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Everything posted by trurl

  1. What exactly do you mean by the word "storage" here? You don't want to use SSDs in the parity array.
  2. Rebuilding a disk from parity will not result in lost and found files, but some lost and found might be expected from a filesystem repair. I think it would be very unusual for all files to end up that way though. Possibly you did something wrong, but we don't know what you did. Maybe you should have asked for help before now. Can you give us more details on how you got to this state? Maybe we will have some better ideas. Also, post your diagnostics. Maybe they will tell us something. I see you have some earlier diagnostics here that we might use for comparison.
  3. I always let my computers use DHCP and reserve IP by MAC address in the router. That way it is all controlled in one place. Post your docker run command as explained in this very first link in the Docker FAQ:
  4. How did the drives fail? Are you sure the disks themselves failed and it wasn't some other issue, controller, cables, etc? You can reassign disks however you want with Tools - New Config. It won't change anything except it optionally and by default rebuilds parity. In your case you need to let it rebuild parity. Be sure you don't assign a data disk to the parity slot.
  5. Your docker image is corrupt. You will have to delete and recreate it. You can get your dockers back just as they were using the Previous Apps feature on the Apps page. Other than that diagnostics look OK and your configuration looks OK. No details about your dockers in diagnostics though. Have you had any problems filling docker image? The 20G you have should be plenty if you don't have an misconfigured application writing into it. That by itself shouldn't cause a crash, depending on how you define crash. I assume you mean nothing is working and you are forced to hard reboot, since you got an unclean shutdown parity check. Diagnostics only has syslog since the reboot. Setup syslog server so you can save syslogs where you can retrieve them if it happens again.
  6. In fact, nobody is going to look at all of those individual attachments because I have deleted them. Post the complete zip file just as you downloaded it. The diagnostics you got from the Unraid webUI are not a bunch of separate files. If it seems to you that it was a bunch of individual files, it is because you have your PC and its browser configured to automatically open zip files. Find the diagnostics zip file wherever you normally download files, and try again. Attach the zip file to your NEXT post. Help us help you. Also, can your BIOS see the disks? If not, then Unraid will not be able to see them either.
  7. Did you assign it to cache or array? What filesystem is on the disk?
  8. Haven't looked at diagnostics yet. Have you seen this FAQ?
  9. Where are you seeing this?
  10. Just noticed that you don't actually have a mapping for the Unraid managed disks, which are at /mnt/disk1, /mnt/disk2, etc. What you have instead is a mapping to Unassigned Devices, which are not part of user shares. So, you don't have to worry about this with those mappings you have since the Unraid disks are not mapped and so not directly accessible inside the application
  11. That looks fine. Just be careful that you don't try to work with disks and user shares at the same time. The disks and the user shares are just different views of the same files, but Linux and Krusader don't know that. So if you try to mix disks and user shares when moving or copying files you could end up trying to write the file you are trying to read, and that will result in data loss. You generally don't want to mess with the appdata mapping. The appdata is the "working storage" for the application. That container path shouldn't be modified or the docker won't work since the application is going to depend on its working storage being in a specific place. You could modify the host path if you have some reason to do so and you understand why you would do that, but what you have there already is the convention usually followed.
  12. In addition to the SpaceInvader One videos: https://forums.unraid.net/topic/88710-space-invader-ones-youtube-channel/ take a look at the Docker FAQ: https://forums.unraid.net/topic/57181-docker-faq/
  13. Sounds like your friend is just blindly following other people without any better understanding of mapping than you have. The way I like to explain it. "Mapping" just means a correspondence. It is often used in this abstract way in other areas such as mathematics. Just as a location on a road "map" corresponds to a location in the world. In docker, a container path is mapped to a host path. That is just establishing a correspondence between a path on the host (Unraid) and a path inside the container. How you choose to map those host paths to container paths is up to you, but you need to understand and pay attention to it, since many docker applications will need you to specify paths within the application. Downloading applications like nzbget, for example. And there are times when you might need certain docker applications to communicate paths to other docker applications, radarr and nzbget, for example. Port mappings are similar, establishing a correspondence between ports on the host and ports within the container. If you understand mappings, you are most of the way to understanding how to setup any docker.
  14. I suspect a Flash problem. Be sure you are using a USB2 port.
  15. Does it get to the Unraid boot menu?
  16. You can go directly to the correct support thread for any of your dockers by clicking on its icon and selecting Support
  17. The website isn't going to respond to a ping. Just ping google.com
  18. Maybe someone else with more VM experience will take an interest.
  19. Can you ping google.com from the command line on your server?
  20. Not enough detail to know what you did or what might have happened there. A screenshot might have helped.
  21. About the only thing you can be sure of is the user has a flash drive. But writing to flash is generally discouraged to prolong life. Maybe you could make it configurable.
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