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Everything posted by trurl

  1. Haven't used it yet, but I can confirm that it does appear on my Settings page in User Utilities, where the Dynamix System Stats and System Temp are.
  2. The limitation now applies to connected devices, not just unRAID configured devices, so that may be. What license and how many devices are you trying to use?
  3. disk21 is included in the folder share and something is writing to the share. I don't understand. The source drive is disk2. Shouldn't anything on disk2 have ended up on /mnt/disk21/t ? Now that cp is done, I can access /mnt/disk21/folder from Windows, all the files appear to be there. Do you think I can move everything to the root of disk21? By something, I don't mean you copying from disk2 to disk21. I mean an app or something writing to the share and it ending up on disk21 because disk21 is part of the share.
  4. disk21 is included in the folder share and something is writing to the share.
  5. My reply is OT but I just wanted to tell you about the link that appears in every post that says "Report to moderator". I used that to report your other thread about this that you wanted the mods to delete because you had posted in the wrong subforum. You can use that link in the future to report your own post.
  6. Your quoting is a bit off, but I think this is the new content that I want to address. First of all, you should preclear any new drives, even though nothing in the process I am about to outline requires cleared drives. The preclear is just for testing purposes. A disk only needs to be clear when adding it to a new slot. This is so parity will remain valid. When rebuilding, parity will remain valid anyway. Also, it is very important to remember that formatting a drive is NEVER a part of the rebuild process. Don't make the mistake of replacing a drive with a new drive then formatting it. Above, you said replace both and rebuild. It is important to remember that unRAID can only rebuild a single drive if all the other drives including parity are available for it to calculate the rebuild data. In other words, you cannot replace both and rebuild. You must replace one and rebuild it, then replace the other and rebuild it. It's not really magic, just (very simple) math. See this wiki for a better understanding of how parity works. Also, rebuilding a disk will result in the same file system you had on the original disk. As far as getting to XFS, the thing to remember is that when you change the file system of a disk, it will be formatted. So you only want to do that after you have moved or copied its data to other disks. Here it is broken down into steps, but if you understand the above you could perhaps come up with other approaches that would maybe include more drives. Let's call the drives disk1 and disk2, and they are both 1TB and will both be replaced (one at a time!) with 2TB. 1) Rebuild 1TB disk1 (ReiserFS) to a 2TB disk. This will give you a 2TB disk1 (ReiserFS) with more free space. 2) Move or copy all the data from 1TB disk2 (ReiserFS) to 2TB disk1 (ReiserFS). Then when you are satisfied that all of the 1TB disk2 data is on the 2TB disk1 correctly, you can: 3A) Format 1TB disk2 (ReiserFS) to XFS, resulting in an empty 1TB disk2 (XFS). (You didn't need any of that data since you already put it on the other drive, right?) 4A) Rebuild empty 1TB disk2 (XFS) onto a 2TB disk, resulting in an empty 2TB XFS disk. OR 3B) Rebuild 1TB disk2 (ReiserFS) to a 2TB disk, resulting in a 2TB disk2 (ReiserFS). 4B) Format 2TB disk2 (ReiserFS) to XFS, resulting in an empty 2TB disk2 (XFS). (You didn't need any of that data since you already put it on the other drive, right?) So either way, you wind up with an empty 2TB disk2 (XFS). 5) Move or copy all of the data from the 2TB disk1 (ReiserFS) to the empty 2TB disk2 (XFS). 6) Format 2TB disk1 (ReiserFS) to XFS, resulting in an empty 2TB disk1 (XFS). (You didn't need any of that data since you already put it on the other drive, right?) So, in the end, you wind up with both disk1 and disk2 as 2TB XFS. All of the original disk1 and disk2 data is on disk2 and disk1 is empty waiting for you to put other data onto from perhaps other disks so you can repeat the process. I won't go into the details of how you actually do the copy/move. I did mine in mc. Others preferred rsync with verify. I think some may have even done it over the network with PC software. Perhaps so many words it will only serve to further confuse.
  7. If parity isn't assigned then no parity will be built. If parity is assigned and you try to add a drive that isn't clear then unRAID will clear it for you so parity will remain valid. I think it will not actually do anything until you try to start the array, but I don't think you can format without starting, so better to just not assign parity until after the format.
  8. You say you are doing a new build. Will you be keeping the old build in service when the new one is done? Personally, I would go ahead and invest in a couple of new 3 or 4 TB drives for the new build, but then I am made of money!? You can do what you say but of course you would be taking some risks. Do you have backups? A disk is only required to be clear if you are adding it to a new slot in a parity array; i.e., actually increasing the drive count. This is so parity will remain valid. If you don't have parity or haven't yet build parity, then the data drive doesn't need to be clear. The other reason to preclear is to test the drive, but if it is already working well, and it has good SMART reports, then if it isn't required to be clear as above, then it's OK to just format.
