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Everything posted by trurl

  1. Is your "/path/to/your/owncloud/data" in a cached user share?
  2. This is available as a plugin. Not sure I see any benefit for this to be a docker container. No, this belongs in the unRAID host so it can shut down everything. Limetech has indicated that apcupsd and email notifications would eventually be part of the core product.
  3. There is this post further down in that thread I linked to that tells how to run preclear so it doesn't use as much memory. And the next few posts after that might also have useful info.
  4. If you were running the preclear in screen you may still be able to reconnect to it and let it complete before rebooting. Do you have unMenu installed? If not then you can probably still install it from telnet. It has a powerdown script you can run and it will also let you follow the progress of preclears. You can also try /sbin/shutdown.
  5. Do you mean you can't access the webGUI or you can't even telnet? If you mean the webGUI, since you are on v5 and were trying to preclear 4TB, it is likely ran out of memory and emhttp (webGUI) was killed. See here. If you have unMenu you may still be able to access that or at least restart it.
  6. That SeaSonic has two 12V rails. A single 12V rail is the usual recommendation for unRAID (see first post of this thread).
  7. Finally got around to this http://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=34549.0 Right now it is just an experiment but I think it should make this easier. Logitechmediaserver has been requested by several users and would probably be more popular than some that are in that poll. There is one already on the docker hub and I am using it, but it is a different code base from the others that are being supported here.
  8. This is the only thing holding me back. I would try to figure out how to do it myself if I had downtime or a test server.
  9. What did you put in place of /path/to/your/owncloud/data
  10. hx620 also triple rail. I think these must be aimed at people that need a lot of power for video. They are also very expensive. Where are you planning to buy?
  11. According to both Newegg and Corsair this PSU has 3 rails.
  12. Don't know about comments, but you can just cut/paste the "menu default" line which is just as easy.
  13. If I understand the manual I downloaded from Silverstone, the 8-drive backplane only needs 2 Molex connectors for power. And the 2.5" drives are just in a cage with the power and SATA connections directly to those drives. Is this correct?
  14. As NAS said, not even necessary to have your "backup" on a flash drive at all. Just copy all files somewhere, then when needed they can be put on a new flash along with its key and make it bootable. I have a spare key so I can minimize downtime, or to try something new like the latest beta, but I keep my "backup" in my Dropbox folder on my PC, which means I also have a copy offsite.
  15. As jonathanm says probably better to do a manual backup of a known good configuration. A cron job would not take care of everything anyway because: .key file is tied to a specific flash drive so mirroring that is pointless. You could just have a second .key on the other drive though. super.dat has the current state of the array so if you copy that while the array is started and then boot using that copy unRAID will think it had an unclean shutdown and will start a parity check. The flash volume unRAID boots from must be named UNRAID, so if you had two flash drives one of these would have to have a different name and would have to be renamed before it could be used. Not a big deal but something to be aware of if you try to have two of these installed at the same time. Simplest is just to copy the flash to another computer anytime you make any changes. You can do this with the array still running if you share the flash drive. Just be aware of that point I made above about super.dat. You don't need to copy super.dat unless you actually make some change to the array, such as adding, changing, or removing a disk. I think you can still get to the flash share if you stop the array, so maybe just stop the array after you get the "new" array configuration fully working again, and copy super.dat then.
  16. Im on 5.05, deleted simple features completely and rebooted the system. Only running unmenu. Any advice? Bad download or corrupt flash drive. Does ls -al /boot/plugins show the webGui-latest.plg file? Is its size zero?
  17. Amazon is showing this case in stock now. Has anybody pulled the trigger?
  18. I have not done a 4TB drive yet but my most recent preclear of a 3TB WD Red was == Total Elapsed Time 34:54:19
  19. It is probably not even on the final step. First it reads the entire disk, then it writes zeroes to the entire disk, then it reads the entire disk again. Expect more like 40 hours to finish. The speeds seem very reasonable.
  20. Which step in preclear are you on? Pre-read? 36 hours would not be unusually long for all the steps to complete. Let us know how long yours was after it has completed all steps.
  21. I just did one last week and I have a folder on my flash drive called preclear_reports. There are 3 files in there, preclear_start_*, preclear_finish_*, and preclear_rpt_*. The rpt file has what you're looking for. Also, you can restart the preclear script and have it skip certain steps if you want. preclear_disk.sh -? to see the help.
  22. I think Physical id 0 may be the max of the 4 cores so I am going to make that my CPU temp. Looks like the MB temp is not available to me for now. I had looked around for info on the mobo and for the Nuvoton "unknown chip" and that is why I thought nct6775 might have helped. Since I am on 6b3 that .ko is already included and it didn't do anything for me. Seems others on other forums are not getting anywhere with this either for now.
  23. Thanks. That does produce temp displays in Dynamix, and sensors now results in coretemp-isa-0000 Adapter: ISA adapter MB Temp: +38.0°C (high = +86.0°C, crit = +92.0°C) CPU Temp: +38.0°C (high = +86.0°C, crit = +92.0°C) Core 1: +38.0°C (high = +86.0°C, crit = +92.0°C) Core 2: +35.0°C (high = +86.0°C, crit = +92.0°C) Core 3: +38.0°C (high = +86.0°C, crit = +92.0°C) so I guess what was Physical id 0 is now MB Temp and what was Core 0 is now CPU Temp. Does Physical id 0 really correspond to my MB Temp? Is there some way I can get the average or perhaps better the max of all the cores to display as my CPU Temp?
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