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Everything posted by trurl

  1. Limit in what way. Speed? Size? Dropbox syncs all contents of the client folder by design.
  2. Are you really using 6.0? I don't think anything but 6.1+ has been available for download for quite some time.
  3. As wgstarks said, allocation method controls where files are written, but after written unRAID will not move them. If you want to move them yourself the unBalance plugin might help. Okey, Thanks wgstarks and trurl. I see I have the standard "High-Water" option chosen. But I will buy 1x new 4TB and remove my 2x 500GB drives, is the best way to do this by shrinking the array (removing the 2x 500GB disks) first and then add my new 4TB as normal? http://lime-technology.com/wiki/index.php/Shrink_array This one might be more appropriate: Replacing Multiple Data Drives with a Single Larger Drive
  4. As wgstarks said, allocation method controls where files are written, but after written unRAID will not move them. If you want to move them yourself the unBalance plugin might help.
  5. Yea, I just prefer to cut and paste so that if something goes wrong in the middle of it I don't have to figure out what was copied, what wasn't, and where the partially written file is to overwrite. Well I guess that is one way of looking at it. Another way of looking at it is if something goes wrong you have deleted the original files.
  6. Empty and/or format has absolutely nothing to do with rebuild. The only way rebuild should have occurred is if the drive was missing or replaced. Can you tell us more about what you have done?
  7. Midnight Commander is builtin and it shows progress. Oh, right, I forgot. But is there a webui plugin for it or is it just through the terminal? I can deal if there isn't. It will just be easier to monitor remotely if there is. You mean like telnet? I run totally headless most of the time and so my "terminal" is just any PC on my network running PuTTY.
  8. It wouldn't surprise me if most use it like I do, but since my use case is very simple it doesn't get a lot of discussion. I just use it to plug in external drives to copy to/from my server. This is how I create backups of critical files for offsite storage, for example.
  9. As always a pertinent question is "What version of Unraid are you using?" I took a quick look at the code in question, and it makes absolutely no sense. As an example, one of the lines in question was supposed to do an operation on an array. But the error was from it trying to do the operation on a string. However, the line previous checked if the variable was an array before doing anything. Net result is that I would think that its either a completely corrupt download that somehow managed to pass the md5 checks or there's weird memory issues in his system. javascript in browser cache perhaps?
  10. Not really answering your question, but your talk of deleting the original after transferring to unRAID makes me wonder whether you have backups. unRAID is not a backup unless it is used to store additional copies of files you have elsewhere.
  11. Go to Settings - Docker and restart the Docker service. Dockers cannot see anything that was mounted after the docker service starts.
  12. nano is builtin. Also mc (Midnight Commander) is builtin and has its own editor.
  13. I had preclear fail on post-read once due to bad memory. You might try a memtest just to eliminate that possibility.
  14. I think you must have meant /mnt/user/appdata and not /mnt/appdata in your explanation above. /mnt/appdata would actually be a RAM location and not on any disk.
  15. Sounds like you may have some misconceptions about parity. Parity by itself won't allow you to recover any of the data from a failed drive. Parity plus all the other data drives are needed to rebuild a failed data disk. And parity doesn't actually contain any of your data, but a data disk does. So actually parity is slightly less important than a data disk.
  16. The typical symptom of the "User Share Copy Bug" is a lot of zero length files. Search for it for more details of what causes it. Basically Linux doesn't know that user share files and disk files may actually be the same file so it will start off the copy/move by creating a zero length file, then when it tries to copy/move the data to that file, it has already truncated the data. Disk shares are turned off by default to prevent you from doing this over the network, but there is nothing to protect against it from the command line.
  17. And be sure you don't move from /mnt/user/appdata to /mnt/cache/appdata. You must move from each disk to cache, like /mnt/disk1/appdata to /mnt/cache/appdata.
  18. Parity validity and file integrity are such different categories that you might as well say they are unrelated. It will notify you
  19. Make a backup copy of the needo plex appdata (shouldn't need it) and then point this plex to the same plex appdata.
  20. The data drive plus parity will constantly spin.
  21. All the above. I back up mine once a week even though I have cache pool. Your docker.img doesn't really need to be backed up, just the appdata. The dockers themselves can be reinstalled from your templates.
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