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Everything posted by trurl

  1. Must be a hardware problem if your cache isn't seen. Does the BIOS see it? The default settings will have dockers on cache so they will perform better and so they won't keep array disks spinning. That is the best way. You have CA Backup plugin installed so if you used it you should have a backup of your appdata and that plus the templates on flash would get your dockers going again. Check your hardware and see if you can get cache recognized. Sometimes nvme can overheat and maybe it will come back after it cools off.
  2. Looks like libvirt is also read-only. Do you actually have any VMs?
  3. Go to Settings - Docker, disable dockers and delete the docker image on that same page. Then enable to recreate docker image. The Previous Apps feature on the Apps page will reinstall your dockers exactly as they were. Do you think you may have filled docker image?
  4. Instead, go to Tools - Diagnostics and attach the complete Diagnostics ZIP file to your NEXT post.
  5. Mover ignores cache-only and cache-no shares. To get files moved to cache you must set the share to cache-prefer.
  6. Probably you disturbed connections. Stop,shutdown, check connections, restart, post Diagnostics, Tools - Diagnostics, attach complete ZIP file to your NEXT post.
  7. You were getting errors on disks 1,2. Are these on the same controller?
  8. Can you get diagnostics with array started? Lots of things diagnostics can't tell us with the array stopped.
  9. https://forums.unraid.net/topic/61211-plugin-ca-appdata-backup-restore-v2/
  10. Seldom happens that way. Very rarely have additional steps been required.
  11. Go to Tools - Diagnostics and attach the complete Diagnostics ZIP file to your NEXT post in this thread.
  12. Your system share has files on the array, specifically disk1. Possibly you enabled dockers before installing cache so that got created on disk1. This will affect the performance of dockers and keep array disks spinning since docker will keep these files open. What do you get from the command line with this? ls -lah /mnt/disk1/system
  13. No You can have up to 2 parity disks. Each parity disk must be at least as large as the largest single data disk. Single parity allows one missing disk to be calculated from all the other disks, dual parity allows 2 missing disks to be calculated from all the other disks. You can have a large number of data disks of different sizes and only one parity disk, because parity is not a backup and doesn't contain any of your data. Parity basically is the same concept wherever it is used in computing and communications. It is just an extra bit that allows a missing bit to be calculated from all the other bits.
  14. Such as latest plugin versions not working and/or old plugin versions no longer supported.
  15. For example, I have always had a small case and few ports. When I started with Unraid years ago I was using 2TB drives. Now they are all 6TB except I recently did parity swap with a failing 6TB data disk to get to 8TB parity, ready for the next data disk upsize. At no point did I need to increase my drive count or copy anything to make this happen.
  16. Not sure if you are missing something, or I just don't understand what you mean by "push" and "copy". No copying needed to introduce larger disks to the array. Just replace smaller disks with larger disks and let it rebuild, one at at time, as needed. No requirement for all disks to be the same size, but parity must be at least as large as the largest data disk, so parity would have to be the first disk to upsize of course.
  17. I have a subset of photos and music on a cache-only share for other devices on my network to use without spinning up anything.
  18. OK, just realized you are on a very old version of Unraid and the diagnostics from that old version don't tell which disks have files for each share. Not sure about that missing /mnt/user0 on that particular version. Possibly other things with that old version also. I know there were old versions of xfs_repair that had problems in some situations. Any particular reason you haven't upgraded? Difficult for your fellow users to help with everything that might happen on a version we haven't seen in months.
  19. The usual way would be to download to your Downloads share and not get it all mixed in with your appdata and how you manage the appdata (backups, etc) You can have Downloads use cache for speed You have container mapping of /downloads to that Downloads folder within appdata. Normally you would not use relative paths but instead use that mapped path, except map it to your Downloads share. Are you actually using paths relative to your config (or whatever appdata is mapped as) within the applications instead of using that mapped path?
  20. That would not be a good fit for Unraid as it only provides a single USB connection instead of separate SAS/SATA connections to each disk. And the notebook wouldn't be a good platform for running the Unraid OS either, for the same reason, not enough separate disk connections.
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