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Everything posted by trurl

  1. Anything you do from the command line within a docker only affects the current installation of that docker. Thank you. Now just to figure out how to get gcc installed on the docker lol Note I said the "current installation". If you ever have to reinstall for any reason anything you did from docker exec would have to be reapplied. Making your own docker with the changes already applied is the way to make them stick for a reinstall.
  2. Anything you do from the command line within a docker only affects the current installation of that docker.
  3. I merged his new thread with the rutorrent thread. Not crossposting has been a rule of internet etiquette since before the World Wide Web. Among other things if you post the same question in several different threads then people will waste their time giving answers that someone else already gave in another thread. Better to keep the discussion in one place.
  4. Not quite following. How did you run the extended test. What log are you talking about? If its the syslog, and it crashes the system trying to display it, then run diagnostics and open the syslog from the zip file Better yet post your diagnostics.
  5. Host path /tmp is definitely in RAM. I don't know if plex can really be aware of this or not though, so it might be working despite their claims that it won't.
  6. Just to confirm, as I don't use this container, are we talking about the settings found by clicking the spanner/wrench icon. Still can't reproduce this, I did wonder if changing the appdata from my usual /mnt/cache/appdata to /mnt/user/appdata would reproduce it but it doesn't. I've been using this since day one and I just updated it this morning. It is still working fine for me but I didn't change any settings after the update this morning. If you are trying to make changes to settings.json you need to do that with the docker stopped. Other than that I don't know what to suggest.
  7. I would probably buy another 250 and find another use for the 500. But then I love spending money
  8. Best solution is not to mix sizes for raid1. Are you saving up for another 500?
  9. Since you had different people trying to help you in different threads I have merged these posts into this thread. Please don't crosspost. This rule of internet etiquette predates the world wide web. It just makes everyone waste their time giving you the same answers someone else already gave you in another thread.
  10. Search for "scripts/notify" for examples of using the notifications. There are lots.
  11. Trim is a function of the drive, Scrub is a function of the filesystem.
  12. If you install the Dynamix Trim plugin you can schedule Trim, but I am not aware of anything to schedule scrub. You could schedule a script to do it with the User Scripts plugin.
  13. On the Dashboard near the bottom left is a line that shows how full flash / log / docker is. Or go to Tools - Diagnostics and post complete diagnostics zip. I got it figured out I deleted docker.img and added all my containers. Crashplan is working great now! Thanks for the help! Maybe only temporary unless you figure out how you filled it up and fix that. See the Docker FAQ sticky.
  14. On the Dashboard near the bottom left is a line that shows how full flash / log / docker is. Or go to Tools - Diagnostics and post complete diagnostics zip.
  15. Have you corrupted your docker.img by filling it up?
  16. Would be really helpful if you could outline the details of the fix as I'm sure I will come across it soon Thanks. sure it bugged me well issue was events would dissapear for no reason and even restarting and trying to delete all recordings witch kept coming back after looking about i saw sumink with was purge when full witch i looked up and well 90% + means all events will delete as it was at 98% but unraid server has 26tb left , turns out my app data uses cache only ! and well zoneminder stores all its files in appdata so changing location in docker editing would of fixed it all i did tho was change app data to use all raid drive not just 240gb cache so now 40% used so now got to sort my cache and move all the stored files to free it up now hope this helps I don't use this but if you have other dockers it would probably make more sense to make another share for zoneminder to put its appdata in and let the other dockers continue to use a cache-only share.
  17. Perhaps you know this, but any user share set to cache-no (the default) are never written to cache but instead directly to the array.
  18. Not sure I would agree. Arguments can be made either way and depends on a specific user's needs. If cache is big enough, it's one less thing to configure, one less drive to buy, and one less port to use. using it on cache, the vm has to share drive bandwidth with any dockers that are running. I've noticed slight throughput gains using vm's on unassigned devices. Nothing to write home about, but I think others have seem more. Is it worth the extra setup (as in, adding another drive, and then clicking a new destination for the image file in vm setup)? That is up to each user. But if a problem arrises on the vm physical disk and it needs to be replaced, you don't have to stop the array to do so. and IF unRaid allows vm's to run without the array being spun up in the future, my suspicion is that it will only be run on mounted unassigned devices. But you are 100% right, arguments could be made either way. If you're using cache drive with a few drives, then the vm is saved on several disks, and if there is a drive failure, it is still operable. A benefit for some. Maybe we should do a poll, because my initial post was based on what my impressions were on the board. Could be interesting, I could be flat wrong! On the other hand, I don't actually run any VMs and if I did I don't have room for video cards or additional drives in my server.
  19. Post-read saying drive not zeroed means it didn't successfully write zeros, or it couldn't successfully read zeros. There have been some reports that the latest version of memtest has found memory issues that the built-in boot menu memtest couldn't find. I guess it could be the disk or connections or something. Can you get a SMART from the drive? Here is another thread where the user couldn't reliably read/write, eventually decided it was the motherboard.
  20. The one time I had a post-read failure that said my drive was not zeroed like yours did, it was because of bad RAM. Do memtest immediately! Just restart the server and choose the memtest86 option from the OS boot options off the USB disk? yes
  21. Not sure I would agree. Arguments can be made either way and depends on a specific user's needs. If cache is big enough, it's one less thing to configure, one less drive to buy, and one less port to use.
  22. The one time I had a post-read failure that said my drive was not zeroed like yours did, it was because of bad RAM. Do memtest immediately!
  23. Sounds like a question for the plex forum. Have you tried there?
  24. See this thread starting here for example.
  25. The SMART notification is built into unRAID and is not controlled by the UD plugin. You would have the same issue with the drive installed as an unassigned device without the UD plugin. Post the issue on the Dynamix post and see if bonienl has an answer for your issue. In Settings - Disk Settings you can choose which SMART attributes to get notifications for. But you can also override this global setting for individual disks in the array. I think this override for UD disks is what's being asked for.
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