifying shares cache setting as needed then running mover is the usual way to clear the cache drive. See here.
  6. See here So general idea is not use the linuxserver limetech docker? I am fine to switch, but I thought it was the "official" one? Happy to switch, but confused. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Depends on how often you want updates.
  7. Not possible that changing filesystems would affect parity check speed since parity has no concept of filesystems, just bits.
  8. Are you sure you have the latest version of these plugins installed?
  9. Are you sure you have the latest version of these plugins? Many plugin developers were aware of these changes in advance and updated their plugins before rc9 was released.
  10. Have you searched in Community Applications? I don't really know anything about nagios, but there are some plugins and dockers that might have some similar capabilities.
  11. unRAID is a custom slackware linux. You can get the version with: cat /etc/slackware-version You could run a full slackware VM to develop code in and transfer the results to unRAID, but if your code has any dependencies you might need to include them also since unRAID may not have them by default. There might also be some useful things in the NerdPack plugin for you.
  12. Turn on Help in the upper right. It is a toggle and will stay on until you turn it off. While Help is on the webUI will give explanations of its pages. Go to the Settings page for a user share and see what it says for Use cache disk. mover will not move files from a share set to cache-no. If you somehow got them on cache (possibly it wasn't set to cache-no) and you have the share set to cache-no, you will have to set it to cache-yes to get them moved then set it back to cache-no. Yes writes to cache and moves from cache to array. Prefer writes to cache if it can and moves from array to cache. Only writes to cache and doesn't move. No doesn't write to cache and doesn't move.
  13. Set the share to cache-yes and mover will move it to the array for you.
  14. Here are a few things that may be part of your puzzle. Perhaps you're already aware of these. Any .txz or .tgz file in /boot/extra is automatically installed at bootup before the plugins are installed. There is a User Scripts plugin that allows you to run a custom script at bootup. The /boot/config/go script starts the webUI at bootup after the plugins are installed. That script can be customized. Note that the unRAID OS is unpacked fresh from bzimage,bzroot into RAM at each boot so if you make any changes to the OS, you will have to reapply them each boot.
  15. In general, the root user has no special access to network shares, so if you try to use root as a login it will just be given the same access as any anonymous user. Notice when you try to setup security for any share that root is not one of the users you can select. For this specific example, what do you have for Settings - Unassigned Devices - SMB Security? If you disable SMB Security your Unassigned Devices will have public access. If you enable SMB Security your Unassigned Devices will have whatever access you give to whatever users you give them to, but Windows won't actually let you change logins to network shares easily, even though it may give you a login prompt. See this post.
  16. Search this thread for "schedule". see How to Search in my sig
  17. I merged your topics. Please don't start duplicate threads.
  18. I need some help! What info does the community need to help me?
  19. You can do the new config without the new drive. Since it will be clear you can add it later. Or you can add it during the new config. Either way. All the retain options do is keep some assignments in place so you won't have to reassign them if you don't want to. Whatever you choose for retain, it will still let you change any of them.
  20. New Config is the wrong approach to adding a new drive. Have you precleared the new drive?
  21. You have to enable the share setting for SMB and/or NFS or UD will not share. You have not set enable 'Yes' in UD settings. Do you require that? We're not trying to access it via SMB or NFS. Merely get at the UD mounted share within a container I don't see why that would be required. I UD mount disks all the time without sharing them and use a script to copy files to them. Haven't tried it with docker but I would think it would work fine without sharing.
  22. What single file did you have in mind? Most of the files on flash are just text files that save settings made in the webUI. You can open them up and read them. In fact, I highly recommend it. Helps make things a little less mysterious.
  23. If you don't have share settings, your shares will still exist, but they will have default settings. Here's my usual spiel about this: User shares are simply the aggregate of all top level folders on cache and array drives. If you create a user share in the webUI, unRAID will create a top level folder on cache or array drives as needed according to the share settings. The folder(s) will be named for the user share. Conversely, if you already have or manually create a top level folder on cache or array drives, it is automatically a user share with the same name as the folder. If you don't make settings for a user share it will have default settings.
  24. "layers from manifest" was discussed in the Release Notes for 6.2 and in quite a few threads by other users who didn't seem to find the information for some reason. A search of the forum for that phrase has quite a lot of matches. See How to Search sticky linked in my sig.
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