  9. Just to clarify -- maybe I should not use the word "replace" but instead, I'll be add new drives to the array, and remove old drives from the array (with one removed/re-added drive being the same physical mechanism). If you add a precleared data drive then parity is still valid. If you rebuild a data drive then parity is still valid. If you remove a data drive parity will be invalid and you will have to rebuild parity. If you empty a data drive, then you can format it to a different file system and parity is still valid. So, you could rebuild an empty drive then format it, or format it then rebuild it. Either way parity is still valid. So, you can either rebuild a data drive or rebuild parity.
  10. Can I modify my request? I'd like to add to the diag zip file all the .cfg files from the /boot/config folder, plus super.dat and go. Perhaps later, you could add every cfg and log file, in their tree structure, from the /boot/config tree. No hurry, any time in the next week! (would love it before v6 goes final!) This would certainly save all of us a lot of time telling the users over and over that we need this information, and explaining over and over again how to get it.
  11. Yep, that's a corrupted Reiser file system. Whenever you start up, it's going to mount it normally, until you do the particular file I/O that touches the file system corruption, then it's going to remount it read-only. Please run Check Disk File systems on Disk 4. Also note that file system corruption is not necessarily related to hard drive failure.
  12. plex is the bastard son of xbmc, lol. but other than that, they're not comparable. i have no need for serving my files to the wider net which as i can see is the only reason to bother with plex and it's terrible interface and dodgy movie scanning. koma is a mashup of kodi and mariadb to provide a headless instance to allow library updates, similar to plex server handling the library for clients. Plex has players in smart tvs, Roku and other streaming devices. Not just for the wider net, in fact I don't use it on the wider net at all. i still don't like it, lol. I have used XBMC, but switched to Plex before anyone bothered to figure out how to run XBMC as a headless server. XBMC, now Kodi, is definitely more flexible, but flexibility and complexity go hand in hand. I don't spend a lot of time watching TV anyway so I haven't really bothered with it on unRAID yet. Maybe after I get around to setting up DVR capability with the HDHomerun I bought several months ago. Always something needing to be setup, and you docker devs are always coming up with more.
  13. plex is the bastard son of xbmc, lol. but other than that, they're not comparable. i have no need for serving my files to the wider net which as i can see is the only reason to bother with plex and it's terrible interface and dodgy movie scanning. koma is a mashup of kodi and mariadb to provide a headless instance to allow library updates, similar to plex server handling the library for clients. Plex has players in smart tvs, Roku and other streaming devices. Not just for the wider net, in fact I don't use it on the wider net at all.
  14. Just installed aptalca's Dolphin. Look forward to comparing it to krusader. I added another volume mapping in my Dolphin, /boot maps to /flash. Might be useful to get to those locations as well as stuff in /mnt. Looking in my Dolphin now, I see there is already an empty /boot, and the contents of unRAID /boot appear in /flash, as I intended. Could I have used /boot on the container side instead of /flash? I didn't because I thought it might already exist, and it does, but it is empty.
  15. user is the user shares including any files that may still be on cache. user0 is the user share excluding any files that may still be on cache. The mover script basically does rsync from cache to user0. The reason I asked for that was to make sure the user share system was working correctly. Instead of clicking Done, you have to click Delete. There is a reported defect that causes you to have to click the checkbox twice enable the Delete button.
  16. So you are doing ? ls -a /mnt/user/appdata What do you get from ? v /mnt
  17. It's not necessary to clear the share name field. All that's required is for the share to be empty. The screenshot says it's not.
  18. when this ^^^ is your first post and i can't see any other issues in earlier posts, does lead to me ask what you are talking about. Same as jumperalex
  19. If you're really thinking about new hardware, be sure to consider virtualization capabilities of unRAID v6. Not all CPUs and mobos will work for some VM uses.
  20. Do you mean that you have /unRaid as the container volume and /mnt/user/music as the host path? If so, then Tonido will see it under /unRAID. If that is not what you mean, then post your volume mappings. I am testing between ownCloud and this service and I got it working and I can reach the webgui from CLEAR NET. I installed the windows client on the pc outside of my home network and uploaded one file. However when i check the share i created for it to sync files there's nothing. Yet the page states that files were uploaded. Im including some screenshots, maybe you can tell me why its not really saving to my share. http://imgur.com/a/by9Xl What are your volume mappings?
  21. Sorry, no experience with using this for VM
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