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Everything posted by trurl

  1. Yep, that's a corrupted Reiser file system. Whenever you start up, it's going to mount it normally, until you do the particular file I/O that touches the file system corruption, then it's going to remount it read-only. Please run Check Disk File systems on Disk 4. Also note that file system corruption is not necessarily related to hard drive failure.
  2. plex is the bastard son of xbmc, lol. but other than that, they're not comparable. i have no need for serving my files to the wider net which as i can see is the only reason to bother with plex and it's terrible interface and dodgy movie scanning. koma is a mashup of kodi and mariadb to provide a headless instance to allow library updates, similar to plex server handling the library for clients. Plex has players in smart tvs, Roku and other streaming devices. Not just for the wider net, in fact I don't use it on the wider net at all. i still don't like it, lol. I have used XBMC, but switched to Plex before anyone bothered to figure out how to run XBMC as a headless server. XBMC, now Kodi, is definitely more flexible, but flexibility and complexity go hand in hand. I don't spend a lot of time watching TV anyway so I haven't really bothered with it on unRAID yet. Maybe after I get around to setting up DVR capability with the HDHomerun I bought several months ago. Always something needing to be setup, and you docker devs are always coming up with more.
  3. plex is the bastard son of xbmc, lol. but other than that, they're not comparable. i have no need for serving my files to the wider net which as i can see is the only reason to bother with plex and it's terrible interface and dodgy movie scanning. koma is a mashup of kodi and mariadb to provide a headless instance to allow library updates, similar to plex server handling the library for clients. Plex has players in smart tvs, Roku and other streaming devices. Not just for the wider net, in fact I don't use it on the wider net at all.
  4. Just installed aptalca's Dolphin. Look forward to comparing it to krusader. I added another volume mapping in my Dolphin, /boot maps to /flash. Might be useful to get to those locations as well as stuff in /mnt. Looking in my Dolphin now, I see there is already an empty /boot, and the contents of unRAID /boot appear in /flash, as I intended. Could I have used /boot on the container side instead of /flash? I didn't because I thought it might already exist, and it does, but it is empty.
  5. user is the user shares including any files that may still be on cache. user0 is the user share excluding any files that may still be on cache. The mover script basically does rsync from cache to user0. The reason I asked for that was to make sure the user share system was working correctly. Instead of clicking Done, you have to click Delete. There is a reported defect that causes you to have to click the checkbox twice enable the Delete button.
  6. So you are doing ? ls -a /mnt/user/appdata What do you get from ? v /mnt
  7. It's not necessary to clear the share name field. All that's required is for the share to be empty. The screenshot says it's not.
  8. when this ^^^ is your first post and i can't see any other issues in earlier posts, does lead to me ask what you are talking about. Same as jumperalex
  9. If you're really thinking about new hardware, be sure to consider virtualization capabilities of unRAID v6. Not all CPUs and mobos will work for some VM uses.
  10. Do you mean that you have /unRaid as the container volume and /mnt/user/music as the host path? If so, then Tonido will see it under /unRAID. If that is not what you mean, then post your volume mappings. I am testing between ownCloud and this service and I got it working and I can reach the webgui from CLEAR NET. I installed the windows client on the pc outside of my home network and uploaded one file. However when i check the share i created for it to sync files there's nothing. Yet the page states that files were uploaded. Im including some screenshots, maybe you can tell me why its not really saving to my share. http://imgur.com/a/by9Xl What are your volume mappings?
  11. Sorry, no experience with using this for VM
  12. I'm after picking up one of these off ebay for £25 (i think thats a good deal, I cant find much to compare it to) I know its supposedly plug and play but I was just wondering is this still true?. Or if anyone has this card , do you have any tips when using it. I used one of these for a while without issue. You might check the firmware to make sure it is up to date. The release notes for the latest firmware says it added support for drives larger than 2TB.
  13. Liked your idea, so I renamed the plugin. Now it will replace the Unassigned Devices tab. Please remove the old plugin before you install this. https://raw.githubusercontent.com/gfjardim/unRAID-plugins/master/plugins/unassigned.devices.plg Removed old plugin. Installed this. Now have a tab for USB Devices and a tab for Unassigned Devices. The Unassigned Devices tab has this error message: Fatal error: Cannot redeclare save_ini_file() (previously declared in /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/gfjardim.usb.automount/include/usb_mount_lib.php:19) in /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/unassigned.devices/include/lib.php on line 30 Please remove this dir: /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/gfjardim.usb.automount/ That seems to have fixed it. Now there is no USB Devices tab, and the Unassigned Devices tab says No usb disks present. which is correct for me currently. Does this plugin also show unassigned SATA devices? I don't have any of those at present either, but maybe the message should be different if non-USB devices are also supported.
  14. Liked your idea, so I renamed the plugin. Now it will replace the Unassigned Devices tab. Please remove the old plugin before you install this. https://raw.githubusercontent.com/gfjardim/unRAID-plugins/master/plugins/unassigned.devices.plg Removed old plugin. Installed this. Now have a tab for USB Devices and a tab for Unassigned Devices. The Unassigned Devices tab has this error message: Fatal error: Cannot redeclare save_ini_file() (previously declared in /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/gfjardim.usb.automount/include/usb_mount_lib.php:19) in /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/unassigned.devices/include/lib.php on line 30
  15. mine too Please update and see if it got fixed. Thanks! Yes. It's fixed. Thanks. Fixed for me also.
  16. Done and done. And thank you. Feel free to suggest more improvements! b15 has moved the Mover Settings to Scheduler
  17. You might try just creating a simple webpage (exporting bookmarks is an easy way) and point the webserver to that. That way you can determine if it is a problem with the webserver or with phpvirtualbox.
  18. Yes. I would report as a defect in the defect subforum. Have to wonder about the solution for this "defect" though. It's one thing to prevent the user from creating a user share in the webGUI, quite another to prevent something else from creating a top level folder that is then automatically "promoted" to a user share. Seems like this could get pretty deep into the unRAID user share implementation. And what should be done with top level folders that are not considered user shares? I can see them accumulating to perhaps even outnumber the top level folders that are user shares. Every time unRAID needed to deal with user shares, it would have to consult a list (possibly long) to decide which top level folders were user shares and which were not. And what about the assumption that unRAID will create your user shares for you by looking at the top level folders on all drives? Probably many have shares that they have never explicitly configured. I have also seen cases where users have misconfigured an application, and so wound up with 2 user shares that have the same name except for case, and SMB/Windows not knowing how to deal with it. Not saying something shouldn't be done, or can't be done. Just pointing out some of the implications.
  19. You have probably installed Dynamix incorrectly. Only the webgui should be in the plugins folder. All other components belong in config/plugins. The webgui must install first or the other installs will fail. Things in config/plugins install after things in plugins. If this is not the problem, then post a syslog.
  20. If the problem folder no longer exists, check your flash drive for config/shares/disk4.cfg. It may not exist but if it does, delete it. Then stop then restart the array. If that doesn't work, stop the array and reboot.
  21. unRAID automatically creates a share if it finds a top-level folder. One issue is that in Linux case is significant while Windows ignores it and this can lead to unexpected results sometimes. You probably need to check each disk to see if you have appdata top level folders with different capitalization, and if found they need to be made to exactly match the share name you have set up.. And if you intended appdata to be cache-only as I suspect, make sure you don't have it on any other drive. All user shares including cache: v /mnt/user All user share except for cache: v /mnt/user0
  22. If the share is empty, unRAID will actually give you a delete button on the settings page for that share.
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