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Everything posted by trurl

  1. Maybe flash problems? If the templates for your installed containers can't be read from flash then those containers will still exist but they can't be worked with in the webUI. Go to the Docker page and move the slider at upper right from Basic to Advanced. Do you see any orphan containers in the list?
  2. Your appdata and system shares both have files on the array.
  3. Shouldn't cause this particular issue, but why is your system share on the array?
  4. No, but the fact that the checks were getting different sectors is what made me suspect RAM. You might try again after checking all connections. Then controller would be next suspect I think. Tell us more about your hardware. Very difficult for us to support a version of Unraid we haven't seen in years. And latest version has a lot more to help us troubleshoot. When you get stable again you should upgrade.
  5. Assuming you have parity you are going to rebuild the replacement so no need to restore.
  6. Make a new backup whenever you make any important changes in the webUI. Go to Main - Boot Device - Flash - Flash Backup to download a zipped backup of flash. The CA Backup plugin will also let you schedule backup of appdata, libvirt, and flash. The OS doesn't actually run from the flash drive. The flash drive just contains the archives of the OS. These archives don't change except for upgrades, and are unpacked fresh at each boot into RAM. The OS runs completely in RAM. Settings you make in the webUI are stored on flash so they can be reapplied at boot. Think of it as firmware except easier to work with and unbrickable.
  7. Split level is really about keeping things together. So a season doesn't get split. It overrides other settings like allocation method that might cause Unraid to choose a different disk than where episodes for the season are already.
  8. 0 0 is root user and root group 99 100 is nobody user and users group. This is what you need to access files from another computer on the network.
  9. Stop array, reduce number of cache slots to 1, reformat cache as XFS
  10. This is exactly what you want to do or you will have this problem and others.
  11. trurl


    This is one of many problems caused by using RAID controller.
  12. This is one of many problems which can be caused by using RAID controller. Go to Tools - Diagnostics and attach the complete Diagnostics ZIP file to your NEXT post in this thread.
  13. It's relevant to understand why you think it should be different. I suspect Mr Creighton would have no problem with it if he understood what What do you think M on the Y-axis means and what do you thing G (or T) on the X-axis means? It does convey information with an appropriate degree of precision.
  14. You should upgrade to latest version before making any disk changes because you need to be able to format new disks as XFS instead of ReiserFS. Rebuilding that first disk will result in ReiserFS and can't be avoided but the other disks should use the new format and then you can move the data off the first disk and reformat it.
  15. Nov 1 13:09:25 Tower emhttpd: Unmounting disks... Nov 1 13:09:25 Tower emhttpd: shcmd (222): umount /mnt/cache Nov 1 13:09:25 Tower root: umount: /mnt/cache: target is busy. Nov 1 13:09:25 Tower emhttpd: shcmd (222): exit status: 32 Nov 1 13:09:25 Tower emhttpd: Retry unmounting disk share(s)... Nov 1 13:09:26 Tower root: error: /plugins/unassigned.devices/UnassignedDevices.php: wrong csrf_token ### [PREVIOUS LINE REPEATED 3 TIMES] ### Do you have any other browsers or tabs accessing your server? Any computer with open files on the server? Do you have a command line open anywhere with any disk (cache?) as the current working directory?
  16. Preclearing isn't required, but when you add a disk to a new data slot in an array that already has valid parity, it must be clear so parity will remain valid. A clear disk is all zeros so doesn't affect parity. A formatted disk is not a clear disk. So, Unraid is clearing the new disks. It will take several hours though not as long as a full preclear since all it is doing is writing zeros to the entire disk. After it has finished clearing it will let you format them in the array.
  17. Please upgrade after your array is stable again. It is very difficult to support that very old version, and even possible any support you get will be incorrect.
  18. Why? What is your interpretation of the chart? What do you think each axis represents?
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